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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. Rice scheme 2.0. Who gets prosecuted for "negligence" when it loses big money?

    No one as the prosecution was a ploy to get rid of the PT party. It is ironic that Suthep is now leading the push to give the rubber farmers a subsidy that is at a higher percentage than the rice scheme subsidy. Although the powers that be say that they will not give subsidies, they are telling 8 Ministries to buy rubber at the highly inflated market prices. So in effect the Government would be subsidizing farmers from tax payers money which includes myself.

  2. Motor cycle taxis are regulated in Bangkok by the BMA who provide a list of destinations and fares at each motorcycle taxi rank. In your case you don't need to read Thai to get to the nearest BTS station as BTS is printed in English as BTS. The fare is up to twice that of the metered taxi since motorcycle taxis are not allowed to pick up fares on the return journey to there taxi rank. They should only pick up at their rank, hence the round trip charge. As another forum member has said, learn to read Thai, it only takes a few days to learn the 76 letter alphabet and then you can read the place names.

  3. Originally the Pattaya Rotary Club fought for a roundabout at the junction near the Dusit Resort and provided a Rotary clock for the centre piece some 30 years ago. Unfortunately the clocks kept stopping so they rebuilt the feature with fountains and dolphins around 20 years or so ago. The dolphin roundabout is one of the most well known landmarks in Pattaya. It is known as the Dolphin Circle (American language), Dolphin roundabout (English language), Kreisel (German) or Rotonde(French) on Google Maps.

  4. And so the bubble pops...

    The people saying that no evidence was presented are in complete denial, the main evidence against them, DNA found inside the rape victim was presented by the prosecution and not contested in any meaningful way by the defense.

    Would like to see the judges' rationale on how they arrived at the verdict.

    The judge is supposed to put in writing the rationale behind the decision, I hope someone takes the time and effort to translate it into English, in toto and without creative interpretations or convenient omissions as it has been the norm for the press work on issues related to this case.

    The police announced that they had a sample of semen taken from the body and that they had extracted the DNA at 08.00hrs on September 17th The problem is that the pathologist did not even start the autopsy until 11.00hrs. DNA sampling and analyses was not carried out in accordance with "International Standards".

  5. "Mr Supote estimated that about 500,000 cubic metres/day would be pumped from artesian wells for use and this will not affect land subsidence".

    20 years ago I was advising the BMA and MWA to stop the pumping of artesian water from the Bangkok Water table. At that time the land was sinking rapidly fortunately the stopped pumping and the sinking was reduced to 1/10th of the previous otherwise we would all be underwater by now. Mr Supote is talking absolute nonsense despite the disastrous floods in 2011. If they start pumping again now the land will rapidly sink once again.

  6. 12k baht = 457 Canadian dollars.

    Not cheap.

    What a useful post.

    Would you let us share your valuable knowledge and give an example for a cheaper oneway from Bangkok.

    What about Eva Air direct flight BKK to Amsterdam for 25.000 round-trip !

    Or B22,230 return by Qatar Airways next February 2016. Comparing like for like (German(Euro Wings state lowest fare for off peak season). The one way fare of B9,209 quoted by German Wings to West Germany is the basic fare one way without any meals, no luggage, no seat selection, If you book using a credit card, there is a 2% surcharge, so if you have luggage, meals and select your seat, the cost will be B12,321. The return will be B13,749 making a total of B26,070 return which is not cheaper than a full service non-budget Airlines: Qatar Airways B25,465, Oman Air B24,315 and Air India B23,674. Secondly, there are no air miles for basic service on German Wings.

  7. When I worked for a large American Company here and they considered that ex-pat employees are not protected under Thai Law. I worked for 2 years and the refused to give me severance pay but when I just threatened to go to the labour department they paid me 90 days salary. Some staff had worked here on contract for 6 years and the americans thought that the end of contract was the last salary payment. In fact Thai Labour laws take precedence over US and European labour contracts. The American company had to pay up to 240 days salary to some staff. If a company does not pay wages on the date due then they have broken your contract and if you have worked there for over a year you could get salary due plus severance pay of so many months per year worked. By not paying you for two months they may be trying to get you to leave of your own accord.

    Employees should be aware that they will not be entitled to severance pay if they sign a resignation letter, even if they were in fact terminated prior to signing the resignation letter.

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  8. They are confused. The Thai Cultural Centre to Minburi section of the Orange Line was approved and is not being revised. What they are talking about is the Western extension which is not part of the current package for the Eastern Section, which is still going for bidding and construction. The Western extension has had a public enquiry and is scheduled to go ahead later. People complained about the Eastern Section but it is still going ahead on its original route.

  9. dont care about the discount, it's the conveninece

    i dont understand why more people, especially locals, dont have these cards. they save so much time and hassle but the locals seem to prefer to queue to buy tickets every time they travel...

    i dont think the locals in thailand understand the concept of cash... vs credit. havent you noticed that everysingle account you open in a bank is a SAVING ACCOUNT? thais are taught NEVER TO SAVE. but are encouraged to spend their savings.

