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Posts posted by johndudorn

  1. The problem with long term thieves is that they steal for a living so eventually they do something stupid and get busted.

    Can someone here tell me for a fact the following.

    Do you get reimbursed by a Thai bank for unauthorized use? I don't like that kassikorn splash warning.... It makes it look like that will not pay in case of fraud.

    How much jail time do these people get? Or do they just get deported?

    My understanding of it is in LOS you will not get reimbursed by a Thai bank.

    Correct - no chance of any reimbursement. They would not even supply me with the video from the ATM, had to be a report to the police and let the police see the video - just a complet joke and waste of time. I suppose the bank has to protect themselves from claims, but in the case of a documented skimming scam then they should compensate - but I dream on yet again ...

    I recently had a pre-paid debt gift card hacked (US) it took me 6 months to get my $250 back. My only question is how they can hack the card I had not even used yet? VISA thinks they pre skimmed the gift cards. It had been purchased at a grocery store... Finding the balance was easy, its available online, you just need the card number and the three digit code... So now I spend any gift card ASAP...

  2. That figure is underrated. Thai only count the dead AT THE SCENE. If you die later in the hospital, you don't don't get counted. Fact, not fiction.

    Interesting. Who at the "scene" is qualified to pronouns a person is actually dead,?

    Could you please supply a reference for this "fact not fiction" you quoted. Thanks

    Thailand’s roads remain among the most dangerous in the world according to a World Health Organization report, which found that the Southeast Asian nation is second only to war-torn Libya in terms of per capita road fatalities.

    The UN health agency’s ‘Global status report on road safety 2015‘ study, found that 14,059 people died on Thailand’s roads in 2012 – a rate of 36 people per 100,000 and an average of almost 39 fatalities per day. This places Thailand in the company of Iran (32.1 per 100,000), Togo (31.1) and nine African nations that fell between 30 to 35 deaths per 100,000 people.

    However, compared to its ASEAN neighbors, Thailand’s road fatality rate remains woefully high. In Malaysia, the estimated fatality rate per 100,000 was 24, compared to 17.4 in Cambodia, 15.3 in Indonesia and just 3.6 in Singapore.

    What is more, Thailand’s actual road fatality rate may be even worse than reported, thanks to skewed reporting by the nation’s Public Health Ministry whose figures only include fatalities at the scene of accidents. Traffic-related deaths which occur later in hospital are not included in official figures.

  3. "They were given primary care by rescue workers of Samui municipal rescue centre with vinegar to relieve their pains," - this is deeply disturbing as that is NOT what the vinegar is for....let's hope this is bad reporting and not bad training as regards the primary carers.

    Were there signs on the beach and were there vinegar stations?

    This is one of the most popular beaches in Thailand, in an area that is well within the region of box jellies - in Oz, there would be nets and the season clearly demarcated.

    The more we hear of box jellies in Thailand, the more I'm reminded of the plot of "Jaws 1"

    Once a tentacle of the box jellyfish adheres to skin, it pumps nematocysts with venom into the skin, causing the sting and agonizing pain. Flushing with vinegar is used to deactivate undischarged nematocysts to prevent the release of additional venom. A 2014 study reported that vinegar also increased the amount of venom released from already-discharged nematocysts; however, this study has been criticized on methodological grounds

  4. I cannot see a problem here as a Thai national she does not need a visa to return home.

    Often when you book a ticket to an international destination the airline will ask you for your passport details.

    This is in order to determine if you are allowed to go where you are going.

    If you are American booking a ticket to Thailand its the airlines responsibility to make sure you have a valid visa otherwise they risk a huge fine. Whatever passport you plan to use on arrival is what you want to give the airline here.

    If you have a return ticket of less than 30 days or paperwork to show you will leave Thailand after 30 days then they will not bother about swiping the other passport.

    Nothing to worry about.

    She leave the USA with her American passport and enters Thailand with her Thai one.

    Very normal and many travellers do this every day.

    They have never asked for her Thai passport before that was why it concerned me. Sounds like everything is OK... Just wondered how they know which passport you leave on? Since you do not go through passport control or is it just based on departing the US?

