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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. Im a lawyer and we specialise in cases like yours. Yes you can claim all of your money back. Its simple, just send us copies of your bank statements showing all the payments you made to her and we'll take care of the rest. PM me and il send you an email address where you make a one off payment and you will have all of your money back within one week.

    I take it the offer was made with tongue in check or are you as stupid as well.

  2. Having worked in insurance in Thailand for many years, forget the no claims bonus, it is so small not worth having. If you make a number of claims then the cost of insurance will go up at discretion of the company and the value of the car for total loss goes down, really helpful. Thai companies have little in reserve for claims, it is best to stick to the Thai/internationals if you can, price wise not much different but a lot better personal cover in the event of injuries. Consider the government sets the rate not the companies, they also take a percentage of the premium, around 7%.

  3. What a lot of rubbish over nothing, great he has made a lot of money, good luck to him, wish I had made more. He is entertaining, a lot more than some of the American rubbish we get, and he used a word that means just about nothing to most people other than yes it slopes. I bet few Thais even watch the program and are certainly not affended by the word. I asked a few locals and they had not got a clue to what I was talking about. There are a number of Thai words that when translated into English are rude to Farangs but you don't see them jumping up and down.

  4. Amnuay Motor Air on the Super Highway across from and in between Carrefour (Big C) and Makro. Huge Alpine sign on top. Not much English spoken unless the owner's wife is there - which is often but not all the time.


    One of the best run businesses in Thailand IMHO. Not the cheapest but 90% Thai clientele who really like doing business there.

    I went there today and had excellent service, within 1 hours they had fixed everything and it was a lot cheaper than going to a main dealer as I have done in the past.

    Recommend them anyday

  5. Pension, SIPP, QROPS and Trust fund scams (all over Thailand).

    Can you provide and detail into what these scams are about.

    Foreigner men in Thailand trying to convince UK citizens to put their pension plans into SIPP, QROPs, or trust funds.

    They can get a better return on your money, they can save you paying income tax, etc.

    They often invest your funds in whatever gives them the biggest commission while taking extreme risks with your pension.

    (Companies about to go under usually offer the biggest commissions to IFAs)

    Leave it in the UK, lots of rules to protect you there, nothing at all to protect you in Thailand.

    Anyone ever made money in a QROP?

    (I think not)

    Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about, QROPs is registered and promoted by HM government, your money stays in the UK and is perfectly safe. I save over 2,000 GBP a year on tax and now with the new changes this year in the UK tax system even more. Suggest you get you fact straight before you make a blanket criticism.

  6. You really have got your self in a mess, to get out of it you really need to be strong and not let her intimidate you. First go to your own immigration office in India and tell them that you will not support any application from her for a visa, hopefully you have a copy of her passport?, she has little chance of getting one without support from your end. Then, as others have said, change all you Sim cards, email addresses, telephone numbers or what ever and make sure there is no way for her to get the new ones. If by some miracle she still manages to turn up at your house what ever you do don't let her in, call the police and let them deal with her. Then be strong and wait for the reaction, you might also want to send the ring back so she has no claim on you, make sure you send it back by recorded delivery in case you have to prove it later. I suspect the suicide attempts are just show for your attention, hopefully. I have dealt with suicide attempts in my professional career and those that actually do it seldom attempt it in the way you have described.

    Hope this helps, all the best.

  7. Most of el. appliances in Thailand are sold with a two pin plug, which is A (active) and N (neutral).

    Unless the appliance states: "Double insulated. Do not Earth", it is UNSAFE!

    Now, if your appliance has three pins - does not mean you are safe. The Earth wire must be enacted in your socket (plug in point on the wall)

    9 ot of 10 chances it is NOT!

    Here is an easy safety check anybody can (MUST) do at home:

    Get a 230-240V el. bulb (the usual incandescent type - with hot filament) fixed in a normal patron with two insulated wires connected to patron's A and N

    points. The wires should be about 20-30 cm long. Cut off insulation at the tips of each wire about 1-1.5 cm. Holding at the insulation!!! stick in the bare wires into the wall socket.

    If the wall socket has two points only - there is no Earth. Replace if you want to be SAFE.

    If the wall socket has three points (holes) - one is A one is N one is E.

    Stick bare wire ends into A and N - the lamp must be 'ON".

    Stick the bare wire ends into A and E - the lamp must be 'ON'.

    Stick the bare wire ends into N and E - the lamp must be 'OFF'

    Remember - three combinations must be performed on each plug point.

    Anything not like described above - NOT SAFE. If the room is yours - call electrician and REWIRE. Costly!

    If you are renting - demand the owner does REWIRING. If he refuses - move or take a risk, - up to you, as Thai say...biggrin.png

    Have a good life!

    The rules above are for Australia. This is TITs. They may have a "Safety First" sticker instead of compliance with Aus. safety rules. Don't remove the sticker and cross your fingers. It helps...cheesy.gif

    Alternative test you can try: Stick the bare wire ends into your TITS. If the lamp goes 'ON' - you are HOT!!!giggle.gif

    As you say these are Australian rules, I have carried surveys throughout Asia and each country is different. As the existing wiring goes ELCB's do not work here unless you fit an Isolating transformer and then a separate earth line. The power supply coming into domestic property has no earthing and as a previous writer says the safety T Cut are for overload and give little protection to the human body. There is little you can do here to make showers safer other than keep isolating switches out of the bathroom and water away from the unit. Best of luck.

  8. I've always thought these young ladies are an interesting phenomenon. My Thai friends tell me they are known as sao BG beer chang (etcetera depending on the beer), and you may remember a Carabao song about them. They are all young and many are students working part time. As far as I know BG stands for bar girl, but these are completely different from the type of bar girls usually discussed by westerners. While educated Thai friends tend to look down on the latter, many seem to see sao BG as prime targets for chatting up. They are happy gossiping about a conquest, which they certainly would not do if they had a liaison with an ordinary bar girl..

    Actually they are called 'pretties' some are sent to a bar for an evening just to push their sponsors beer, i.e. special nights others are permanently 'attached' to a bar but all are paid by the beer companies. Those permanently in a bar tend to help out the same as a normal server, those for one nighter's normally do not do anything other than pour beer. Almost all are students and chosen for their figures. The great thing about them the majority can actually speak English??

  9. Give her 3 months salary for what, we are not in EU ! Even if she goes to the court (does she have to pay for this ?) and win you will never pay and then end of story. What else can she do ? When employees do not respect me I also do not respect them !

    You must be joking, paying three months will be the least she will get. You say 'what can she do?' she can turn up with a court bailiff and seize just about everything you have. I have a friend who recently went through exactly this, the three months money turned into a claim for 14 million and he had to fight it all the way and still pay over three months money plus and additional amount. So beware you Farang she Thai who do you think will win?

  10. If you are using ATM's then follow the standard rules. Only use ones that are either attached to a bank, physically that is, or is monitored 24hrs a day, such as those outside 7 Elevens (although they are not 100% safe) in hotel lobbies or railway stations etc. Do not use isolated ones or those in Petrol stations.

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