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Posts posted by Estrada

  1. If you want the Thais to learn English then it starts in the education system.

    You have to employ teachers who are native English speakers ie (English/Irish/American/Australians/NZ etc) to teach the kids English.

    NOT Thais, Filipinos, Indians etc. as they will only teach them 'Tinglish' and not English. The kids would benefit so much by just listening to and talking to native English speakers.

    Yes we need native English Speakers:


  2. The police views is that providing there are no children in the car, it is not an offence in itself to smoke, eat or change the CD or radio whilst driving but you could commit the offence of driving without due care and attention or not being in proper control of the vehicle. These are some activities that distract driver's attention from the road. Others include reading maps, talking on a hands-free mobile phone and having very loud music in the car. Distracted drivers are more likely to have/cause accidents. There have been cases of drivers dropping lighted cigarettes into their laps whilst driving.

  3. I have experienced all these problems before but in the end it turns out to be my router. I have gone through 8 TP-Link routers that cause these drop out and slow connection problems. I now have been using Belkin Routers which seem to give at least a 3 year life without problems. The only other problem is the connection to the node at the True Server which seems to slow or block my connection. I just switch off and reboot the router which then makes a fresh connection to the True Server. After that no problems.

  4. The good old days of 70 bht to the pound are long gone , , RIP GBP.

    The last time it was 70 was over 10 years ago and we havent hit the lows of 2013 (44.13)...so cants see where the RIP comes in ?

    You have walking around with your eyes shut or your head buried in the sand for the last 10 years at least

    Overall the Pound has been on an uptrend against the Thai Baht since the low of 2013 reaching B52.69 when it was though that common sense had prevailed. It has now sharply reversed direction and is now B44.23 (Bank Buying Rate), so we have hit the lows of 2013. For sure it is going down further. The forecast is B38.48 and $1.15 by the time the UK actually leaves the EU. RIP GBP.

  5. You have to do it every 3 years. I have got mine signed twice at Bangkok Bank Seacon Square. As another poster said quite rightly, Thai people a scared to death of witnessing your signature as they think they may be signing to guarantee a loan. You need to ask to speak to the Bank Manager or assistant Bank Manager and then you should have no problem. The form requires the Bank or Company stamp as just a signature is not good enough. There is no charge in the Bank for the signature and Bank Stamp.

  6. Treatment Plant expansion ? As far as I know there is no functioning treatment plant serving the requirements of this city. I do believe everything goes out into the bay, amazing for a supposedly world class resort. Small chance of one coming into operation too, when the city engineering department cannot even install a storm water drainage system that works sad.png

    First of all, there is a functioning sewage treatment installed by Summit Grade Company linked to Somchai Khunpleum (Khanam Poh, the Godfather of Chonburi), and father of the former Mayor of Pattaya. When I first visited Pattaya in 1982, there was only one sewage plant installed at one hotel on Soi 2 beach road that was installed by the Americans during the Vietnam War. 34 years ago the waste water from all hotels, houses and restaurants flowed down the roads and into the sea. I convinced my friend to install the first sewage plant at his hotel, the Woodland Resort in Pattaya and in turn Alois Fassbind installed a Sewage Treatment Plant at the Royal Cliff Hotel Jomtien. We fought a long and hard battle to get a Treatment Plant for Pattaya/Jomtien with my friend joining the council to fight for a central sewage treatment plant. After convincing Somchai of the benefits to him, the Sewage Treatment System went ahead.

    The problem is that the Pattaya/Jomtien sewerage plant and sewerage plant is overloaded due to the huge increase in population especially at high season, therefore the central treatment plant must be expanded. With a new Mayor let us hope that the expansion of the sewage treatment system can now go ahead.

  7. i have got my gf visas for canada, usa, uk and twice to shenzen. and much like retirement visas here, they only accept bank accounts that are readily available. ie savings accounts.. any kind of term deposit/fund accounts get rejected, in our experiences..

    well unfortunately it did not matter where we had our accounts because every document that was related to finance was

    omitted from the application even a letter from my private pension that confirmed that my wife would inherit the pension

    was taken out of the folder and not submitted to UKV1.

    I will take the advice from fellow TV members and employ a checklist with every document numbered

    and a signature from the VFS staff who we hand it to.

    I am not sure whether taking pictures of the people who we hand the application to would be needed

    as they have no authority to decide what documents should be submitted but they are doing this in some cases

    When you make your payment you are sent an e-mail acknowledgement and you are asked to sign in to your application and download a check list. This 4 page check list has tick boxes for each of the documents, passports and supporting information that you are submitting and handing over to VFS staff. This check list has a bar code at the top to track your application and documents. You can list and give full details of each documents on page 3. It is not a question of you making your own check list since you need the bar code and I have to assume that you did not download the check list previously.

  8. There are rats all over the place here. Tell me you couldn't go out tonight and film rats running through the local street markets or across the filthy restaurants all over the nation. I'm sure every Tops, BigC and Tesco has some too. Cockroaches are even easier to find. It's normal here. As the water in the sewers and under buildings rise in BKK you'll see even more. No use stressing out too much.

    Tescoo Seacon square used to regularly have rats running around for the 20 years as well as many types of insects. That seems to have stopped after I complained to Tesco HQ about the rats and showed the Manager an infestation of insects in tomato puree that had been left sometime by employees.

    One should get stressed out because rats can carry Leptospirosis.

  9. They have started a new green process in Canada. They dissolve your body in some kind of solvent like acid strain it and dump the liquid down the sewer. They then crush the big bones. There is a suggestion for budding entrepraneurs who want to start a new exciting business here. There should be a never ending supply of customers.

