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Swiss1960 last won the day on December 10 2013

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About Swiss1960

  • Birthday 06/17/1960

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    Bang Lamung, Thailand

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  1. How about doing something about the 6-8000 people killed annually on Thailands streets due to alcohol?
  2. Only for police stations, NOT for prisons...
  3. When will they arrested fine the 9000 Thais who cause the same loud public disturbance by removing the mufflers from their bikes?
  4. If this happens with airplanes... what do you think happens within auto repair shops?
  5. Underground installations of electrical and communication cables => work in progress, needs 10 more years evamped road surfaces => you joking, right? I see new holes after every rainfall... improved water drainage systems => yeah, right... flooding after every light rainfall is still the norm... rejuvenation of Pattaya Beach => more a destruction of everything that was good, like shades, parking... and beaches that get washed away with every rainfall...
  6. Read the report, stupid... he and his friends posted FALSE reviews, which IS a crime world wide
  7. Glad to see the Swiss disappeared from the news... for now...
  8. We just don't like to be far back in any ranking... but we'll never be able to catch up with the British, too many drink knuckleheads there...
  9. His name is Urs Peter Fehr, yes, he is Swiss, and he and his Elephant Sanctary have been featured positively in several Swiss newspapers and magazines well before these incidents
  10. I hope that his Visa will NOT be revoked - not because he is a fellow Swiss, BUT because Switzerland does not want him back...
  11. Bloody serious. I don't pay/donate for other peoples stupidity... oh wait... maybe the concrete barrier jumped in front of his motorbike... well then, let's donate... I give money for people I know when they need it, i.e. when they have cancer treatment that is not fully covered... but primarely, my extra money is to build up savings for the future, so I don't ever need a GoFundMe beggar page
  12. Health insurance is not equal travel/accident insurance... and the main question would remain, does he even have a motorbike licence But as far as foreign tourists go... it seems travel insurance is completely unnecessary, it is cheaper to later ask for donations on GoFundMe pages... nobody will ever get a cent from me for such an accident
  13. Ah, the famous balcony deaths are back with more tourists... More booze than they drink at home... lower balcony rails than they are used at home... whether suicide or accident, does it really matter, as long as they don't injure/kill somebody or cause damage by falling on a car? Dead is dead
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