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Posts posted by johndudorn

  1. 7 hours ago, oilinki said:

    I find Songkran the best time to buy or get those handy waterproof passport holders, which are otherwise difficult to find. 


    I miss the old days, when the fun was done in good moderation. Water was thrown only to those who were participating the festival. Not thrown to every scooter which travels on the roads. 

    One of my most favourable memories comes from my first Songkran in Thailand. 


    I was trying to get to Khaosan road by taxi. Taxi caught on traffic jam and the driver suggested that it's best for me to walk the 500 meters to the destination, so I did.


    While walking, there were some kids playing with the water. The kids saw that I had my backpack and that I was not prepared to the full water war. They stopped me, then very very politely put some powder and water to my cheeks with their hands. Laughed with big smile and went on their way. 


    Once I got to my hotel, I changed my clothes and was ready to get soaked. Outside, not a minute later, I was wet! That was, when it was ok to do so. 


    Good memories from 2003

    First Songkran, 1974. Same very good memories.

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  2. 8 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    We are very familiar with family, friends, etc from our village going to work in Israel. Many are there currently.


    Previously, many went to Sweden to pick berries in the same kind of scam your wife was involved in. 


    Not enough berries to pick to cover the cost of borrowing all the money to get there which was sharked at ridiculous rates.


    Come back to Thailand and lose their land and/or house because they did not earn any money.


    Always some Auntie pulling the scam.


    40 people sleeping on the floor, getting almost nothing to eat the entire time.


    One Thai man came back and lost his farm and committed suicide.


    It is sad your wife was caught and arrested, however, either you do not want to tell the whole story or you are looking for sympathy for your wife?


    Maybe you do know the whole story and know why she got sent to prison for so long and now much money and now many people were scammed.


    These same types of foreign work scams have completely ruined innocent lives while the perpetrators run off with all their money, land, house etc.  


    It was a kind gesture for you to pay off a few claims but I suspect is was the tip of the iceberg.


    Isaan people were scammed out of millions of baht, not a couple thousand pounds.


    Probably a good idea you moved on and gave your daughter an awesome chance to have a life.





    My ex-daughter-in-law got taken by a similar scheme in Udorn. My wife figured it out when they had a party just before they were to leave. The scammer would not let anyone take pictures of him... He was caught but no restitution!  He scammed about 15 people... Caused massive problems as most borrowed money to pay the scammer.

  3. 7 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    This may be of no help at all, I am European and all of the banks (some more quickly than others) in my country have been asking for forms of ID from all a/c holders to continue to keep their a/c's open. ..have 30 days to comply. I will have to do something about it as I live in Thailand. ...But to the point of my post. Apart from a driving licence or a passport a major ID they might ask to see is a utility bill in one's name. Now this is usually not possible if you live abroad. However, my Ex went to the babk yesterday to explain the position ( me being abroad), while she was there she asked how people living abroad could have one in their name, she said it must be a problem for many people....."Not really" the manager said ..."for example, you can put your Ex. (me) as a joint name on your utility bill....Well well! ..I myself never knew that was possible.

      My address with the bank is her address, not a Thai address. He said,..."just tell the utility company that your Ex. is living with you and wishes to pay half the bills....simple..eh.

    I did an in care of listing me in that manner. This way never responsible for the bill but shows you at that location...

  4. 3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Maybe you should study the UK system- he would get some pension if he only had 10 years NI contributions, it's very likely he has 20 years and is entitled to receive it every 4 weeks already at his age. As he has not bothered to claim apparently it seems to be another indication of his own irresponsibility and lack of awareness, not really a case for 'compassion' IMO.

    Same as in the US, you need 40 quarters over your working career to qualify for Social Security. It appears you would get about $700 a month..

