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Posts posted by keith101

  1. That is cheap compared to what Gold Canyon wants for them. A sleeve of 3 is almost 900baht. I asked why so expensive, he said same same everywhere. I said NO!

    That is almost 10.00 a ball, well over double the US price. If you want to just try them, go to a golf course and buy some used ones. Not perfect but good enough to try. Usually can be had for 25-50 baht depending on condition. Also if you have a regular caddy, she will probably be able to get some if you ask her for around 20 baht. (Mixed quality.)

    I just want to try a softer ball but I will not pay these prices, their are other less expensive softer balls available I am sure, I will have a look!

    As I said I doubt this golf store sells one box of the Pro V1 a month but I suppose their are people here who have the money not to bother with price!!

    ive got some from u s but shipping + taxes etc brimg them to the about same price depending on the exchange rate at the time

  2. all of the thai family around me said before the election they would vote for yingLUCK (not) so that she could bring thakSIN back home and take over the reigns again.my thai teacher back home told our class that the majotity of farmers are fairly ignorant and believe all the bull that their told by the red leaders and living in the country this became very apparent very quickly.so expect to see thaksin sometime in the near future.bad luck for thailand will surely follow.

  3. The whole report sounds fishy to me. I can believe the part that monks may not have known what was going on at their temple (they didn't acknowledge the multiple fetus stored for many months, and many wats have feral dogs which monks are adept at not noticing). However, I cannot believe so many dead bodies could be moved around without raising alarms, ....even in the land of 'mai pen rai.'

    Some mentioned Rohinga or Burmese - which sounds slightly plausible. Or other SE Asians hired by the Thaksin machine which fueled the Bkk riots or 2009 and 2010, and, if killed, were expendable in their view.

    This could all be filed under 'False Stories' until we hear more. Too often in Thailand, there are inflamatory stories - which turn out to be either badly reported or just plain false. - like the recent report of a Thai gang of near dozen members who brutally murdered a Swede - which turned out to be false on several counts. Even numbers can't always be relied upon when spoken. in Thai, the number 11 sounds almost identical to the number 18. And have you ever looked closely at numbers written by a Thai? a number one looks like a seven, and a number four could look like a nine or a zero or a six, or......who knows? Who teaches the kids how to write numbers? Add to that, the word for 'far' (glai) sounds almost identical to the word for 'near' (glai). Imagine if there were Thai soldiers in a forward trench, attempting to call back artillery aiming adjustments on a nearby target. The soldier says 'glai', and the gunner thinks 'close' rather than 'far' and 'KA_BOOM!" ......game over.

    thai is a tonal language and even if the word is spelt the same it is spoken differently so there are on errors maybe if you listened to them speak you would know this uless of course your tone deaf.

  4. After watching both my parents die within 6 months of each other in 2009 without being assisted to pass and both taking up to 5 days of seeing them stop breathing for up to a minuts + before taking another breath it would have been much easier on them if the docters had agreed to assist.Numerous requests from all the family fell on deaf ears.Both parents asked to be assisted in their passing.I firmly agree to euthanasia and have told my thai wife when the time comes i want to go quick and as she was with me when my mother died and saw her she has agreed.

  5. toenail i live in Uttaradit but have traelled through Issan and would never leave this area for there even though we dont have a big c here we do have the tesco which is ok and airports only an hour away,the choice is yours but if you dont have a thai wife g/f i would suggest travelling the country before deciding where to live

  6. theres always been 2 prices for just about everything one for them and one for us.the only time we pay the same price is the goods or services have a marked price and even then they will try and tell it has wrong price so you can pay whgat they want or walk out.im in Uttaradit and the Sirikit Dam course is 900 thb for 18 holes,cart and caddy fee.

  7. if you are still looking for someone to play golf with im an aussie living in Ruam Chit and also looking to play.i havent as yet played the army but have played sirikit dam a number of times.my handicap is 16 but have trouble playing to it most times,hope we can get together for a game ph # 0895046698 .give me a call or anyone else out there looking to hook up for a game.

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