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Posts posted by kirkieb

  1. Sentinel Spectrum Tasty Chews covers the cycle of fleas, ticks and all intestinal parasites but we haven't been able to get her so we get six monthly sent over from Oz type in Dr Carl they send a six pack for about 88 Aus Dollars and we never see our dogs scratch and they live inside and they are Border Collies so we know how many fleas you can get on a big dog. Been giving this to my dogs for many years and works perfect even safe to give to my girl who is currently pregnant. No idea why they don't have it here but have been told by local vet its too expensive for Thais but if someone is already paying 3000 baht for something not as effective and only covers some issues then I say maybe some one on here could import. They do have different size chews for all dogs

    Hope this helps

  2. we brought both our Aussie Border Collies via Jetpets and wasn't cheap that's for sure and they were off loaded twice so a bit of stress for them both but they arrived safely and delivered to us in Bangkok. That was a year ago now and we are expecting our first litter from our dogs in Pattaya. Didn't realise how much demand there was and how much people willing to pay. 30 000 baht per pup fingers crossed we will get our money back from the travelling costs a year ago that would be nice


  3. I have two Border Collies from Australia I bought with me and my wife and the female was artificially inseminated ten days ago so we are waiting for another two and half weeks before we can say if the process worked due to huge demand we get from everyone who see s our dogs we will keep you posted. At this stage though any pups would be a great Christmas present. I only know of two other Pure Border Collies and we nearly mated our female with their male but went the other way instead. Keep those interested posted

    This is the Father when he was a pup


  4. All good advise and after yesterday speaking to the local man in charge of our Municipality he said pretty much the same thing as we all have experienced. So we came home typed up a letter in Thai and English and hand delivered it to everyone in 150 house estate. We advised all owners that due to the fact we have no money left if we get no response from all owners by Monday we will sack all the guards, remove the rubbish collection and stop maintaining the gardens. WE will allow the Council to reclaim the land of common areas and open the road as a public road. These things once done can not be undone. As foreigners we have had many discussions with the 50 /50 Thai foreigner owners and most were unaware how bad it was and now we have gone to the trouble to show we care about everyone here there is already some signs of community spirit. In saying that we all know where we are and anything can happen between now and Monday. We just hope it doesn't go down the bad way. It all comes down to setting up the Body corporate properly when all this started and we would never have such crazy alternates. 15 years after village was built

  5. Ok an update for those interested. Have spent days reading through the various acts here in Thailand and the Juristic person in accordance with Sections 79,80,81 and 83 of the Act states that by the very nature of a Association being registered with 51% of the Chanute's not dwellings in your village. Once you have that you register the Association at the District Office you come under and it is under law the Person who is the Juristic Person is the Directors or Committee of the Association. Once you have that done and its not easy as I'm just starting that process in 138 Homes but once you have 51% then all those who don't want to pay their maintenance for a small fee at the Lands Office can have what we in the west would call an encumbrance placed on the title stopping the sale of that property until the debt is repaid to the Association.

    Its actually a great system and really when you get your head around it we could learn some things here. Its a scary thing as previous members in my village have had death threats by people thinking they are above the law and refused to pay and if we pushed the case then there would be trouble. My advise is record every conversation you have when speaking to these individuals and any threats they make refer them immediately to the Police.

  6. There is nothing you can do, as a foreigner you can't own or control land in Thailand!

    For Thais

    The moobaan developer asks for 3 years fees up front for a reason.

    They can't block sales or do anything legally to the house owner ...... most houses are owned by a Thai bank.

    They can't block access to their home ....... Thai law grants access to their homes at all times.

    Usually what happens is after the first three years the security firm are dismissed, and the street lighting is taken over by the local government. I always think security is a waste of money anyway, they just sleep and tip off criminals about owners on holiday.

    I was a non-payer for my last two moo-baans, I will be a non-payer in my next one, up to the landlord, not up to a tenant. Never lived where there was a club house or pool, didn't want to pay.

    As Ignis says, cut your costs to minimum (sorry not your costs, not your house).

    No security, sweep your own streets, rubbish collection by PAYG firm.

    Final solution, just rent a house somewhere else, it's not as if you were allowed to buy the house or land in the first place. Great OP by the way, foreigner freely and publicly admitting criminal activity (controlling land in Thailand) subject to summary arrest and deportation, complaining about others with small unenforceable debts.

