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Everything posted by keith101

  1. Rinse and repeat we hear this all the time but does much of anything actually get done
  2. If i fill my pickup each month till the end of the year the most i will save is around 350 baht whoopy doo
  3. And then she will be replaced by you know who
  4. Do as you are told not what we do
  5. If he is not dying send him back to prison and treat him there that is where he should be
  6. Thats just the norm here and any plastic that can't be sold is burnt
  7. The Govt wants to give the Chinese visa free entry and the country will fill with crooks and call centre gangs etc etc
  8. We have been getting the occasional storm and rain where i am in Uttaradit enough to fill the septic tanks and cause second flushing in the toilet which has just been emptied but i doubt he actually fully emptied them .
  9. A preferred destination by TAT not necessarily by foreigners .
  10. There is no working airport here in Uttaradit and really no need as there is very little tourist attractions for anyone to come and see . I would love to be able to fly to Bangkok but doubt that there will be an airport here before i take my last breath .
  11. How could he be charged with murder if he shot defending himself while being attacked with a sword ? TIT and sometimes and really stupid things happen with BIB .
  12. As usual the TAT has completely overdone their numbers and will be extremely lucky to get 25% IMO
  13. Young people learn about drinking alcohol primarily from older family and friends not advertising so restricting it further won't do anything to lessen youth drinking problems
  14. Anutin you truly are an idiot
  15. I would have a guess that he is Chinese and believes he can do whatever he wants without any repercussions for his actions which is a very Kevin and typical attitude
  16. I hope they dont support them in the vote and why should they
  17. He won't come back till his party has taken over as the Government
  18. What police only rescue workers Should just pack up all those Kuwaiti trouble makers and send them home
  19. Its typical Pheu Thai they only want power and dont care about anything or anyone else it's all about them
  20. Stop them from eating fatty (take away) foods and drinking sugar water
  21. More evidence that these fireworks factories should be allowed to operate in industrial estates as far away from homes as possible .
  22. Unless the duly elected party takes Government this will end up one unholy f/up
  23. Any other outcome for Thailand to have a truly Democratically elected Government was just a pipe dream when you have people not honoring the elections and only pushing their own agenda to keep themselves in power .
  24. My wifes daughter in Bangkok went out and bought 8 smaller 830ml Dutch Mill full milk and is sending to me here in Uttaradit . I contacted Dutch Mill asking what's going on and all i got was yes some areas are experiencing shortages and sorry for any inconvenience .
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