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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. "Police suspected that a worker left the battery of an electric forklift truck charged for too long, resulting to an overheat that caused the fire.

    Forensic officials have yet to determine the exact cause of the fire and the company has yet to estimate the damage value.'

    I love this country, one minute they give a cause that is so unusual with all the built in safety features that even 'experts' would be hard to determine immediately then in the next line that the exact cause has yet to be determined. The fork lift truck charging there is well away from any adjacent combustible materials. Only Thailand

  2. Hi Khun Nancy

    Agree like being at the Ex-pats club somewhat, I enjoyed most although some areas where a little chaotic and congested, a bit more organisation would not have gone amiss. Also on a number of stalls the stall holders seemed more interested in having a meeting amongst themselves than actually dealing with customers. In saying that I will still visit again.

  3. As I mentioned previously people still do not understand the difference between AIDS and HIV, they just assume that if you have HIV the you must have AIDS, not the case.

    What is AIDS? AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a condition caused by a virus called HIV. This virus attacks the immune system, the body's "security force" that fights off infections. When the immune system breaks down, you lose this protection and can develop many serious, often deadly infections and cancers. These are called opportunistic infections (Ols) because they take advantage of the body's weakened defenses. You have heard it said that someone "died of AIDS." This is not entirely accurate, since it is the opportunistic infections that cause death. AIDS is the condition that lets the OIs take hold.

    What is HIV? HIV is a virus, like the flu or cold. A virus is really nothing but a set of instructions for making new viruses, wrapped up in some fat, protein and sugar. Without living cells, a virus can't do anything—it's like a brain with no body. In order to make more viruses (and to do all of the other nasty things that viruses do), a virus has to infect a cell. HIV mostly infects CD4 cells, also known as T cells, or T-helper cells. These are white blood cells that coordinate the immune system to fight disease, much like the quarterback of a football team. Once inside the cell, HIV starts producing millions of little viruses, which eventually kill the cell and then go out to infect other cells, this can take a long time. All of the drugs marketed to treat HIV work by interfering with this process.

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  4. catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

    Thought that Catweazle was one prat now I see there are at least two. Stop talking about AIDS and think HIV, that is definitely a virus, as an past chemical pathologist I know. I have seen a number of girls/ladies, call them what you will, dying from AIDS related illnesses. Visit some of the orphanages looking after HIV positive children. every month a few die and are replaced by even more. The original report would have made more sense if it had given a breakdown of the activities causing HIV i.e. heterosexual, bisexual etc. I have a feeling that 'bar girls' are the least of the worries. Try grown up Thai men who love there Mia Noi and still have extras on the side, try to get them to use condoms, no hope.

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  5. There is one born every minute, built a house guess not in his name, what a surprise he lost it. Mind you recently I talked to a Thai lady who had a child by a German. He made a signed statement to the effect that he was the father then p----ed off back to Germany, without 'wife' and child, sent 2,000 Baht for one month then disappeared and cannot be contacted. So it works both ways.

  6. The original article is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read in Thailand. "Disorientated 65 year old's walking around in a daze" who is kidding who. OK most are Americans and have been going there for many years but knowing many of them they are just as capable as half the so called youngsters going to Cowboy and Nana. Give them a break they are no more disillusioned than half the population of Bangkok. There are more than enough bars try Soi 7, 9 and 11, great for the oldies.

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  7. spontaneous combustion?

    I don't think so, I saw a program explaining what happens when spontaneous combustion occurs, when it happens the clothing acts as whick burning the body fat, and because of sustained heat the bones are ruduced to dust.

    There is no such thing as spontaneous combustion of human bodies. It has been proved many times that it is a myth. True when bodies burn the clothes on the body wick the melting fat which in turn increases the amount of energy being produced, although the temperature remains the same.

  8. Why do they let these scumbags out after only a short time. She didnt care about the problems her actions would inflict on others so she should still be rotting there now!!!

    A typical ignorant quote from some people, OK do the crime serve your time but that is no excuse for the way many people are treated here in prison. So she was stupid to do it but not knowing the whole circumstances is it right to pass judgement. We all make mistakes sometime in our life but with support we recover, others without help do not. Have some pity, and yes obviously a Thyroid problem. Most Thai people pay a lot of money for maggots.

  9. peat swamps are the most carbon rich form of natural vegetation. they store huge amounts of the stuff and if DNP understood the impacts on their national carbon "bank" and future potential for carbon credits, they should send up airplanes to douse the fires as quickly as possible.

    Airplanes don't work on peat fires, only way to dig out barriers to prevent spread and then remove top soil. Ask the Irish they have been doing it for ages.

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