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Everything posted by keith101

  1. How many Senators are non-elected military and only worried about themselves and not the betterment of the country
  2. Not a lot will change until they remove all the military from the senate and move forward with a true democracy
  3. Not just the Military but the Shinawatra dynasty as well .
  4. Absolutely disgraceful treatment for possession of just 2 tablets clearly for personal use (although illegal) and not a dealer who would have been treated better , SHAME on you BIB .
  5. Maybe she can get herself deported for being unable to support herself financially and what about her return flight she must have had one to enter
  6. This party usually wins by offering money or other incentives rather than actual policy to people if they win so more people vote that way . Money talks loud especially to those in Issan where most of the red shirts live .
  7. Speed and wet road conditions are also possible causes
  8. UAE exports - crude petroleum,refined petroleum,gold,diamonds and broadcasting equipment . Thailand has its own gold so doesn't leave much to trade with .
  9. He took a photo of his own ballot for himself not of other voters ballots so why is there a problem TIT .
  10. I dont understand how the Election Commission can have a say but TIT .
  11. So expats aren't included as usual and nothing changes
  12. I have zero sympathy for these gangs if they want to kill each other who cares as long as no bystander is injured or killed .
  13. Also from onestockhome 10x12.5x25 cm 28.76 baht each go to their site click bricks left side and scroll down they have many if you keep looking
  14. LOL all i see in this video is a man sitting on rocks doing nothing but waving his arms around unless of course those rocks are protected for some reason but still not rampage , maybe they should have shown video of what he did before jumping of the pier but TIT .
  15. He is pushing for his party to win so he and his daughter can get pardons and can return home and take power again .
  16. The only losses would be to Immigration by not paying for extensions otherwise they are bringing money into Thailand
  17. For locals in my area Songkran is all about getting drunk and extremely loud music/karaoke until very late and the same goes for when people die . The last party resulted in most people getting Covid with some going to hospital including my wifes mother .
  18. Painting red and white does nothing i was almost hit by young college student on a motor bike yesterday crossing one .
  19. [email protected] Don't like oysters so dont know
  20. Why don't they name those 17 Provinces ?
  21. Since when do Thai care about safety even for the kids . You see them driving around with young children not seated and or wearing seatbelts , my wifes daughter and husband are included and seemingly think that they will never have an accident which is probably just around the corner but they dont listen to me what do i know i am farang .
  22. Maybe they just migrated for better food rather than rice
  23. This sounds much more plausible than the all standing on one side to take photos story . These boats always travel at speed so what could they possibly trying to take a photo of .
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