  5. 22 hours ago, fotunate said:

    Don't confuse eligibility for care at veterans medical facilities in the US with the veterans healthcare outside of US. In the case of the later if you are retired US military (20+ years service} you are eligible for "Tricare for life" this is the insurance that reimburses you for 75% of approved medical costs incurred outside US {also serves as supplement to medicare while in the US. After incurring $3k+ of copay costs in a year TFL will cover 100% of approved medical costs. The availability of care in US veterans administration medical facilities has a much lower bar for eligibility albeit a bit complicated. Again this is only available at Veterans administration medical facilities in the US.

    I am confused when I go to Tricare overseas. It shows a family $300 deductible, $150 for me and the wife. Not sure if it pays 75, 80 or 100% of approved procedures. Have not used Tricare Overseas yet...


    There is no copay in the USA as long as covered by Medicare, Tricare for Life pays the rest... Wife and I both had operations last year in the 30k range no cost to us... Free meds at the base pharmacy. 

  6. On 1/21/2018 at 9:33 PM, Silurian said:


    Yep, time to start the FBI agent witch hunts. They need to scour out all those damn Clinton loving FBI agents. Republican members of Congress are now suggesting that all FBI agents that have a positive opinion of Clinton to be investigated in detail and to also make sure they are not included in any Russian investigations. Funny though, FBI agents that have a positive opinion of the current POTUS are okay to be on the Russian investigation. Sure, no potential bias there. 


    FBI agents are just like any US citizen. They have political views. They vote. But they are held to rigid standards of conduct when they are operating as a FBI agent. Let them do their job and not have them worry about some crazed Republican witch hunt. If there are FBI agents with an agenda, it should be handled internally. Is there some reason that Christopher Wray (FBI director appointed by the current POTUS) is not trustworthy? Is he not responsible for the agents under his care? If Republicans don't believe Wray can do his job, then maybe they should think about replacing him.



    Just for the record, I am talking about one high ranking FBI agent and his paramour, who definitely was not following there oath.

  7. 1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

    Because they need a narrative to provide a distraction to the huge elephant in the room, Traitor Trump destroying the U.S. Government under the orders of Putin whilst selling out the American people for his own enrichment. Hillary Clinton is the go-to bogeywoman for Fox News and various Trump-supporting websites. For fans of Fox, there can never be enough Hillary Clinton scandals. They need them to feed their prejudices.


    On a psychological level, it probably feeds very nicely into anxieties and senses of grievance for those who feel threatened or discriminated against by educated women, powerful women, urban Americans, wealthy people or anybody articulate. Any one of those or any combination will suffice.


    Expect more Hillary Clinton stories. Fox has a whole batch of unused ones sitting on the shelf waiting to be trotted out whenever there is more bad Trump news not to report.

    Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, revealed in a Jan. 20 letter that the FBI's technical system failed to preserve texts that were exchanged between Lisa Page, a lawyer, and Peter Strzok, an agent, between mid-December 2016 through mid-May of 2017.


    This is not about Trump or Hillary, it's about a rogue  FBI agents and a lawyer working behind the scenes to damage a then-candidate Trump. Looking to create a narrative that would harm "our" president if he won the election, because they did not like him. If you think this kind of activity by our FBI is OK. Then you sir are the traitor! 

  8. On 3/16/2017 at 8:43 AM, Langsuan Man said:

    No, no one cares about the name on the account that the money comes from here in Thailand,  they only care about the name on the receiving account and that it is sent from a foreign source


    You are getting confused about what a Thai bank is tellling you about a foreign bank.  They would not know what a foreign bank would require.  You should check with the foreign bank that your are going to use and determine if they will send funds to a "third party" 


    Some absolutely will not.  E*trade Bank,  for instance,  will not honor "third party" wires;  they require that the name on the account receiving the money in Thailand be exactly the same as the name on the account initiating the wire transfer


    Other banks are not so restrictive about the destination account ownership for sending a wire 

    I have an account with Chase in the US and have sent wire transfers to several different account holders in Thailand. Not sure why the sending bank should care, its your money as they say!  