    Its a shame you seem to think we are as naïve and uneducated as you clearly come across as being. Nearly every word you have claimed in your post is not only rubbish but in actual fact there are many laws under different Thai Real Estate Laws absolutely making enforceable control over someone's property ( foreign or Thai owned) once the village has its Committee, and Juristic person any individual not paying maintenance can have an encumbrance placed at the Lands Office restricting sale of the property until all debts are paid and the Encumbrance is removed by the organisation who placed it there. If your Constitution states at the time of sale in the sale agreement that any fees not paid will endure a 10% fee per month they are late then over several years that amounts to a lot of money on the small prices the properties are sold for here. Its all relevant on the wording of a individuals village and the sale agreements registered at the time. Stating Op is clearly and publicly admitting criminal activity is not only a moronic statement but completely untrue and unreasonable when the forum is to discuss all matters and if there was criminal activities then the mods would soon remove from the forum and or ban the Ops. All the statements I have made are actual law and completely legal to discus so maybe you should consider finding something your worthwhile at contributing to and not look to make statements you clearly know nothing about

  7. The law states you cant restrict access to anyone's home. It also states that any village over 39 house must by law have security. Any village not employing security regardless if they sleep or not can be fined a lot of money. Secondly the majority of homes in my village are Foreigner occupied so the houses are of a reasonable standard and thirdly and this is the most important the rules also state that if there is no security at a gate then the road becomes a public access road and can be used by anyone to come and go as they please so the fight to have these lazy, incredibly selfish people who don't pay once again pay is well worth it. I'm going down the path of having an encumbrance placed on the Chinook to hit them ten years down the path if needs be so those selfish bastards squabbling over a few dollars for what can only be described as brilliant dollar for dollar value receiving services they refuse to pay for. You don't pay then your a mug and should have a register set up either challenging your honesty and having your visa revoked or renting or buying anything is so hard to do you will look elsewhere to live your selfish insignificant lifestyle. Whew beer o'clock time

  8. I have just come from our Village AGM where our committee have resigned due to the anger and frustration at the non paying scum. Having now stuck my nose in to see what our constitution states or even the selling agreements from up to 15 yrs ago I'm finding we don't have much to go on. I proposed we as a body write a new constitution and inform all households of the pending 30 days Special AGM to firstly create a Corium and secondly elect a new committee. The people not paying is approximately 20% and its not because of anything more than they know we have not been able to make them pay. We considered the sticker idea on all vehicles but the security guards didn't like being harassed by the Foreigners entering. I said sack them and there was a huge outcry. So next idea was to do the name and shame board at the gates and again was frowned upon by the insignificant few. Maybe there were some non payers amongst us today. So my dilemma is this with no constitution, no committee and village funds in the red does anyone know a good lawyer at mates rates to put the note on the Chinook at the Lands Office of the people not paying so we can at least as conscientious owners carry the load until things become good again.

  9. I'm in a situation where our Committee have dissolved and we need to re establish a new one. In my endeavours to do this I have realised they don't have a constitution nor do they have a Juristic person.

    Question one is how can I get a Juristic person so I can write a new constitution to have a AGM then elect new committee.

    Question 2 is after reading many different Thai Acts. I come to the conclusion that people who don't pay their maintenance fees in the village such as rubbish collection and security cant be forced to.

    Can anyone send me in the right direction to try and do this write and start a fresh for the occupants of over 130 Houses

    Kindest regards


  10. Just an update for Swisse

    Have done my research today and asked all the hard questions just for you. So here it is. Originally in 2007 Father Ray had the Pattaya Orphanage. They at that time had HIV kids. The Foundation lost the Orphanage because the Council decided they didn't want the Foundation and Catholic Church to sell the land for a big Catholic School and was taken over by Government. It was a messy and very disturbing time for the unfortunate kids who were in the middle The children in the Orphanage were unfortunate victims loosing their families twice. Those with HIV became members of an Organisation now relocated in Bangkok and all HIV orphans were sent to that facility where they get the right treatment with specialist care.

    Father Ray no longer handle HIV kids as they require huge funding and specialist care.

    Baan Tham Orphanage in Khao Lak also have many HIV kids.

    So Swisse I have addressed your request in the best way I could.

    The funding for all the programs is released in the Newsletters and I have re read several last editions today just to see why you are so concerned about funding. There is a great breakdown and from how I interpret the figures, over 850 kids, that are orphans, blind, disabled or special needs are given food, education, clothing, medical, and a safe place with up to 200 staff paid to work with these kids, 40% of the income goes there to wages. Then there are all the many uniforms, the kids wear, the many shoes, the many underpants etc etc etc. at the end of each year there is approximately 4% of all incoming funding remaining as the needs for the kids increase and donations slow down. A total of approx. 5 million US dollars per year is the income. You do the sums and just for the water and electricity alone to house 850 kids is quite substantial.

    Its the best I can do to answer your questions Swisse.

    I hope this has helped open your pockets and help me get a ride on mower for the Children's Village


  11. Hi

    I am not sure if the following would help in raising funds, just an idea.

    Many foreigners living in Pattaya get through some glass/plastic bottles and some cans.

    These can be sold for a little cash.

    Maybe only 50 baht a month per person, not even sure.

    Multiply by say 50 though.

    If someone with a vehicle and some time would collect them and sell them, there`s perhaps some extra money for Fr. Ray Foundation.

    Might be a flawed idea but it is a genuine one.

    I`d certainly store mine for a month or so if of any help.

    If 100 members would do so, could make a fair bit of difference.


