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Posts posted by wigantojapan

  1. Hhahah this is hilarious.I almost chocked on my cornflakes IF i was inclined to eat sugar infested health foods,which i am not.

    Well on the 2 days i have posted here most of the time has been personal attacks

    Today it is Wigan.

    Wigan is famous for one thing only and no it is not Wigan pier

    people in the know know what it is as every English man should know

    sorry that fact will be above such estemed members as the ones here.

    To make it clear, i am only passing through CM .It so far has been 6 months out of a total of 15 months in Thailand

    The rest of the time has been spent on my organic garden in North Thailand and yes with gardening experience of over 30 years i do know what a lemon looks like,i even know what a young lemon tree looks like,

    I wonder if the esteemed members who mocked me do..

    Oh the garden is paid for as well as the house that was built on the land

    No debts to cooperate banks at all

    I am in CM to follow up my on going learning of enviromental issues

    On this point Cm has improved for the better

    There is increased knowledge of the impact commercial and one crop farming is not only doing to the enviroment in general but also to impoverisjhig the life of the faily to a life of poverty and slavement to the middle men,who take hteir hard crafted crops from the mountains to bigger markets

    that is CM or Bangkok.

    Again i say there is improvement in CM on this issue

    Use of more plastic bags in Cm and the vilages WORSE.

    On the issue of pollution

    I certainly was not aware of it on my first visit to the North of Thailand,

    and even in my localalised state at the time,

    I was there for 2 months so even i would have been able to see through the haze of my mind

    Now my localised intergration with the people of that region is to support them by buying their high quality teas which i have stated before

    again on that fact CM and Thailand as a whole has improved a lot.

    the life of the hill people selling their wares has also improved financially as you can see many hill tribe people selling from permanant stalls or booths as the northamericans call them

    ,but has it improved their inner quality..

    there is now a chance to buy organically produced food

    so Cm has improved on that point

    before you could only get organic if you were high in the hills and with farmers who really couldnt afford even the cheap pesticides that companies have aggresively promoted in the name of progress

    Progress is another topic,which i am happy to discuss on another thread

    oh yes was bored when i came on this site

    but i came on to answer a question honestly and with good intentions

    about the cost of living

    that is another thread and yes i got attacked and belittled and called a liar basiically

    Jackie Stewart is a good role model for me

    bad speller,dyslexic,no education

    as was Gandhi ji where i stayed at his ashram for many months

    he had many thoughts on progress

    right need another cup of chia me thinks

    • Like 1
  2. After 47 posts the guys have established the price of lemons, that electrified lives in a castle and hello dolly lives in a tent, and the guy from wigan is a troll

    Established the price of LIMES.

    LIMES ..... green and round sold everywhere.

    Lemons ...... yellow and rugby ball shaped, expensive and imported.

    Just because the Thais don't know what lemons are (they mainly seem to think lemons are over-ripe limes) is no reason for us to be ignorant.

    well fancy that coming from wigan i dont know the shape of a rugby ball lemon

    lemons grown in chyprakan 3 hours from CM

    didnt ask for my passport or visa when i went there and no i bought the lemons the yellow rugby ball ones near the ymca and yes i have bought and grown yellow shaped rugby ball limes more commonly known as lemons in chyprakan

    now i know what a lime is

    thank you

  3. I'm aware of two rather loosely organized groups that sometimes come together for joint activities. With one the focus is on making things and learning new techniques. With the other group, the focus is more on collecting and learning about the historical background of textile arts in the region. If you PM me with your email address, I can forward it to contacts within each group. Neither is organized to the point of having regular activities at the same time, same place every month. Instead, they maintain email lists and send out notices of events and opportunities in the region.

    Thats great, both sound up my street

    i will private pm you if that is ok with my e maill address

    thank you

  4. It's coming bit by bit... Gonna be in Jomtien...

    sorry i,m not too good with computers

    but if you go to pattaya soul weekender on face book all the details are there

    As far as i know the guy who runs the pattaya soul club is djing at one of the days /nights

    Keb Darge and guy hennigan will play original vinyl on the friday saturday

  5. Hello Dolly

    sory you cant follow my style of writing.I come from the Irvine welsh school of literature and its a tad difficult for me to a) write in English B) stop for breath for my fingers to catch up with my thoughts.c) use a computer

    i Have a one room in CM 6000 baht

    i also have a 1600 meter open room in BP. no rent as it has been bought

  6. better or worse

    pollution much worse .might have been the time of year but i cant remember any smog ,fog pollution and like i mentioned i stayed in the hills for a few months.

    music scene- worse easy to find goof western music as well as the locals playing quality

    still is good music even today but the reg on the farang has changed it for the worse

    food choice better-even though i was only eating Thai food the first time i came ,now that i eat muesli and chocolate and even miso have to say better


    textiles another passion of mine more choice but the quality is hard to find now.More mass produded tourist hill tribe

    never had any one try to sell me rubies at the bus stop,back in the day happened on a regular basis

  7. I only just read your previous post boasting how you've seen lots of bands and artists and lived in a one room place.

    Saw no reference to you're standard of education at all.

