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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. I believe that AIS will not bid. This will mean that a new auction will be held in 12months time. Meanwhile AIS will be given yet more time to migrate their 2G customers. It is also possible that in the event of a failure to get any bidders taking part in the auction, True and AIS hope that they could negotiate with NBTC a reduction in the starting bid price and for True's previous bid price to be reduced to match AIS's new reduced bid price.

  2. Everything was fine after the revolution and democratic elections. The USA did not like the make up of the Government so they sent in General Khalifa Hafter, a CIA asset, to lead one of the militias. The chaos that has ensued is a result of yet more "America - World Police" intervention. No surprise that the US wants to supply more arms to the Libyans, they have just removed the sanctions on Vietnam so that they can sell more arms.

  3. Not a problem - just don't go.

    Most of them aren't worth the Thai price of admission anyway.

    Bit of a wide ranging statement.

    Muang Boran is well worth a visit, even at the foreigners price. This statement appears in the price list and they will accept yellow book.

    ** Foreign nationals who are residents of Thailand must demonstrate proof of residency at admission counter to receive the local resident rate of the admission fee by the following terms and conditions of our Muangboran The Ancient City, Samutprakan. The documentation/evidence can be used to proof of residency for the person who is the owner of the document/evidence only.

    I went to China not long ago and attractions there were normally 250 Yuan (Approx 1350 Baht).

    Your Thai residence is shown on the back of your Driving Licence and used to be accepted at Muang Boran and then you can get in at Thai price. If you book on line you should book as a Thai and show your residence permit or driving licence if challenged. Only problem I have had is at the Grand Palace however when we take a party of Thai School Children around it, we get in free.

  4. Apparently us farlangs, according to my lovely wife, don't know how to wash the dishes correctly. I always pretend to disagree and then sit back quietly laughing when she takes over.

    The most regular arguement we have is on parking. I like to choose a nice easy spot for my ease of getting in and out of while the wife will try to insist I park as close as possible to wherever we're going...I usually ignore and park where I want...cue argument.

    I have the same problem and I am an expert in the formulation of detergents and automatic washing systems. In fact, I have also advised Unilever at Port Sunlight on formulations of Cationic Detergents (Conditioners) and Anionic Detergents (Washing Up liquids), however my wife knows better. I try to educate my wife in the fact that detergents are only required to lower the surface tension of the water and the use of excessive amounts of detergent and foam does not help get the plates clean and leads to excessive pollution. Last week she finally gave up arguing with me but still rewashes them behind my back.

  5. My advice is do not set up a Thai Company. I had one as a Consultant from 1999 until 2002 and it was not worth the hassle despite making profits. On one occasion they visited my office and declared that it was not a real company because they could not see all my employees in the office. I tried to explain that Energy Management Consultants by virtue of their profession spend their time in their customers premises observing and advising, but they could not grasp this reality and would not renew my work permit. I decided to close my company and worked for the EU in Romania and also in Libya paying no tax. With the money I earned I invested in Thai Companies on the stock exchange and can make a lot more money each month than having the hassle of a Thai Company and paying maximum Tax.

    On the other hand some friends have made it big such as Bill Heinecke of Minor Group who owns Pizza Company, but he grew up here.

  6. I have had True for many years. Sometimes the speed slows to a crawl but if you unplug the router and plug it in again it will make a new connection to a node on True's server. Then the speed is OK. Also I had a lot of problems with firstly the True Router provided and then the TP-Link Routers with 7 going faulty. I switched to Belkin 4 years ago and now have no problems. True service centre were always helpful even though most of the time the problem was the defective TP-Link Routers.

  7. no matter what faith he belongs to (Christianity, Islam, if he is a Jew or an Atheist or even a Pastafarian) he is bound to the constitution and to rules and laws!

    As sure as a Christian mayor can not turn London into a Christian- city, so can no Muslim- major impose Sharia law!

    Got it?

    There is no constitution and it is Christian city.

    Whilst it was true that London was a Christian City in 2001 (58.2%) This is no longer the case and Christians, although the largest religious group, are now outnumbered by other religious groups and atheists.

  8. Most of the milk sold here. Is made from powder!

    The school milk is pasteurized fresh cows milk not made from powder. However, the milk has to be standardized. So water has to be added if the fat content is above 3.5% or milk powder if the fat content/milk solids are too low. UHT milk is made from milk powder expect when the Government forces the UHT milk companies to take the fresh farmer's mil during the school holidays.

  9. Where is milk actually coming from in Thailand?

    Apart from the Chokchai farm you never hear about any dairy industry in Thailand.

    You obviously do not read the newspapers or have a short memory. Time and time again, it is reported that the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization of Thailand (D.P.O.) is controlling the milk supply. In the past there have been regular reports of pasteurized milk having been supplied to schools in poor condition by those co-operatives often with political connections.

    You only have to look along the shelves of Milk in the supermarkets to see that there is a Dairy Industry in Thailand.

  10. Thais currently consume 14 litres of milk per head annually.

    The south-east Asian average is 60 litres, and the international average 103.9 litres.

    Hardly popular.

