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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. A case of mistaken identity. I always feel sorry when someone's family member is killed or dies, but politicians live by their own rules and sometimes die by them.

    Don't feel too sorry. The death of the son probably saved some poor sap from being run over by him in the future, for which, as the son of a prominent politician he would undoubtedly walk away from without any negative personal ramifications.

    How very true, play with fire and you get burned.

  2. Thai Insurance companies have decided not to give flood cover this year anywhere. The exception is for existing customers to be offered cover in selected areas with a 1,000 TB limit, that really goes a long way. So if you live in a two storey start moving upstairs now and if in a single storey move, no other answer.

  3. I had a couple of these curries on the recommendation of a friend of mine who has been here for a while - (me being new) they are great really enjoyed them they are marked up British Indian Restaurant Curries from a company called Curry Nights my wife told me they were made here in Chiangmai - amazing i will be having them every week

    They ar not bad compared with 'English' style curries but compared with real Indian in India a lot different. Try Sausage King's Curries they are on par with these, I mix and match to get the combination that I want.

  4. Why are they so shocked he isn't covered for a motorbike I don't get it, all insurance policys exclude motorbikes and most extreme sports which need additional payment. I know people who have paid the bike cover and mistakenly believe they will be covered even though they do not have a valid bike licence.

    it's not a bike, its a glorified scooter. In the west a scooter requires no special license.

    Not sure where you come from but in UK motocycles and scooters are treated the same.

    Also people talk about an 'International Driving License' when actually all it is is a International Driving PERMIT i.e. a translation of your normal license which you are required to have to accompany your full normal license.

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  5. "The AOT president confirmed that a structural integrity flaw is not the cause of the sinkhole. He elaborated that as Suvarnahumi Airport had been closing down its eastern runway for a period of 60 days for maintenance, the western runway had to shoulder additional weight, causing it to crack and collapse."

    Does he actually believe what he is saying if so scary. The 'weight' is the same as always just more landings. When the aiport was built there were some great designs submitted by highly qualified civil engineers for runways. All were turned down in favour of a unmentionable company, no true piled foundations just compacted sand, concrete and asphalt same as most roads in Bangkok. Every year this will get worse, TIT.

  6. It's always a cue as to how pampered someone's life is when they're worried about pet welfare ahead of human welfare. The thinly veiled racism is just icing on the cake. In America that article would read like this:

    "Ohmigod y'all! There's like this scary Mexican on my street who like toally eats our dogs!!! GROSS!! And like there's also like this old lady who is SO SWEET GUYS but she's too old to control her dog LOL so anyway it compeltely like got out of her house and the Mexican was going to EAT HIM!!! NOO!!!! She chased him off and we were all like whatevs but daddy paid some money and the police came and took him away and it's totally cool now!!! Go away Mexicans!!! Love me love my dog smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png"

    Meanwhile, across Bangkok, huge packs of dogs (like Chuckie mentioned in the article) are attacking people, causing traffic accidents, spreading disease, breeding like rabbits and generally being a huge nuissance, but the main problem deserving of attention in this city is the welfare of canines threatened by the people who build the city, clean the city, clean the homes, wash the dishes, harvest the food - and so on - while living in slave-like conditions and making very little money.

    I bet dollars to donuts that more injuries are caused to dogs with owners by stray soi dogs in Bangkok than by immigrant workers. Certainly I've witnessed many more occasions of soi dogs forming up a pack to attack a local who is walking her dog than I have cases of shifty Burmese builders running around the neighborhood with a rope and a sparkle in their eyes. Hell, it's not even a bet, it's almost definitely the case.

    Pet fetishism, anothing brilliant Western consumer affectation we've unfortunately exported to the world. The Thai people are to blame alone for their absurd policy on animal control, that's for sure, but this whole thing where pets have become part of the family and more important than other humans is something we made up.

    I think you are missing the point. Dogs did not ask to be turn out, dumped on the street and half starved most of the time it was us humans that did it and we are the ones who should take responsibility for them. They do not deserved to be tortured and eated by anyone, a puppy is for life not just a whim of the moment.

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  7. Senior Member

    Posted 2012-06-07 15:06:02

    Came in on an EK A380 yesterday. First time upstairs in one of these monsters. Looks very nice, but the seats have been made in such a way that they are not very comfortable. Loads of room available up there, each row has only 4 seats, but just the seat design is very poor and uncomfortable when lying down.

    Oh you poor thing!! must be very hard for you

  8. When I moved to Thailand I popped into the Vet to register the microchips already implanted in my dogs in Hong Kong. The microchips details are linked to my passport so no matter where I moved in Hong Kong, they knew who owned them. I was told by the vet in Thailand that the government actively discourage microchipping (she even asked if I wanted them removed!). I was shocked, said no, contacted the company in Hong Kong for what it was worth and registered my new location.


    Not sure where you got your information from re chipping, in Bangkok they offer it free to anyone with a dog and house registration. CM wwe have to pay a small fee for it. Every owner should have it done and yes I have eaten dog by mistake in Vietnam but never again.

  9. I do not disagree with the above comments as to how low these individuals are on the evolutionary scale, but come on!!! People get into these scams because they want to make easy money NOW. They let their own greed dupe them into believing the scammer. It is a shame that someone had to lose his life as a result of this scam, but sooner or later one has to believe what we have always been told: "If it sounds too good to be true, it is".

    You are correct in respect to some scams. Unfortunately, you are very wrong in respect to the ones that target the elderly. Keep in mind that typically the older victims are not as sharp as they once were. They can be suffering from age related illnesses that can impact their cognitive abilities. Or, they are alone and vulnerable. Long term solitude can do a number on a person. The scams can be quite sophisticated in respect to referencing relatives, or invoices or bank accounts and claiming there is an error or other problem. Often the requests are not for large sums, but are continuous harassments. We wouldn't blame a mentally disabled younger person if he or she was conned would we? Why then, should we be so quick to blame the elderly who are vulnerable?

    Totally agree with your sentiment, elderly people can be very vulnarable. It would have been nice to knw a little mre about the scam and also where the scammers came from. Someone mentioned hearing a conversatin in CM between two scammers, again any idea where they came from and which bar you where in, I can then avoid them.

  10. As usual, a bunch uninformed drivel (not to mention anti-American bias) being posted.

    If you take this news at face value, I see nothing strange or suspicious about climate research in SEA.

    The US government has been doing high level atmospheric research for many years, nothing new there.

    Some people here seem to have a little bit of a clue, but it is not exactly surpising NASA wants to set this up.

    The issue here is information about the South China Seas and environment. This is a good cover for heavy surveilance.

    The PRC will protest heavily and try to nix the deal through their stooges in Thailand, of course, but the US is serious about it 'pivot' towards Asia.

    I recommend reading up on articles on The Diplomat regarding the South China Sea matter and the belligerence of the Chinese in this area.It is not just the PRC wanting a few islands from Japan. They basically claim ALL the Paracells and ALL the Spratleys:


    For once I agree with you, not always but this time OK.

  11. Yes you did, buy sweet potatoes that is, try Rim Ping they have good local un seet potatoes which seem to fry up better than some here. I found with many it is better to par-boil them first then fry, seems to get them crispier.

  12. For some reasons I wouldn't trust them... smile.png

    Bit of a stupid statement, at least give some of your reasons. Why is it so many people are always 'negative' when it comes to american research etc. If they want to spend their money in Thailand let them, all good for the economy. And no I am not american.

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