    How is dumping a high level of pollution that will exceed the discharge permit on biological and chemical oxygen demand as well as pH a Green Process?

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  10. So far this year, there have been 145 Mass Shootings in the United States, 144 of them carried out by non Muslims. According to Trump profiling Muslims will prevent the next 150 to 200 likely Mass Shootings that will occur in the remaining months of the year. So far this month, 20 people have been murdered and 70 injured in addition to the Orlando Mass Shooting, yet they ignore these 19 other mass shootings in June and only focus on one minority group. The fact is that there are a lot of crazy people with the right to carry guns in the U.S. 6,229 people have been killed and 24,427 injured so far this year. Compare this with the 6,800 U.S. servicemen killed in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. This wholesale slaughter goes on and on and the NRA backed, Trump's solution is more guns and profiling only Muslims. This obviously will not stop the slaughter which is killing the same amount of people killed in the Afghan and Iraq wars in 15 years, every 6 months in the U.S.

    The minimum should be profiling of all gun owners and their family members no matter what religion they belong to. The fact is that so far this year toddlers have been involved in carrying out more shootings (23 in No.), than this one incident involving a Muslim.

    Secondly, what is the use of only preventing people on the FBI terrorist watch list from the right to purchase or carry a gun. What about all the other crazies who carried out the mass shootings of a church and planned parenthood who were Christian extremists.

  11. One of the long term favourites is Mali Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. It contains 8% Milk Fat (butter oil, not palm oil), 45% Sugar, 20% Solids Non-Fat and 27% Water. The manufacturing process at Thai Dairy was designed by myself. The cheaper Mali SCM is blended with palm oil, Mali also manufactures for other companies a low cost formula using only palm oil and no butter oil.

    I am not sure how much sherbet you are trying to make, but if you need large quantities you can buy in large barrels as do the ice cream manufacturers.

  12. I used to own Computer Shops in the UK before I moved here 22 years ago. I have worked for Companies who have many laptops, I don't have a good experience with any HP models. I have two HP desk tops at home, both have some hardware problems and keep crashing. I have bought two top of the range Vaios as I used to do a lot of AutoCAD work so need large screens. The Vaio laptop suffered from hard wear crashes due to an inherent problem with RAM slot contacts, and the original power transformer was too small due to a design fault. The Vaio desk top hard drive(Toshiba) packed up after 12 months (made in China)

    I have an ACER Aspire 8942G i7 1.28GB 17.5" Screen with Dolby Surround sound that I bought in IT City 7 years ago for $3,000 and I have just bought the ACER Predator 17.5" HD 1080 Screen i7 with 64GB RAM, 512GB solid state drive and 2TB Hard drive for B89,900 ($2,800). For all intents and purposes, it is the latest model of my previous gaming and work laptop. It comes with Windows 10 home and 3 years home service warranty (they come and pick it up and bring it back after servicing) also a 2 year international travelers warranty. The travelers warranty is important if you are buying in Thailand as many computer warranties are not covered outside of the country it is sold in. In the early days I bought my computers at Pantip Plaza Bangkok, but after problems with cracked main boards and loose chips, I have bought all my computers from IT City at Seacon Square which is not far from Suvarnaphum Airport. IT City have branches all over Thailand and you have no problem getting an invoice and documents to enable you to get the VAT back at the Airport when you leave Thailand. They have a very nice ACER gaming quality laptop for B29,900 with Windows 10 Genuine on offer.

  13. I worked on this proposal in 2003 with the architect and he had found a loophole in Thai Law which allowed a Casino to be built. No way was the project B200Billion. I just threw all the plans and specifications away last year as I thought this project was dead in the water so to speak. At B200 Billion it surely still is, even if they do build a Casino.

  14. Australia considers cancelling cleric's visa over gay views

    Now why would they do that? We all know Islam has nothing to do with violence.

    They are not proposing to cancel his visa because he is a Muslim, but because he espouse hatred and violence. The former does not guarantee the latter, and similarly, you can have the latter without the former.


    He is merely preaching Islam. He hasn't made it up himself. The penalty in Islam for lots of things is death, including homosexuality and leaving the Islamic faith to become something else.

    The difference between Islam and Christianity ( which also has the death penalty for homosexuality ) is that Christians no longer want to kill people for such reasons. Many Muslims do.

    Not true. In the United States the religious extremists in the Anti-Gay Republican Tea Party also preach death for homosexuals. Last November, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz and his father, Rafael, both appeared at a right-wing Christian conference in Iowa hosted by extremist radio host Kevin Swanson, who was already notorious for openly supporting imposing the death penalty for homosexuality.

  15. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.

    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Don't think so and certainly hope not.

    Quite right. What people do not realize is that the referendum is only "advisory". Even is there is a slight majority for leave, it is up to the Government whether on not to leave the EU. The Government is unlikely to decide to leave the EU.

  16. Yes...gun private gun ownership is legal in the United States...so what news is this hysterical AP reporter trying to report?

    What hysteria? In the first 13 days of this month, there have been 17 Mass Shootings in the United States. 16 of them were not carried out by a Muslim. So far this year there have been 138 Mass Shootings. There have been 23,469 gun related incidents and 6,025 deaths this year, up until 13th June 2016.

  17. The Blue Line trains will not even be ordered before the contract for operation is awarded to whoever they chose.

    Only when MRTA has awarded the contract to run the Blue Line Extension to a company, will the company in question (most likely BEM) purchase rolling stocks for the extension.

    Pink line, Yellow line, Orange line (east) and Blue line extension will all be up for bidding this month (June 2016)

    BEM, if awarded the contract will then order the trains. Delivery of the trains will therefore not happen until 2018 - 2019.

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