    I worked for Thai Dairy Industry (Australian Dairies) for several years, the Company that started the Milk Industry in Thailand in 1962. Your figure is incorrect. Milk consumption continues to rise and is currently around 30litres per head. The problem is not demand, but supply of local cows milk. Also the government imposes an import tax on imported milk and milk powder, otherwise Thai would consume more cow and goat milk. A similar problem exists in West and East Malaysia where I also ran a Dairy and Soya Milk factory.

    Due to 54 years of school milk most Thai's are not predominately lactose intolerant.

  11. Money to build/convert four new commercial-airports in quiet provinces, but still no work-started on Swampy's third-runway & expansion-terminal, which actually are needed ? wink.png

    Why does it sometimes seem, that Thailand is aiming to have every single province getting its own unused airport, rather than basing these decisions on actual commercial demand ? whistling.gif

    What could possibly explain this strange twisted priority ... obviously not face or brown-envelopes ! facepalm.gif

    Swamp's third runway & Terminal expansion is open for bidding May/June 2016. We need more regional Airport and they have already given the go-ahead for the construction of Betong Airport in the South as Betong is very hard to get to road or via Hat Yai Airport. I have to fly to Penang Malaysia and then drive back across the border to Betong. Should be open in 2018. Also need Surin Airport open to commercial flights. However, because the powers to be do not like the politics of the Surin Governor, we have to fly to Buriram and take the Fly-Ride buses. The problem with Buriram Airport is that is a long way north of the town, whereas Surin Airport is just a few kms south of the town.

  12. The NACC have rejected the biding by the BMA for NGV and Electric buses each time for 'irregularities" as well as the price appearing to be too high at B4.5Million per bus. Only a few months ago the BMA announced it would not be procuring new buses but would be refurbishing its existing fleet. The latest call for bids for NGV buses at B3.6Million each including spares and maintenance is still too high considering that the list price including 40% import duty and VAT is only B2.1Million for the purchase of 10 or more 62 seater city buses similar to the EURO buses it currently operates.

  13. For a chinese brand bus it is much, for a good Volvo not much.

    The skytrain is also a Siemens (perfect quality) so why a chinese brand bus/??? Is there now japanese brand availlable?

    Doesn't really matter for the topic, but part of the BTS Skytrain rolling stock is Chinese, from Changchun Railway Vehicles Co. Being used from mid-2010. Most important reason to buy was price, I think.

    The most important reason to buy was "incentive".

  14. For a chinese brand bus it is much, for a good Volvo not much.

    The skytrain is also a Siemens (perfect quality) so why a chinese brand bus/??? Is there now japanese brand availlable?

    The BTS sky trains were originally Siemens but now also have Chinese copy which needs more spares and maintenance. You can tell the Chinese trains because the brakes shudder. The Chinese trains are the ones with the pretty lights which show which station you are at.

  15. Many commuters posted on JS 100 Radio and FM 91 Twitter complaining about the incident which was not explained, and posted pictures of the jampacked stations.

    Not even a word was heard about what happened to the train service so that those who were on the way to the stations could change minds and resort to other transport mode instead, one desperate commuter said.

    In cases like this in a normal country they immediately starts emergency buses and informing, directing the public in a safe manner of course nothing normal here anyway and can't blame the technology its never 100% thats why they need intelligent human assistance and a plan to work out when things like this happening.... coffee1.gif

    Wonder how the thais felt about this sweating hours standing in queues hoping any minute the train will come but it seems it took 2 hours to solve, amazing blink.png

    Thank you Mr. Perfect !

    This is why nothing - like the above reply "Thank you Mr. Perfect!" - will ever change in Thailand because its people refuse to accept when they are shown that what they are doing in not what the manufacturer designed the equipment for, double decker buses, sky trains with more trailing cars than motorcars are designed for, in this case as warned some time back this time of breakdowns seems to have arrived, get ready for more frequent breakdowns as time moves on.

    Total BS. Your manufacturer designed your brain to be used to think and learn from all the information that is readily available. It seems that you have let your manufacturer down.

    The BTS sky trains were designed by Siemens to have 6 cars, two motor cars and four trailer cars in between.

  16. I challenge anyone to name an urban transit system in any major metropolitan area worldwide that does not have occasional breakdowns and service interruptions.

    Just one.

    I do agree that there is cause for complaint regarding the BTS's lack of public announcements and delay information.

    Or strikes... For instance London Underground where they regularly have strikes. Currently there are 12 one day stoppages planned on the London Underground. The Paris Metro has been shut down strikes many times, the last less than three weeks ago. In contrast the BTS has operated for 17 years from 1999 with very few disruptions to service.

  17. Really...I would love to see the maintenance and service schedule. How many people drive their car until it breaks down, without ever getting it serviced. I suspect the same is happening with the Sky Train.

    I have been to the maintenance depot. All trains are regularly serviced regularly with oversight from Siemens for their trains.

    The break down was not due to any fault of the trains, but of the computerized control system which is Canadian.

  18. SCB Securities have only a few branches with trading rooms. Maybank Kim Eng is the largest Broker and I have been trading with them for the last 20 years. They have branches all over Bangkok (even at BTS Stations) and the provinces. Correspondence is in English and you will have an English speaking personal broker, even if you are buying yourself with an online account.


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