    Maybe this post refers to another previous post along the same lines, pass?

    I will say though, unless it's some really special place that 16000 is way over priced for a one room house / apartment / studio in Chiang Mai.

    Ignore him on another thread he claimed he was living in a one room with his wife and some times four other relatives.

    He also claimed he was living on 15,000 baht a month.

    Is Chiang Mai for better or worse. I would have to say that for the poster it is for the better he claims to have lived in Asia for 25 years. One would think that a person with that kind of experience would pick the best place for him. For me it is better than North America. Can't say about other places as I have not been to that many. Yes it has it's draw backs but that applies to every where. In the six years I have been here it has lost nothing that I was attracted to originally. If you came for the music scene as a previous poster talked about yes it has lost a lot.

    It is a personal decision.

    wow you are a very doubting person and seem like a bit of a controller by telling people to ignore me

    thought you would be more reaxed after what you claim to be 6 years in CM

    sorry people dont understand my style of writing and my spelling grammar and use of commas is not quite up to scratch

    never the less

    yes i have been in Asia 25 years

    my first time in CM was 1989 and like i said i was just passing through on the way to the hills where basically i stayed with a Chai wallah(tea man) for a few months on the border area.

    That was an open one roomer

    CM then didnt have such a good rep for most of us back packers/travellers it was only like i said a passing through

    Cm was full og husslers trying to get you to go on trecks to the mountains

    GH that were peeved if you never and threw you out if you didnt

    yes there was a few right on vegetarian restaurants who were run by cool westerners who had lived the life of a traveller

    and yes the music scene was jumping and relaxed

    There was little or no one studying Thai massage

    so hence no schools and no therapists dreaming of gold in the west(that reads as how much they an charge once they get to invarably usa )

    Fast forward 1989 in between india bali,pakistan.nepal Japan i am back in THailand because of a tighning of visa regulation,or in my case a loss of stutus

    This was in Japan or i would quite happily have stayed there..

    Now i am ack in Thailand a) to study massageb) to grow my own veg.

    Yes i am here to see if i want to stay full term so now i am into my 15 months of observation on the point of staying here full time

    clear enough

  8. I only just read your previous post boasting how you've seen lots of bands and artists and lived in a one room place.

    Saw no reference to you're standard of education at all.

    Maybe this post refers to another previous post along the same lines, pass?

    I will say though, unless it's some really special place that 16000 is way over priced for a one room house / apartment / studio in Chiang Mai.

    sorr mr clough as i come from the mr STEin school i thought you would have understood

    It was no mere an intention to boast just a school boy reply toa pompous idiot who was mocking my status in life,

    yes again the education part refers to a previous post.

    The 16000 refers to size not price hence 1600 square a rai i believe ,That refers to my other room in Bang Pang

    Hope that clears up that

    Mr clough Mr o neill has done a fine job thank you

  9. judging by some of the comments on these threads and who am i to judge,but their seems to be a lot of pompous <snip> around in cm.

    When i first came here it had the rep really as a stop over for the hills,more relaxing than bangkok with ok travellers

    seeing people for what they were ,back packers seeking adventure and excitement .getting away from all the boring nonescense and image of trying to fit into a society back in the west.

    its realy hilarious that in the matter of a day there has been comments about my educasion.my standard of life,inspirations etc etc

    so for me cm has definately went down the lavvie pan as we say back home

    prejidiced people with prejidiced minds trying to livve the exotic lifestyle

    might have money and might have been old school boy

    but no real values or inspirations not like the old travellers of yore

    thanks for the laughs

    wow happy i live in the hills in a 16000 one roomer

    • Like 1
  10. elektrified

    You smell a troll

    I think you hit the nail on the head there. 51 years old and having to count his cetongs. (I am sure you know the correct spelling) I wonder if he was the guy about a year ago wondering where he could turn them all in?

    I do have to disagree with you about 2 in one room. It works quite well for me and the Mrs. In fact it has been a fantastic journey. Living this way you learn to respect them and trust them and being from two different cultures you learn about the other one and get to see some of the finer points in it. The rough points I have learned to over look. Except for the one if I ask a question and the answer is yes I get a grunt. Maybe that is just her and not her culture.sad.png

    sorry to disapoint but no troll here

    if you follow the question i have answered the question ELECTRICMAN hasnt

    i have told the up to date market prices as well as eating out

    anything else he wants to know he can ask

    i have lived 25 years in asia and i also said better to live in cambodia

    sT he number 1 problem is air quality as that will have an impact on everyones quality of life as well as budget for medical expenses

    All Thai food is heavily sprayed so again that impacts on your cost as regards to health

    see previous post where i said you can buy fresh organic food

    SOAP 54 baht for 4

    herbal soap 3 for 100 in walking market

    lychees 50 baht in market

    mangoes 20 baht kg

    chillies 15 baht kg

    me i grow my own

    good quality linen

    90 baht thai 260 baht japanese 318 poland per metre

    good quality cotton for bedsheets

    60 baht per metre

    I also have goog quality Japanese antiques that iwant to move on if you want quality home decoration.

