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Posts posted by OttoPollmann

  1. I don't understand all this outcry. Nobody remember the action from uncle Toe to cope the rising egg and chicken price 2 years back. Each household got 2 live chickens, my wife as well. Unlike the rest of the village, which have made a quick BBQ, I've bought a rooster and now have 30 chickens, producing so many eggs that she sells it in the village. 

  2. 5 hours ago, SpanishExpat said:

    The post- covid are should be used to attract tourists with attractive offers, that differentiate from competitive countries in the region. 

    However, what does Thailand do? Like always they gain negative attention with their brain-fart ideas. 

    i really wish that airlines just boycott that <deleted> and simply don’t care. Thai officials would then be stupid enough to install booths before/ after immigration to collect that fee, which would result in even more negative attention/ chaos.

    Like they had in the good old days before Suvarnabhumi Airport, were everybody was flying from Don Mueang and all these backpackers spent their last baht the night before on Nana and soi cowboy and then had to beg to leave the country. 

    That's why it got included into the ticket price to reduce the attention from the stranded and detained tourists.

  3. 2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

    OMG, this guy is an animal. 




    I read chemical castration would suit this lowlife. 




    Doesn't work properly. After you've stopped taking the medication your body will restore his normal testosterone level. 


    For this kind of person is a permanent solution required. Remove them and put instead two small bells inside that he gets reminded every steps he does for the rest of his life. 



  4. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    My car tax is 900bht/year, my m/c tax is 100bht/year.

    If you think that's 1st world prices, you can't have been in the 1st world for the past 30 years.

    Ok, that's a nice try. Chapeau!
    I should have be more precise with the wording "projects".

    To apply your logic, taxation (government income) is the same as for example the Bang Sue train station or the planed high speed trains or the country wide development of the inter provincial dual highways which are all government constrution projects, ergo expenses?


    How much you have paid for your car and motorcycle?

    And how much is the average earnings in both countries?

    So, you paid a first world price for a car with less specs than in your home country, especial cuts in safety features, e.g. less airbags or still drum brakes. Even if it was a local built one, no 301% import tax.

  5. 41 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Agree with all of that.


    But it doesn’t automatically make the ‘use of plastic roads’ any worse than building a conventional asphalt road and suggesting such does not a ‘Thai apologist’ make. 



    Agree with this too, that corruption at this level happens elsewhere (UK too but more hidden) does not make it ok. That every opportunity to try something different, new or developing in any way seems to be borne of an underlying opportunity to ‘skim from the top’ and profit is so prevalent here when the money is ‘public funds’ is also terrible... 


    But, the plastic road, as it they have been used in other countries is not a bad option. 




    I have never said that this concept isn't good for re-using of waste plastic and cutting public funds.

    But I have my doubt that they have the qualification to install it properly.
    You can see it in all aspect of work, not only in the road construction it is everywhere.

    You don't get any quality product. I wouldn't say anything if the price would match the quality but if I have paid first world prices I also expect first world quality and therin lays the accusation.
    Show me one government project that didn't need a re-work.

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