    It's obviously easy for you, but to the average Thai who earns the minimum wage of 300 B a day, the 'issuing fee' of 150 Baht, and the 'deposit' of 50 B, making 200 Baht, it represents a much larger outlay. I think the minimum wage in UK is £6.75 an hour so £54 for an 8 hour day. I wonder how many Londoners would buy an Oyster card if the upfront cost - with no actual travel credit - cost £36 (US$55).

    The current issuing fee is B50 at least until 31st December 2015. The deposit is refundable, so the total is B50. Mine was free and came with a complimentary stored value of B500.

  10. "...tens of billions of euros to cover fines, lawsuits and repairs after admitting to cheating American diesel emissions tests."

    Actually, they cheated 330 million Americans. Some bought the cars but all breathed the air. I wouldn't be surprised to see a class action lawsuit on behalf of every American for damages. I wouldn't give a damn if it bankrupted VW even though VW has a factory in Tennessee building cars for the American market.

    You couldn't run fast enough to give a VW to many Americans today. The cars have gone cold and unpopular in a country with the world's largest economy and the world's third largest population.

    Serves VW right.

    At least VW have accepted to fix all their diesel cars. No deaths have been attributed to VW diesel emissions. In contrast GM have not only cheated Americans by selling them cars with faulty ignition switches, but 124 people have died and 266 have been injured. Unlike VW, GM has not accepted responsibility for 91% of claims made against them. Meanwhile GM car sales are growing rapidly.

    Contrary to what you state, the cars have not gone cold and become unpopular. In fact official figures show that VW Group sales in America are continuing to increase.

  11. Foreigners have been practicing law here for centuries. Tilleke & Gibbons was founded in 1890 and is one of the most well known practices having a number of foreigners practicing law in particular with regard to corruption, patent disputes, commercial and international law. Mike Doyle of Seri Manop & Doyle has been practicing law here since 1996 and is an experienced business counselor and advisor. Mike is a U.S. attorney and partner who has practiced in Thailand since 1996. He is co-author and contributing editor of the recently released book Doyle’s Practical Guide to Business Law in Emerging Countries in Asia and Doyle’s Practical Guide to Thailand Business Law 3rd Edition. He has been an advisor to PTT as regards the disputes between Thailand and Cambodia over the ownership of areas of the sea where gas and oil reserves may exist. From my experience I would not trust a Thai lawyer to handle cases for myself unless overseen by a foreign lawyer I can trust.

  12. Go to the local police, report it stolen, and provide the name place of work of the thief.

    Ask them to recover the stolen property in school hours, and offer them a suitable reward for their trouble.


    Turn up at school during the day, ask to see the principal

    Shout and scream until the thief is punished, make it as public as possible.

    Thais hate confrontation.

    They will then exact revenge on your son by giving him bad grades.

  13. In truth Turkey shot down the plane because it was targeting the tankers smuggling cheap oil into Turkey from ISIS. Funny how the Russians could eliminate 50 ISIS oil tankers in such a short time compared with the few eliminated by the US in over 1 year of bombing. No wonder Turkey doesn't wan to apologize for ruining their nice little earner.

  14. cultural ignorance. i'm sure many of the the low class uneducated in western countries have the same cultural ignorance and what they perceive as strange behaviour they may well react in a similar way.

    Just look at the GOP in the USA.whistling.gif

    And once again a post that has nothing to do with politics or the US is used to convince the rest of us of someone's perceived brilliance, insight and cleverness.

    So why did you mention Obama in your post on the subject? Quote: "Many Thais seem to think that everything we have has been given to us by Obama".

  15. No surprise at all !!

    can anyone say they have EVER seen anyone replacing the filters on these machines ?

    to be honest, with the amount of usage of the Water machines, the Filter would need replacing every 6 months or less to be able to do its filtering job effectively!! Let alone the Bacteria that builds up in the filters and its casing in a Hot and Humid Climate (such as Thailand) !!

    Reverse Osmosis Filters also need to be checked (for holes in the membrane) which would allow the street water to go directly through the filter without being filtered). and also they need to clean the 'gunky' bacteria and filth off the filter too.

    this is NOT just an issue with Water vending Machines!!

    Every time you drink that glass of water given to you for free at Swensons or any other place that you go to eat... THINK AGAIN!!!!

    these places usually FAIL to bother to replace their water filters.

    I have personally seen a Swensens filter opened up.. and OH MY GOD!!! it was FILTHY and SLIMY and full of Muck !!!

    I used to have a similar filter in Bangkok and it gets FUNKY after just 2 or 3 months (of regualr home usage).

    buy your OWN proper filter if you can. (and clean and replace filters regularly)..

    the recommended 1 or 3 years of filter life is B/S!! its marketing hype to make you want to buy their filter.

    in this humid and hot climate, bacteria accumilates so much faster.

    the 1 or 3 years suggested usage of a filter is based on PERFECT conditions in a cooler climate.

    Yes... I see them come and service them regularly as they are under contract.

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