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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. "Does the UK have official consulates in Thailand? I thought there was just the embassy. I think there was someone who was an honorary consul in Pattaya once upon a time, but wasn't even that axed for budgetary reasons?"

    Chiang Mai has an official consulate but only manned by local employees. I believe this is the only one in Thailand, and although local hire are always very helpful and efficient.

  2. Lesson in CM never go to the information counter for reason previously mentioned. Make your appointment and when called go straight to one of the ladies doing the interview and paperwork, normally situated towards the back, and yes I always take a copy of the house contract plus certified letter from immigration, never had a problem other than spending too much time there when busy. Never go on a Friday or Monday, lesson learnt.

  3. Do the trip frequently, if I need to stop over then always Khampang Phet. Has reasonable priced and cheap hotels and is exactly half way between Chiang Mai and Bangkok. You can do the whole journey comfortably in 8 hours but if you need to stop then at Khampang Phet the hotels are only a short distance from the highway.

    Just to warn you the other day coming from Chiang Mai there were 8 police check points, one not manned, but only one going back. The only placed I have ever been asked for a Passport was at the one just south of Nakornsawan.

  4. I'm sorry but if you are dumb enough to send money like this, you deserve to lose it.

    Preying on the naivety of Thai women! Two sacks of shit, whether Nigerian, Russian, Western or whatever. I do not think the Thai women deserve this. Not at all.

    I hope these guys do some hard time before being deported.

    Criminals should be put to work on a tread mill, to generate electricity, to pay for the cost of their incarceration.

    Agree, too many people assume that everyone has the same level of education, they forget Thailand is still a 3rd world country with poor education standards etc.

    • Like 2
  5. This was decided many years ago, knock down the station and make the track double lane so there are no more delays. It was even talked about as a solution to the problem before the Sky train even opened. I was involved with the fire protection in those days when they were planning the extention and it was obvious then that the station had to go. The idea was to improve the cross river ferry to transfer passengers to the station on the other side, just a reverse of what happens now.

  6. With LNG your tank will intermittently vent gas (if not driving) as the pressure will constantly increase as the temperature rises and the liquid converts to gas. If you fill your tank on LNG and then don't drive for a couple weeks, your tank will be empty with the slow venting. But when driving you can definitely go further on a tank of LNG than on a tank of CNG. There are not many LPG stations in Thailand. But we are trying to change that.

    Oh sorry, I thought you meant LNG. Never mind.

    I think you are getting very mixed up between LPG and CNG(LNG) In either case they do not vent at any weather temperature found in Thailand unless they have faulty valves. It takes a much higher temperature to cause venting and once it starts it does not stop with human intervention. I have dealt with many LPG and CNG fires in the past and once they vent then you have a problem in extinguishment etc.

  7. I can accept the piping/ filling system is different. If someone can explain to me why a tank designed to handle gas pressurised to 250 psi is unable to handle a liquid pressurised to 25 psi, I'll have added to my store of knowledge.

    The high pressure tank has a different internal piping system to the low pressure LPG tank, also the weight is very very different. CNG tanks are vastly heavier than LPG tanks.

  8. LPG is a liquidfiable petroleum gas and therefor has a lower pressure requirement it is also heavier than air so sinks downwards. This means that when under pressure it turns to liquid in the cylinder which increases the capacity. CNG is a compressed natural gas that does not liquify at normal temperatures hence the higher pressure and heavier cylinder as the gas always remains a gas in normal conditions also it is lighter than air therefor goes upwards particularly when there is a leakage. CNG has a very limited storage capacity, even under pressure, and really is not suitable for cars unless you are always close to a refilling station or do not intend to travel far from one. If you run out of either gas remember you have to get the car to a filling station you cannot use a 'can' to top up. Fortunately LPG cars also normally keep their petrol tank so can in an emergency switch between the two. Does not work with CNG and it requires a different injection system.

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  9. I thought you were only allowed to use your home licnce for the 3 months in conjunction with an International Driving Permit, which shows what the licence covers?

    You are correct, the UK can and does cancel your licence if you are out of the country for more than three consecutive months. They are linked to the passport office so they do know when you are abroad, I know having just 'lost' my U.K. licence, fortunately I have a Thai licence. Also the UK issues a free licence once you are 70 years of age and still a UK resident.

  10. I recently opened a BB account and during the discussion they mentioned that you cannot open an account on a tourist visa. Paying 180 TBaht per transaction is the least of your problems, check you home bank for their charges and the exchange rate where they also make money on your transfer. No easy way around the problem, but consider travelers checks, they normally offer a better rate.

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