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Posts posted by kirkieb

  1. Understand all that has been said referring to the Visa status, the work permits etc Assuming the car was a new one what is the HP rate the car yards are offering over there as its currently about 10% here on a personal loan.

  2. Am moving to Udon Thani with my wife and want to keep the small amount of money we have for just incase and would lik to buy a new car when we arrive. Is it possible for foriengers to get financing for cars as long as they have a regular income? Any help would be appreciated


  3. Am amased at the great advise and heads up. Its funny we dont seem to have these posts in our own countries that could help alot of people establish themselves in new areas after transferring . I mean the depth of quality responses is very much appreciated.

    So much has been taken onboard from what you have all said.

    Im very keen to head over but tickets not until May, As for the in laws well they liove in Nakhu about an hr south west from Sakon Nakhon so thats a couple of hours from Udon I think that will be ok.

    Would love to make contact with all of you maybe a beer and a BBQ as I hear the Snags are great there and the beer is cold. Cheers

  4. Lovetotravel told me a few things I had no idea of with the jamming and volunteering side. Cant believe u cant even just have get togethers with no money changin g hands. I know all about the corruption and realise you have to work within it all, surely jamming at your own house is fine.

    Its what we all love about Thailand but surely there is ways to do things that everyone can be happy. If I look into a Business it will be for the inlaws and outlaws and for me to just plod around on as Managing Director and not look to draw any funding. more about creating a new purpose for me and doing things for others without being paid. What can I say I enjoy helping out

  5. Am surprised by the large amounts of negative responses. Why the hell do some of you stay there if there is nothing there for you. I get that money can be a restriction but also that location can be but surely there are alternatives to those that feel so stuck in their situations.

    Have got to say I always see these kinda of moves in a list of many as a new challenge. If I dont have one then why get out of bed.From long military life. My goal is to live outside of Udon not ever been a city kinda guy but like the ammenities cities have to offer so am known to frequent them to finda a hardware or see a movie. Love the idea of volunteering and have done alot of that in various places so can envisage finding a cause and doing my little bit. Am a keen handyman so always looking to do small jobs for friends and family but having to leave my household contents in Australia will mean I will be limited for tools but its cheap enough there to pick up bits and pieces.

    I am considering renting only at this point as all the advise I get is dont spend big money in Thailand, not that I have any after previous life ha ha.

    Soi can anyone tell me apart from golf and a fishing farm what other activities are there for middle aged guys. Any motorbike clubs that take touring around or even weekend trips? How about gun clubs? Not that Im in either in Brisbane. What about social clubs that have a good BBQ, sing songs and a few quiet drinks?

    All Im hearing is get good internet ha ha and make sure wife is on same page surely there is much more than that.

  6. Ha ha what great advise both positive and negative, I have to say Im not looking for the bar life its not me unless it entails a jam session with like minded musos maybe once a week for a sunday session. Wife loves the idea I want to go over to Thailand and living in Australia on a limited budget does have its issues. The up side is Im energetic , realistic, supreme optimist and have lived in several asian countries from military life.

    There are a few posts hera I would like to get to know the people who wrote them as they seem like my kinda people then there is one or two that I sympathise that the journey for them is either not what they wanted or stuck in a situation that they can have no control over. Life is short and we only get one shot so Im as keen as to look at the ventures. Even like the fact that so far inland there is a fish farm I can get a line wet occassionally ha ha thanks for the response any more advise is very welcome.


  7. Looking for information on the music scene in Udon Thani and surrounding areas. Have been in a band myself as a singer and not gifted with an instrument would like to meet like minded people who may be interested in getting together for Jam Sessions in and around Udon Thani but have no idea if there are any people both imported and local who think it could be fun to play some old stuff or new and see if we could get a following and drag some of the old musos out of their hiding spots.

    I dont get over there until May 2012 but am looking at relocating there from Australia very soon.

    Is there a good live music scene there? Are there many people who would love to have a play with like minded people?

    Love to hear everyones thoughts.


  8. Am currently considering with my Thai wife to relocate to Udon from Brisbane Australia and in the interim rent a comfortable place furnished for around 15000 Baht per month. My income is now from a military Pension and is approx 100.000 Baht per mth give or take. Having spent alot of time in Thailand and my wife is from the Kalasin area, what should I consider before deciding to relocate? I am thinking Udon Thani merely for the many Westerners already there and from what I understand its a nice place to live for most, for one month in May to do a Recce and see whats available. What can I do with myself during the day and what projects I can sink my teeth into. Love to know what you all think and what advise you may offer.



  9. Should be no problem I live in Ban Kruat, .There are about 6 of us using CAT CDMA,in Ban Kruat, still getting our monthly bill. Possibly ,the interest will be IF and WHEN they actually get around to rolling it out. My advice would be to go to the CAT office in Buriram, and ask them. the man who works in the office has pretty good English. None of us has had any communication from CAT.

    The 3G network replaced the CDMA in Australia. The thing was the CDMA was much better for rural areas simillar to the areas of North East Thailand and it all sounds too familliar. First 3 G comes then CDMA signals die funny how that happens.

    Love to know the outcome now looking into buying the gear you recommended in another post

    Oh by the way do you know the frequency used by mobile usb modems, have some interesting antennas available but dont know the freqs

  10. How long after you lodged the application before you was contacted for the medical ?

    We asked if we could arrange for medical just after we submitted Application as we were marrying and travelling for a month within Thailand

    So as far as I know everything has been done now its all about hurry up and wait.....................for who knows how long

  11. Well seeing as I have seemed to have helped you find a new profession Im expecting a finders fee of lets say 30% per signed contract of finance that has come your way since my post.

    Seems fair.

    Then in 12 months I will have enough money to buy your properties, your wife and may even keep her on as my house maid seeing as she will know her way around and where the mop and bucket are kept.

    Thanks for this opportunity am very grateful

  12. So then to stay safe could the land be in the wives family name eg. her Mother and the Usufruct agreement is with her not the spouse. Then if divorce or death were to happen the Mother In Law had no right to cancel the agreement based on divorce or death of the spouse therefore ensuring both parties had to agree to disolve the Usufruct Agreement. Making it much safer for the Farang who invested for life

  13. Actually just an update after I re read what you said about no building etc. The surrounding area has been in her extended famillies possession for over two generations I believe and they all have dwellings on the farming land and an Aunt has just had a home built Via western standards next door to the acreage in question. The aunt is atleast 70 so am thinking she must have had approval for the vast expense it would have cost.

    Food for thought only

  14. Thanks Jim

    Its what I was suspecting. I know the records seem to be always reliant on the village elder being present at the Amphur type office for the authenticity of the claim on the land. Is amasing how they take people over paper in such issues. The western world could take a few lessons from the Thais.

    At this point my wife is doing merit but she is hoping to have the land transferred as soon as she returns to her parents due to her Mothers failing health. But I will keep you informed if I hear what type of Title they do in fact.


  15. Thats great for you. We had a case officer assigned about the same time as you. We did the medical and police checks etc within a week of lodging the app. But since then its like extracting teeth. The case officer told me to feel free to contact them anytime about anything. That was until I asked the wrong question and they told me to stop bothering them and the waiting line was ten months as though to enforce their power towards us. Was a little daunting. The question was can we while waiting for a Partner Visa apply for a Tourist Visa. The only response was read the internet web site.

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