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Posts posted by aarn

  1. If you go to the bus stop out on the highway (take the 329, from the centre of Chumphon, 6km west to the junction with highways 4 + 41, then travel 2km south down 41, bus stop is on western side of road) you can enquire there. Basically, you have to book a set on a Phuket - Pattaya bus, I suspect you pay for the entire trip.

    The slower way ie. not direct - bus Chumphon - Sai Tai from ChokAnAn Tours, terminal is very close to the main 'wet' market, cost ~ 400B. From Sai Tai, big buses leave for North Pattaya every one or two hours, cost ~ 140B. AA

  2. Your big choice is - to follow Highway 4 all the way along the Andaman coast ThaiMueng/Kraburi/Ranong/Chump. - or cut across to the east (various possibilities) and emerge at PhunPhin, 13 km west of SuratThani, then continue northward up #41 until joining #4 at Chumphon.

    The former - via Ranong - is slower, but quite scenic. A few beach resorts along the way, you can stop near Kraburi and see the Isthmus of Kra - Burma only ~ 200 metres across the water. The latter - well, quicker and wider roads. My bicycling preference was the full coastal route #4, only a couple of murderous mountains.

    At least two golf courses in Chumporn area, heaps in HuaHin. Chumphon town is a prosperous Sth Thai town, OK night market. Can get boat to Koh Tao (easiest to organise via Fame GH, in centre of town). ThungWuaLaen beach 15 km away, plenty of middle-high end accom., sawng tor bus 30B from market in Chumphon BUT only during daylight hours. I lived there for a year.

    Further north, you can have a confrontation with monkeys and dogs walking to the temple in PrachuapKirirKhan, battle the crowds of farang in HuaHin, or enjoy bat-<deleted> aroma doing the round of the 9 temples in Petchburi.

    Don't come to BangSaphan, you'd hate it here. Quiet beaches, off the beaten path. Anyway, all accom. booked out until SongKran. AA

  3. Good luck finding a suitable ssd, there're plenty around, they do bring further p-l-e-a-s-u-r-e to the www. lifestyle.

    You've probably noticed, the frequent recommendations in TV-IT forums to backup backup backup.

    Hence, you only need to buy a 60Gb ssd, store everything in an external drive,

    then delve into it when you need something, because copying will be fast fast fast. AA

  4. Sometimes there is a delay of 24hr before you get emailed the booking/confirmation.

    A lot of people using gmail don't seem to realise that the junk box is a little hidden away, compared to hotmail.

    It's good to become 'a member' of AA, so much faster when booking a ticket.

    Without wanting to go off-topic, beano2274 could you give a few hints re. paying at 7/11, please? Would suit me...

    Cheers, AaAa

  5. The wiki for Intel (processor maker) tracks the 'evolution' of processors http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Tick-Tock .

    Basically, the next big thing (Haswell, superseding ivy bridge) won't be out until June.

    No doubt the rate of improvement in spec.s is tied up with commercial arrangements between, say, Microsoft, Intel, and computer manufacturers.

    With MS releasing w'doze 8, there were some pretty good deals going ( a few months ago) on high-end comps unable to do the 8/touch-screen thing.

    RAM getting more affordable - a couple of months ago, 4Gb ddr3 could be had for 600B in Penang IT shops.

    Anyway, if money is burning a hole in your pocket, get a machine with an i7 quadcore and 4+Gb RAM.

    As oilinki suggests above, SSD will practically run twice as fast as standard HD. If the comp you want doesn't come with ssd, can add to the system later... AA

  6. You can book online www.ktmb.com.my. You will have to create a user profile (name/password) to get into the system, and can pay online.

    Timetables are all there.

    One tip, if you book from Johor Baru (station is right on the border, Malay side of the causeway), price will be half that of booking from SIN.

    Cheers, AA

  7. Looks like you and many others have had this intractable problem. I would have said just go Control Panel > System > System Restore, then go to a point prior to the problem occurring but if you are like me you probably didn't think too much of the problem at first, and regularly expunged restore points prior to defragging.

    Doing a web search for your line Windows Explorer opens up on startup., the best thing I could find was


    Thanks for the insight into your desktop - fancy putting "Hatari" there, you must be a big fan haha.

    Windows doing all these tricky AI-type things pushed me towards the linux community. Good luck, AA

  8. Try 1/. a different mouse

    2/. If you are in chrom(ium), go to top R of screen, click customizer button, which is three horizontal lines under the big X. A menu comes up, the third last item is

    'View Background Pages'. Click on that - what sort of info is there? How is that handling you're jumping bean problem?

    Cheers, AA

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  9. One small tip on buying a printer. The cheapo printer/copier/scanners are ~ 2,000B (6 months ago they were 1500B), straight printers ~ 1200B.

    Having scanning/copying capability is a real blessing. But as lemonjelly advised above

    < watch out when buying a printer.....go for a printer that can take ink reservoir tanks or you'll be spending @500 baht to replace ink cartridges>

    So if you buy a cheapie (like my HP deskjet 2050), when printing, go into 'properties' select 'print in greyscale' and/or 'fast draft', to improve the longevity of the cartridges. AA

  10. Caught the slow train, originating LangSuan destination Thonburi, 16 January. Well, I only had to do Saphli (two local stops north of Chumphon) to BangSaphanYai, ~ 90km, 17B for farang. After a big night de-cerebrating a friend's 60th, walked for two hours to get to the station on time for scheduled departure 0718. Train eventually arrived ~ 0930, easy slow run to BSPYai to get to 7/11 for hair-of-the-dog ie. well after 1100.

    Only 2hr late - no problem, where I come from in farang-land trains regularly run 3hr late. There is often a conciliatory announcement: 'The crew of this train is not responsible for the delay'.

    I reckon LOS train services pretty good - (very) affordable, no alcohol/food bans, no need for aircon or heating. AA

  11. Thanks Lop3 for the disambiguation. You are always on the ball!

    When quoth I <and/or visit to embassy,> this was in case the OP decides to go combined bank acct/embassy declaration method.

    This was preceded by <If you don't want to do visa runs, you can go to your local Immi office>,

    which I hoped would be understood to be superior to the consequent clauses in the paragraph.

    I must have killed too many cats and eaten too many muddy catfish. AA

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