  5. I have a question about passport usage. My wife just got her Thai passport a couple of years ago. She is a US citizen. So based on what we read here, she has been using US passport to leave and enter US. Thai passport to enter and leave Thailand. Today she was on her return flight from the US to Thailand. Delta would not let her fly on her US passport since she did not have a Visa or return ticket. So they swiped her Thai passport, saying this only effects the Thai end. So she used her US passport for security and will later today on her departure from Atlanta. So my question is when is the departure recorded since you do not pass through passport control leaving only upon return. Will she have any problem on return using her US Passport? Thanks for your help, I am very concerned...

  6. Why did you mot lable the map according to the options in the poll?


    Purple = North East, = Essan???

    Some in my area consider it Essan, some Northen, some Eastern.

    This could skew the results of your pole.

    Consistency is important in science.

    Yeah when I saw the map, I found I live in a different part than I thought? Go figurer...

  7. people here really think a 65 year old running away to the UK with a 3 year old is a long term solution?

    you realize that this is illegal and kidnapping, correct?

    OP made his bed and now has to sleep in it. The village might not be ideal but the boy will not starve to death.

    If OP cares for his son he needs to work hard to get back into the graces of his wife.

    I am sure we are not getting the full story.

    I am sure the story is not this one-sided.

    I am sure OP is not a saint.

    Perhaps self reflection would be helpful.

    Unless there is court order via divorce or separation. He is the father and has every right to take his son where he wants even to the U.K,

    • Like 1
  8. This has happened to me as well.... kicked out because the guy was totally lost, and after 20 minutes of humoring him & wasting time I insisted we follow the directions on the map. The same directions which had gotten me there just fine many times before.

    He even threatened to call the police, to explain he got lost and was now having a cry. Who knows.

    I got out, also on the highway, didn't pay, left the door open.

    Had enough of some loser's mental meltdown for one day.

    This poor family probably had the same sort of thing happen to them.

    My wife and I where the only ones in a baht bus in Udorn (#7), He decided he wanted to go home and not take us to our destination. He asked us to get out and we did.

  9. THEY WISH..........!!

    if you check SKYTREK website you'll find THIS:


    VERY different !!!!

    What's different? They might have selectively choosen what to highlight but it is correct!

    Best Airports : 40-50 million passengers 1 Seoul Incheon ICN 2 Kuala Lumpur KUL 3 Madrid MAD 4 San Francisco SFO 5 Bangkok Suvarnabhumi BKK 6 Charlotte/Douglas CLT 7 Las Vegas LAS 8 Phoenix Sky Harbor PHX 9 Miami International MIA
  10. I would prefer to see any tax reforms postponed until after martial law is lifted and a civilian elected government is firmly in place. This way there can be a proper debate, as their should be.

    My wife and I have discussed this very topic. I believe that holds true on many levels. Not only the taxing but big spending projects that take trillions of borrowed money to pay for. The junta should not be adding so much debt to the future of Thai prosperity, it should be put off till democratic processes are in place. I think it was no taxation without representation!!! I heard that somewhere before!smile.png

    • Like 1
  11. Good move.

    This is a tax on the rich very overdue.

    There are many rich Thais that own a lot of land and they leave it untouched as they have no need to sell or cultivate.

    About time they pay their taxes.

    This is unheard in the western world.

    We all pay taxes for houses or land owned.

    What I don't like is that they shouldn't exempt Buddhist temples.

    They make enough money to afford to contribute to the country and not only take.

    Not all Temples are created equal. I live in Udorn and the Wat my wife attends certainly in not swimming in baht as the high flying ones in Bangkok and this temple certainly appeals to the lower/poorer Thai people . I am sure there are many examples in Issan as well not being able to afford this kind of tax. If it was structured like housing tax system, I.E. only above a certain value would be taxed. That approach might work!

  12. My wife has always put the gold in her bra or purse. I do not think a customs official is going there. At least I hope not. We go back and forth at least once a year and she always takes some gold with her. No problem in 40 years...

    Well now they will check YOU JUST TOLD THEM

    Just an FYI to search your person or in this case a purse they need a reason. I am sure customs already knows about people putting jewelry into their bra and purse!

  13. In case thai banks are reading this : micro chips cards have been used for about 25 years in Europe now. Maybe you should look into this new technology.

    Well to be honest they are just starting to use chip technology in the US. I am in the technology field and yes I believe Japan was first to use the technology many years ago.An the new Apple Pay has already been hacked and millions of CC information been stolen. I guess this is how they make the cards No! I have multiple CC and only two have the chip and most places do not have the chip reader installed in the US.