  9. Sirinecou.........

    "I was under the impression that the age of emancipation in the UK is 18 years old, does having a job ,or leaving home change that? "

    Legally no. But for sure once i left home i would never considered asking permission from my parents on how to lead my life.

    yes but aren't there border controls that would prevent you from traveling with out parental permission.

    children who are eligible to travel alone or with unaccompanied minor service may travel to an international destination, but please consider the maturity of your child when planning unaccompanied travel on an international flight. Nonstop flights within the U.S. are more appropriate for children with less maturity. If your child is traveling to an international destination, please verify international documentation requirements with the departure and destination countries and confirm any requirements with your local United Customer Contact Center before the day of travel.

    No unaccompanied minor service if over 15, so yes a 17 can travel from the US do not know about UK.

  10. Sirinecou.........

    "I was under the impression that the age of emancipation in the UK is 18 years old, does having a job ,or leaving home change that? "

    Legally no. But for sure once i left home i would never considered asking permission from my parents on how to lead my life.

    yes but aren't there border controls that would prevent you from traveling with out parental permission.

    Children who are eligible to travel alone or with unaccompanied minor service may travel to an international destination, but please consider the maturity of your child when planning unaccompanied travel on an international flight. Nonstop flights within the U.S. are more appropriate for children with less maturity. If your child is traveling to an international destination, please verify international documentation requirements with the departure and destination countries and confirm any requirements with your local United Customer Contact Center before the day of travel.

    No unaccompanied minor service over 15, so yes they can travel at 17... from the US

  11. Your questions should be researched by a competent, licensed, highly recommended law firm if you are transporting a large sum of money.

    The answers should be in writing.

    Then confirmed by customs in Thailand and customs in the country you are going to.

    Current laws and policies regarding currency change like the direction of the wind now with the current worldwide financial situation.

    By depending on a forum, you are putting your money at risk.

    If the sum you are transporting is over the limit you risk losing part of it, even all of it, and or being detained and paying large fines.

    You want the answers in writing because if the money was ceased, your defense would be the letter from the law firm. You could also file a claim with their errors and omissions, professional liability Insurance carrier to recover lost funds if they provided incorrect information.

    A bit of overkill don't you think? The amounts in question are probably in the range of US $ 10-20k...hardly allot of money for most people.

    I am sure the law on bring in or out of Australia is clearly spelled out on the countries customs web site, For currency in/out of the USA is:

    Travelers leaving or entering the U.S. are required to report negotiable monetary instruments (i.e. currency or endorsed checks) valued at $10,000 or more on a "Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments" form FinCEN 105.

  12. Your questions should be researched by a competent, licensed, highly recommended law firm if you are transporting a large sum of money.

    The answers should be in writing.

    Then confirmed by customs in Thailand and customs in the country you are going to.

    Current laws and policies regarding currency change like the direction of the wind now with the current worldwide financial situation.

    By depending on a forum, you are putting your money at risk.

    If the sum you are transporting is over the limit you risk losing part of it, even all of it, and or being detained and paying large fines.

    You want the answers in writing because if the money was ceased, your defense would be the letter from the law firm. You could also file a claim with their errors and omissions, professional liability Insurance carrier to recover lost funds if they provided incorrect information.

    A bit of overkill don't you think? The amounts in question are probably in the range of US $ 10-20k...hardly allot of money for most people.

  13. My wife and I had our Thai will made two years ago. We were told that by Thai law it is 50% surviving spouse and 50% children... If some one can confirm different I think we would make some changes. In the states I have all to wife vs versa for me. If we die at the same time 50% to our kids (2) and 50% (3) her children, all in the US. I also have set up in the Thai will that the property is to be split 5 ways if we go at the same time... More assets in US but still very substantial here.. Not too worried as I will not be here???? We have sold one property in the US and one for sale. Take us down to just family home. In Thailand have one property for sale and would still have two properties here after the sale. It would be my thought to get us to just the two properties in the next 5 years, less burden on the kids... Less in fighting LOL!!!

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