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Posts posted by keith101

  1. The ABAC poll, conducted by a research centre at Assumption University, surveyed 969 foreigners in Thailand between Jan 15-30

    what a pathetic attempt at a survey millions of tourists come here every year and this small amount can in no way be an affective representation of the influx . maybe if the study was done for a year it would be more representative of the people coming .

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  2. the service at the sirikit golf course in Uttaradit is always excelent and the caddies are usually very good and at 900bt inc cart+caddy fee you cant go wrong , the only problem is the caddies speak very little english unless theyve had farang bf or husband . i always enjoy playing there even if ive had a bad game .

  3. the big question is who is going to pay the uni fees . is this why she wants to move in with you so she can pay or she expects you to pay because she lives with you , i think the latter is the case so if you are not prepared to do this then say no .

    are you 100% sure what she said about teaching is correct did you check it out or just believed her , a lot of bs is wtitten on internet sites by these young women to meet a wealthy (compared to them) farang as a lot will attest to . if true then go for it she actually sounds very nice but check everything first before committing yourself to anything .

  4. think about deadlocks on all exterior doors and locks for all windows as well as bars and you will feel like your in prison but safe as long as they dont go through the roof .maybe a dog could also help if someone decides to try entry while your asleep .

  5. ive known some oz men who have married Philipinas and the first thing that becomes very clear is that they want to send as much of the husbands earnings home to their family as the possibly can and if the men argued against it they will divorce asap and take everything . im sure not all Philipinas are like this but most of the ones ive met most certainly are.

    Most of the thai women i met in Aus were totally opposite with the odd exeption as they are here only after as much as they can get .

  6. I can tell you with absolute conviction that the world will not end tomorrow. And if it does, you won't be around to tell me I was wrong. I don't think the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the word in 2012 anyway, just a major change.

    i think they thought they had done so far in adance they wouldnt have to worry about it for a long long long time .
  7. rip Kunakorn Srisuwan

    do they have the bullets that caused his death and if so can they prove 100% that they where fired from an army weapon and can say who fired the weapon using forensics if not they dont have a case . just having bullets from a similar weapon proves nothing and could have been discharched by anyone from anywhere in the vacinity .

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  8. i realise people are probably sick of these posts . just finished talking with internatiol services in Hobart ( freecall from thai 001 800 61104136 ) and asked about a return to Aus before turning 65 (now 60) how long would would i have to be there before being eligale to claim oap and if i need to remain after claiming. the very nice lady told me if i returned to live in Aus 2 years before turning 65 i could claim immediately and be paid overseas straight away and not have to do the 2 years qualification period . she also said something about returing at age 67 and not do the 2 years but not sure if i heard correctly but a phone call from anyone interested to the above number will give clarification .

    my wife does not want me to go back and thinks she can take care of me financially with money from her small market but highly unlikely to ever make enough to do it . she also has a tipper truck which seems to spend as much time getting repairs as on the road working but god bless her for thinking of ways to keep me here .

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