  14. My wife stays here six months out of the year. I send her meds via express mail (US). I put them into plastic bags and include a copy of the script printed from the pharmacy due to the size of the bottles. Never had any problem, maybe just lucky but have been successful over the years. As for the OP's meds usually prescription are only good for a year and have to be seen by a physician to renew!

  15. ^^ I think they're missing an 'r'.

    The lad was friendly with a Muslim girl? Sounds about right, they hate non-Muslims fraternising with their own. Wherever they are in the world there is an issue. I think the sooner Mars is terraformed, the better!

    Yep. In the UK many years ago I regularly used a very good "Indian" restaurant ran by Moslem Bangladeshis in the West Midlands. Always got great food and friendly service. I took a rather stunning British Asian lady one time, a very good friend and former employee. Even though she is Sikh, all the previous friendliness evaporated. It was evil looks all night. Never very friendly to me again and lost my custom.

    Go and chat up a Moslem girl at college or in the workplace and her relatives will react violently. Yet some of these same male defenders of decency see nothing wrong in treating non Moslem women as whores and sex slaves, even when underage.

    Not all Moslems are like this, but many I've met are.

    So you've met many Muslims that treat underage girls as sex slaves? I hope you have a copy of all your police reports, because some people won't believe you and will accuse you of just being a bigot trying to make a groundless sweeping generalisation of a religion.

    Aside from the couple that visited us this afternoon (Southern Thai Muslim lady/Thai man), and several other Muslim/Hindu, Muslim/atheist couples ( I don't know of any Muslim/Christian or Muslim/Jew pairings, oddly enough), I guess some Muslims would be very parochial, especially in primitive rural Indian villages, as in the OP.

    Quote from a Muslim web site on how to treat captured non-Muslim females.

    Question 13: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female slave who has not reached puberty?

    “It is permissible to have intercourse with the female slave who hasn’t reached puberty if she is fit for intercourse; however if she is not fit for intercourse, then it is enough to enjoy her without intercourse.”

  16. Simple for me really Costas.

    100% trust , both me to her and her to me. Been like that the 10 years weve been together.

    Ditto in everything.

    I agree with N47HAN and Crossy 100%.

    I have known my wife 21 years and been married to her for 16 years this April.

    Trust builds over time for me. When you marry someone neither partner really knows the other. We have been together for 42 years married 40. We work and play well together... 5 children, many grand and great grand children here and in the USA...

    • Like 2
  17. I find it odd there is never mention of these boxes sending out locating signals. Surely if they found the tail section the black boxes would sending out a strong signal.

    Have a look at post 3. The pics of the recorders show a small cylinder with supports at each end, this is a water activated pinger. With quite simple equipment you can located the signal from the pinger.

    I understand how how they work. My point was, all the articles about this crash and said having located the plane, but there never a mention of locating or identifying the plane by its emergency locator transmitter. Is this thing not pinging away at the crash location? As far as I am aware they found this wreckage using sonar.

    From the article "The ping-emitting beacons still have about 20 days before their batteries go dead, but high surf had prevented the deployment of ships that drag "ping" locators."

  18. "Parents of a boy stabbed for his smartphone earlier this month are pleading with others to tell their children not to show their valuables in public."

    Anyone who is seen in possession of something valuable is an open target. This is a problem all over the world. Common sense would dictate not showing your valuables in public. However, what's the purpose of possessing valuable items if you can't show them off? In the U.S. children are stabbed in order to steal their NIke basketball shoes. Then there are carjackings. How about jewelry thefts? Basically, they are pleading for people to alter human nature in a materialistic world.

    And, this being Thailand, there is the matter of face, which complicates the situation further. How else do they expect to gain face if they can't show that they have more than someone else...or, prevent losing face if they don't have as much as their friends and classmates?

    At best, the police can improve their investigative abilities, make arrests of the guilty parties, and in some cases, perhaps not benefiting from from these thefts. .As for pleading for people to become austere. That is something Buddha accomplished. Most of his followers have yet to come close to attaining this.

    Just happened at the Dayton Mall in Ohio.. "A mall shopper shot and killed a 16-year-old boy who attempted a robbery on the sidewalk outside, possibly in pursuit of a pair of limited-edition athletic shoes, police in southwest Ohio said Monday."

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