    yes i lived in Japn for many years

    First time i went with 50 pounds i my pocket and stayed for 9 months,living in a millionares mansion for 100 pond a month

    so yes i am very satisfied with my life

    edukashon costs

    how much did you spend on a good edukashon?

    educasion costs

    well flight costs are going up so say on average 1000 pounds from uk to japan /thailand /india

    cost of living ina one bedroom india about 400 pounds a year

    thailand 6000 per year

    japan9000 per year

    thats food included

    Edukashon stil free in the uk

    my mate studied at gordonstoun

    stll lived in a one roomer at the age of 70

    though he did drink champayne for breakfast just about every day

  11. We talking 9 bedrooms or 9 rooms in total?

    This as meaningful as comparing; how many exterior doors you have, how many cylinders in total of all the engines you own, how many bathrooms, etc etc who cares.

    no mention of the rooms being a metre square

    back to the topic

    lemons now 10 baht for 5

    were 4 baht each a few weeks ago

  12. well is it living or existing

    some of the things i have done and still am doing in a one room house

    people can make their minds up if living or existing

    i will only use a musical theme here

    saw a young 16 year old bono screaming at the top of his lungs

    linton kwesi johnston telling it how it is to ive in



    gill scott heron 3 times one time on stage with the legend

    sonny terry and brownie mcghee

    ravi shanker on a full moon night next to the ganges

    mick jagger in the growd of 300 with a scotland top on

    Terry callier(musical genuis)

    John martyn bert jansch

    DAVY GRAHAM past his prime but still an honour to have witnessed him in the flesh

    The incredable string band

    blly connolly

    junior walker and the all stars

    Edwin starr 3 times

    martha reeves and the vandellas

    earth wind and fire


    thin lizzy

    david bowie

    the beat




    all done whilst living in a one roomer or existing as the case might be

    sure there will be more

  13. what you do in your house, play hide and seek? rolleyes.gif

    its not a house its one room hardly big enough for hide and seek

    spin the bottle more like

    even share each others clothes

    oh childhood memories

    back to present day living costs

    muesli 189 baht a kg in tops

    90 baht a bowl in restuarant

    i bought 10kg with me at 1.35 a kg from blighty

    yes i also took 20 kg rice to India once haha

    but it was Japanese rice not fake basmati

  14. I went to Goodmans and they got me a great deal .A return Bangkok to Dublin on Ethiad for B32,000 via AbuDabi .Going with KLM and stopping at Amsterdam would have cost over B100,000 .

    thats great i,ll keep that in mind as i am going via moscow-amsterdam -edinburgh i ended up paying 26000 one way

    it might be cheaper for a return doing the flight you have abd flying dublin -edinburgh

    how long is your ticket valid for at that price


  15. Go to pun pun or panya project just out side of CM

    they will change your perspective on life for the better

    also could try a real massage course at sunshine school or the Blue garden

    the skills you learn at the places i mentioned you can take anywhere rather than being in the rat race but in a different country

    There is a young canadian helping out at pun pun go have a word with him or any of the other people hanging around

  16. elektrified

    You smell a troll

    I think you hit the nail on the head there. 51 years old and having to count his cetongs. (I am sure you know the correct spelling) I wonder if he was the guy about a year ago wondering where he could turn them all in?

    I do have to disagree with you about 2 in one room. It works quite well for me and the Mrs. In fact it has been a fantastic journey. Living this way you learn to respect them and trust them and being from two different cultures you learn about the other one and get to see some of the finer points in it. The rough points I have learned to over look. Except for the one if I ask a question and the answer is yes I get a grunt. Maybe that is just her and not her culture.sad.png

    sorry to disapoint but no troll here

    if you follow the question i have answered the question ELECTRICMAN hasnt

    i have told the up to date market prices as well as eating out

    anything else he wants to know he can ask

    i have lived 25 years in asia and i also said better to live in cambodia

    sT he number 1 problem is air quality as that will have an impact on everyones quality of life as well as budget for medical expenses

    All Thai food is heavily sprayed so again that impacts on your cost as regards to health

    see previous post where i said you can buy fresh organic food

    SOAP 54 baht for 4

    herbal soap 3 for 100 in walking market

    lychees 50 baht in market

    mangoes 20 baht kg

    chillies 15 baht kg

    me i grow my own

    good quality linen

    90 baht thai 260 baht japanese 318 poland per metre

    good quality cotton for bedsheets

    60 baht per metre

    I also have goog quality Japanese antiques that iwant to move on if you want quality home decoration.

    yes i lived in Japn for many years

    First time i went with 50 pounds i my pocket and stayed for 9 months,living in a millionares mansion for 100 pond a month

    so yes i am very satisfied with my life

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