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Everything posted by Geoffggi

  1. Absolutely correct, organisations like the SAS are essential for the protection of the country, it is time the tree huggers wake up & smell the roses as every other country in the world has similar forces
  2. The main issue is that male Afghans do not wish to adopt the UK's laws & regulations plus have no or very little intentions of integrating and never will.
  3. Either breaks down or alternatively & possibly worse "Hacked"
  4. Just personal hand baggage nothing to see here ...................LOL
  5. The above are trinkets to attempt to hide the downside & misery it will cause to the common people, if gambling is so necessary to the rich and famous let them build private clubs (Like they have already) and pay for these clubs themselves without wanting the public to pay for them under the disguise of entertainment complexes.
  6. As slippery as ever, it is about time his wings were clipped as he is making a mockery of the whole government sense of diplomacy
  7. All well & good but one does have to ask the question - WHY ????
  8. The face saving comes a little too late
  9. The wheels of progress rotate another click .........LOL
  10. Personal use nothing to see - Next case ................LOL
  11. Yingluck has the all-powerful Shinawatra family name so the odds on her losing are very slim to nonexistent, Thaksin's influence once again rewrites Thailand's history books in the families Favour
  12. Construct elevated pedestrian crossings is the only way Thai drivers will acknowledge any form of crossing point
  13. An absolute travesty of justice however it was expected as Thaksin appears to have everyone in his pocket
  14. What an absolute Motley crew, not an once of trust between the whole crew ...............LOL 😇
  15. One can only presume the steps taken will be in line with normality - Sideways ...............LOL
  16. This really is a joke; everyone knows that dependent on how the questions are phrased Polls mean nothing as they are open to interpretation According to what the government wants to hear but not necessarily the truth ..................LOL
  17. Thia saga has been going on too long, knock this eyesore down & be done with it.
  18. Maybe the police could also look into the fact what was a 16-year-old doing driving a car
  19. I think she needs an eyesight test & banned from driving the road does not appear to be so narrow or have poor lighting
  20. I think the military brass have been watching too many S.W.A.T movies ..................LOL
  21. It appears it is the husband plus the wife & family that need to be sent back home & banned from returning. These people obviously cannot live by western standards
  22. I think we all know who the main culprits are for this ...............LOL
  23. There you have it in one statement it is just a power play between the big boys & one of the players should not be in the picture whatsoever.
  24. It is not just Thailand; the whole world is battling this problem. the main factors are people cannot afford the cost of electric vehicles coupled with this the infrastructure is not available in many countries to support electric vehicles & the many unknowns associated with this line of progress throughout the auto industry. Many people are reluctant to purchase battery driven electric vehicles (& quite rightly so in my opinion) there are other & possibly better alternatives out there once they iron out a few problems.
  25. The Chinese do not care about Thai laws - They are Hi-So
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