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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. I have been following this from the start and cannot understand why, if there are no under the table agreements between the UK & America that the UK cannot agree to guarantee that Julian Assange must not be transferred to America but only to answer questions on this other charge or why officials cannot question him in the UK.

    Obviously there are agreements between the two countries which is expected; however, why has Australia not put up any suggestions to help one of it's own citizens

  2. If someone is accused of theft or fraud everyone agrees that they deserve a fair trial, but when sex offences against children are involved its seems that many people feel a trial is unessesary.

    Also.. and I know many people will hate me for saying this. K11 is an area of PP that has long been known for having brothels full of children working as prostitutes. Its one thing to target the punters (and its right and proper that the punters should be prosecuted for their crimes) but why not put an equal amount of effort into preventing the crime in the first place by closing the brothels and prosecuting the people who pimp kids for a living.

    I fully agree that a fair trial is deserved by all even serious degenerates like this person, the problem is the penalty never is severe enough by many governments; I agree in what you say if this place is so well known why has it not been closed down as this would protect the children and remove temptation from the despicable people who utilise places like this.

    I'm afraid I do not have any sympathy for people who commit these type of crimes against children, unfortunately sometimes it is the children's own family who send them to work in places like this, very sad situation.

  3. All European governments got this wrong from the start, they should stop trying to look good and do what they are supposed to do which is to govern & take care of their own citizens as a priority, and not as a secondary thought which appears to be the norm these days; Europe needs strong leaders who are not afraid to stand up for their own country.

    From the start Refugees should have been given temporary residence status with a requirement to renew this visa every six months until it is safe for them to return home normally - Failure to do so they should be located and immediately sent back home. Should any people wish to remain in their selected country they should follow the correct procedure and be prepared to follow each respected countries laws & way of life, if they don't want to do this GO BACK HOME.

  4. Well done Sweden, at last some of the European countries are starting to wake up to the potential of a crisis waiting to happen I can only hope that others follow the examples of Denmark & Sweden and not letting migrants have a bigger bite of the cherry than their own countrymen & women. The fact that immigrants get away with much more than natives of each country should not come as a shock to any of the politicians it's just plain and simple common sense..!! All immigrants should only be admitted as temporary residents and repatriated as soon as it is possible, if they want to become a resident of their chosen country they should follow the correct procedure and also adopt the countries laws & way of life.

  5. 1. got too greedy and priced yourselves out of the market, same happened in walking street Pattaya

    2. as above - price fixing cartels not allowing bars to drop their prices as they want too using threats and intimidation

    3. The Chinese don't do bars, they might walk around looking but spend FA

    Greed is destroying these places and the same patterns can be seen in Bangkok and Pattaya, as western visitors decline you will typically see the same destructive business pratice of increasing prices instead of rescueing tourism and the bar scene with reduced realistic pricing, supermarkets 7/11 and familymart are a good guide and a silid stake in the ground - if they didn't exist this country would be in ruins

    fair pricing and your business will boom again

    All of the above is correct and only yesterday it was reported that the Thai government are considering charging the foreign tourist more money every time they enter, can they not read the writing on the wall, now is the time to make coming to Thailand more attractive not to shoot the other foot...!!

  6. Why should Europe have to house these people when other Arab countries either will not take them or the refugees do not want to go to other Arab countries because they are not compatible i.e. Sunni or Shia, if they are not compatible with other Arabs, how is it they are expected to be compatible with Europeans..??

    The western world is non-religious in the main, this makes it a great place for the zealots to spread their strict brand of islam. Other arab countries would not be receptive to such a move and have not embraced the concept of PC which would silence any criticism. It is so very simple when all the bells and whistles are stripped away. Just another conquering army sacking a perceived weak enemy.

    Unfortunately you are correct, so how come the European leaders fail to recognise this or more likely don't want to - None as blind as those who don't want to see..!!!

  7. RIP

    WE were ALL young once and did stupid things at times yet got away with it (mostly) sadly this young man paid the ultimate price and has left his family devastated. sad.png

    WE were ALL young once and did stupid things at times.

    That is very true, but there is never an excuse for driving drunk, or accepting a lift from a driver you know to be drunk.

    Have you ever been drunk..?? I do mean drunk!!!

  8. While in many ways I do agree with some of the points mentioned, unfortunately many people out there are, or have been in their youth guilty of the same crimes; (and I do include myself) an old saying is that the "Guilty part in committing any crime is getting caught" this is just a very unfortunate way of getting caught..!!! and my respects go to his family, I'm sure this outcome was not planned.

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