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Posts posted by Geoffggi

  1. I will start to take these guys seriously when they come out and say that do to the severe water shortage songkran is cancelled.

    I agree, also as has been voiced previously here in Pattaya Songkran lasts for 7 to 10 days, how about the government restricting songkran to 1 or 2 days in Pattaya and show the people by actions, how can the public take water conservation seriously if the government makes no restrictions during this terribly wasteful water throwing celebration.

  2. This will be interesting, a confrontation between the greedy officials who see Songkran as a money spinning venture rather than Thai festival to celebrate New Year. Common sense (unfortunately nothing common in sense here) should dictate either seriously reducing water throwing by reducing the number of days when water throwing is allowed, also by limiting the hours in a day when water can be thrown just like it used to be here in Pattaya, 18:00hrs used to be the cut-off time when Pattaya was a nice place to be and reduce the number of days from a week or ten days on some occasions to three days maximum would produce a really substantial saving, and lets face it three days is more than enough for people who reside in Thailand.

  3. Nice to see countries sticking up for themselves, just wish Brussels would keep it's nose out of everyone else business, obviously they don't like having refugees ...!!

    I sort of agree with you but what youve posted is kinda ironic.

    "Nice to see countries sticking up for themselves..." i.e. Belgium

    "....just wish Brussels would keep its nose out of everyone else business..." - & which country is Brussels in?

    Exactly, Brussels is where the decisions are made & yes it is in Belgium but also they don't like taking their own medicine..!!

  4. This whole story stinks, this is not justice just because his parents molly coddled him he was not guilty, only in America can this be a reason; they should also jail his parents for not bringing him up with respect for others..!!!!

    And the Red Bull grandkid? Was that in America?

    Note that I am also sickened by the Affluenza case, but the tremendous disparity between the treatment of the wealthy and the rest is everywhere, and certainly here.

    No the Red Bull case was in Thailand but once again I reiterate, there was no affluenza claim, just the wealth of the family influenced the outcome to date.

  5. This whole story stinks, this is not justice just because his parents molly coddled him he was not guilty, only in America can this be a reason; they should also jail his parents for not bringing him up with respect for others..!!!!

    Right...something like this could never happen here.

    You misunderstood, I said a reason for him not being to blame, here in Thailand it is only money that counts

  6. Having worked in China the thought fills me with horror, the Thais are bad enough drivers without the influence of the Chinese, in China getting motorcycles (mostly Electric bikes) to stop at traffic lights, there are many road accidents due to this practice, in addition I have seen a car make a three point turn in the middle of a traffic light intersection.

    This brings me to the point of insurance, who is verifying that these cars have suitable insurance to drive in Thailand and where are any claims to be made, are motorists involved in accidents to be held in Thailand until payment is made, this does affect Thai's as much as Foreigners....!!

  7. Monks and classic car collections? Monks with with hundreds of illegally kept tigers? Monks with private jets? Monks with designer hand bags? Monks swimming in the sea? Monks with ufo style temples and cult following. Me thinks alot of monks have forgotten what being a Buddhist monk is?

    You foreigner, not understand.

    Thai monks not like other monks, not same coffee1.gif

    This is true, a friend of mine went to visit a monk as him and his Thai wife were about to purchase a new car, however my friend was a little concerned at having someone telling them what colour & date to purchase the car as this particular monk was someone my friend used to buy under the counter cigarettes from only a month before

  8. What I cannot understand is why European countries should pay for these refugees on a scale equal to or in some cases greater than the people who have lived & worked all their lives in each respective European country, as refugees they should be given shelter but what about all the national homeless people and in some cases pensioners who have to survive in various homes or shelters and not provided with the same amount of care unless they have contributed to the state during their life as a born & bred citizen, in anyone's language this is wrong & why so many people are upset.

  9. Yet another ruined attempt to show off the Thai police force here in Pattaya, I had to laugh at the motorists that travel the wrong way along roads as at the bottom of Soi 8 there was a policeman behind a barrier at the bottom of the road on beach road constantly stopping people coming down the road, nothing said to the motorist except turn around, however the number of motorcycles going the wrong way down Soi 8 was amazing and it is not only Soi 8 many other one way streets leading to beach road are often used as two way traffic, I don't know why the local government bother with road signs as motorcycle riders (especially taxi drivers) do not care about road signs which in turn is teaching visitors to adopt the same bad habits.

  10. This begs the question, where on earth has Tiny George II been? In my lifetime, I never remember a president hiding out like this guy has been, other than Nixon. Many presidents such as Carter and Clinton establish a real legacy after their time in office, traveling the world, setting up foundations, doing charity work, etc. What has this guy been doing? Is he really as popular as this post suggests? I have been seeing some polls that suggest he is more popular than at any time since he left office. Perhaps it took a decade for the collective memory to erode?

    Georgie spends his days painting. Supposedly. Maybe trying to allay the memory of the horrors he brought to so many people. But of course we know he orchestrated nothing but was merely the front man for the evil cabal that runs US policy.

    Couldn't agree more, any person with a modicum of sense knows George W was a puppet so it does make one think why yet another Bush would want a puppet to represent him, Mr. Trump is looking better & better each day..!!

  11. There is a very good old saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth" and that is the problem with the EU, getting so many people to agree on a subject takes far too long to be fully effective as has been proven on many occasions, plus no country likes other dictating how to run their own country which does cause people understandably to be very upset as it can sometimes appear that individual leaders do not have their own country at heart when in fact their hand are tied due to being in the association.

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