    Seasia that's what I call really good advise. The foundation does this already and every plastic bottle we can find or tin can is used in recycling and a small amount of money is produced from this. We employ people who were residents and now have a job doing such recycling programmes returning the funds into the kity. There is a recycling centre in Town also that accepts any furniture, clothes,electrical or anything they may be able to sell for the charity.

  12. The "Father-Ray" foundation would be well advised to finally publish some figures (Accounting).

    Up to this day, the father-ray foundation refuses to account for how many seriously affected AIDS-Patients they have under their "financial-umbrella" and the cost associated by this.

    Until some transparency enters their business-acumen. Non money to them!


    Not sure why you bothered to respond. Swissie, The Foundation is getting so big that they have things going on I'm not privy to being a volunteer and mainly focusing on Orphans. The figures you speak of focusing on a group of unfortunate people with HIV has absolutely nothing to do with me trying to find a ride on mower to keep 60 kids mostly under the age of ten with backgrounds we both can only be grateful we were born in better places with Government Support. Your issues with the Foundation should be addressed in a more appropriate forum or even better with the President and the Foundations Administration. Its because people have issues with irrelevant things that unfortunately prevents a wonderful organisation achieving an even higher performance and helping more than the current 850 Thai Children and young adults. Im trying to raise money or even better get a ride on lawnmower donated so it doesn't need to be brand new just in good condition would be great. I'm a pensioner and a realist and know there is not one big organisation in the world that someone doesn't have an issue with but if we all focus on every bad point then there will never be any more good points and really in the end its just the kids that have nowhere else to turn.

    Hope you can see what I'm trying to do Swisse and your always welcome to help me push the lawnmower and keep your money in your pocket I wont say no to any help

  13. Hi Bunta

    Got to tell you I know how difficult it is for these kids to get into the organisation. They just dont have the power or authority to accept kids or take them. Like all countries there is a huge amount of bureaucratic rules to get thru. These kids have to get in front of the government people who take them and place them. Is very sad I tried to get one accepted also but without the paperwork and officials who tick the boxes. All we can do is pray for them and hope more people become aware and offer their help.

    Just an update for anyone interested The Wet has arrived and the grass is growing like crazy. I still think the ride on is the only way I will get through all the grassed areas with so many trees it rules out a slasher. So if you can all keep your eyes out or watch the forums for Farangs who have made their fortune and little to spend it on tell them we need a ride on mower yesterday. At this point any would be great but a 48 inch cutting deck would be perfect.

  14. Does anyone know where you can buy a backpack weed sprayer of at least 10 liters and of reasonable quality. I need to get one for Father Ray Children s Village and will buy it from a donation Ive received but cant seem to find any or where to buy weed spray from in Chonburi

    Any ideas

  15. Hi Bunta

    Got to tell you I know how difficult it is for these kids to get into the organisation. They just dont have the power or authority to accept kids or take them. Like all countries there is a huge amount of bureaucratic rules to get thru. These kids have to get in front of the government people who take them and place them. Is very sad I tried to get one accepted also but without the paperwork and officials who tick the boxes. All we can do is pray for them and hope more people become aware and offer their help.

  16. Hey Bunta

    Its how I would do it also but no money for labor, no tractor for ploughing,had to raise the money for the lawnmower and poor thing wont last long so we focusing on around the homes in the village. Would love a Ride on and still working on that. The grass clippings are all being spread around to return as much to the soil as we can. Want to start a compost area but distance and small mower catcher means being emptied every few minutes so walking back and forward to a compost area acres away is a little too hard to imagine. In time my vision is a tractor or ride on with a trailer and collecting all clippings and cuttings to compost. The kids all go back to school in less than two weeks so its just me.

    If your free or have a tractor with cultivator then would love to hear from you if you can help us out.


  17. What a great source of real responses. Nothing beats experience and the many responses show some real pain endured. Have been hit myself only today and found how pointless it is trying to complain or get back a deposit on a property that was in Thai and signed by my Thai wife. Even the lawyers (English) tell me it will cost a fortune to get back my deposit. In that said I had my eyes wide open at the time and asked for a translated contract at the start and was promised it over and over before wife would sign. On the day all we had was my wife reading the contract out which by most countries standards covered nothing including returning deposits etc. Only promises from the Manager Verbally. I'm so glad I finally got the damn thing translated independently. Yes I wish my wife did not sign but she assured me it was well written and was a good deal. ARGHHHH Follow your Gut fellas. Its cost 100 k Baht and that sux as I'm on a pension but its a good lesson and maybe I was too stupid to believe anything here is more than a grab for cash. I choose to now keep my cash in Oz rent, and just ensure beer o'clock comes around. Eyes wide open fellas . Cynical maybe but supreme optimist and think the Government here need tourists and visa runs are worth a fortune to this country, just with ASEAN happening in two years maybe the borders will be further.

  18. A lady I know in Australia who is on an invalid pension has just sent me message to say she has made all these scarves and sold them at a market and has raised 3000 Baht towards our lawnmower so now we have 10000 baht towards a Honda 5.5 hp or a deposit on a ride on or transport costs to borrow a ride on for a while from Phuket.

    There are some great people out there.

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