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Posts posted by aarn

  1. I imagine all you really need to do is copy all files in C drive over to D and/or E. You didn't mention the size of each drive (just Rclick, then go to 'properties').

    There was a post on TV last year, a TVer had filled up C drive, not sure what to do... just get all the stuff not in use on a daily basis off C. Cheers, AA

  2. Another tip is to reduce the file size of the photos, especially if you have slow www.

    Rclick on a photo and check 'properties'. Unless you are emailing superdetailed stuff, 120kB max is enough for happy snaps.

    If using windows, to reduce photo size Rclick, 'Open with' use Paint, there are options in there reduce by 5-95%.

    A 1M photo should reduce to ~ 100kbif you request reduction by 40%

    (mystery to me why it doesn't reduce to exactly 40%, or (.4 x .4) = 16%, of original size. AA

  3. Good move. Get an new laptop, preferably with an Intel ivy bridge quad-core processor, and 4Gb RAM.

    When you are feeling rich, upgrade RAM to 8Gb (should only cost ~ 700B), and purchase a solid state drive (ssd).

    Can buy a small ssd, and store stuff on external drives.

    Keep the old comp. as a music player, pod downloader etc.

    Well, that is my approach to a dud screen. Cheers, AA

    • Like 1
  4. Methinks you are making life difficult for yourself.

    You can get Mint 13 Cinnamon 64 bit, supported until 2017.

    Full option listing here:


    In my experience, virtual machines were trickier than usb or dual-boot.

    Might even be easier to get another small ssd (true, not cheap in Thailand)

    and swap drives (very easy, depending on your comp - youtube for instructions)

    when you feel like a mint. AA

  5. This is what i would do with your system, for a dual-boot.

    First, google LinuxBSDos.com,

    and search for 'dual boot windows linux',

    just in case my following advice is absolute <deleted>.

    In windows, turn that 12GB free space into an 'unallocated' space.

    I think to do this, go to Start button (bottom left of screen), click.

    In the search box that pops up, type 'disk' or 'disc'.

    I think something like Windows disc/k Management should appear as an option, L-side of sreen.

    Get into that, then you want to use the 'shrink disc size [or somesuch] option'. A Rclick or two on your Cdrive.

    That way, you should be able to free up your 12 or so Gb as 'unallocated space'.

    You will get heaps of warnings "this operation has the potential to lose data" blahblahblah.

    Takes a while for the machine to do this, but you can regain the space very fast, later, if Peed-off by linux

    Next, get an .iso image of your preferred linux distro via www.distrowatch.com.

    Mint is wholesome. Lubuntu and Xubuntu are faster! I have Lub 13.04 booting on my rig (similar spec.s to yours) in 11 sec!

    Load your preferred linux/mint distro onto a 4+Gb usb stick using www.unetbootin, downloaded from www.sourceforge.com.

    Now you are ready to 'test' your linux.

    First you gotta tell your machine that you wanna boot from the usb.

    So you'll have to go into your BIOS - generally (but not exclusively) hitting F2 key just after startup.

    If you have UEFI in your BIOS, can be a lot of mucking around.

    Just change one thing at a time in BIOS, press F10 to save and exit, getback into BIOS.

    Assuming you can get the usb to boot, an option should come up 'Try linux/ubuntu/mint without installing'.

    Go that path, after a few sec of colour/movement you should be in the testing stage.

    First thing to do is get online, by putting in your wifi password etc.

    If happy after mucking around for a bit, you wanna install.

    So go to the desktop of the usb, and double click on the icon to install.

    There will be a few dialogue boxes, one may say 'multiple operating systems have been detected';

    will ask 'how do you want install linux/mint'.

    Choose the option 'Install Linux/mint/ubuntu alongside windows'.

    That way windows will stay where it is, your linux will sit happily in the 12Gb freed-up space,

    and every time you reboot, you get the option to use either linux or 'doze.

    Your linux can see everything in your 'doze partition too, you'll figure it out.

    Good luck, AA

  6. Yet another reason to use linux.

    I am using Lubuntu 13.04, and editing stuff for a friend

    (just to improve the English language usage) in another country.

    He wants to use dropbox.com, to share files etc.

    I install dropbox for linux - the f**king thing wants to take over my comp. change the screensaver etc.

    Fawk you windoze app!

    But all my files are backed up, let's be diplomatic

    I just insert the usb loaded with Lub 13.04.

    Instruct it to format my ssd,

    Then reinstall linux.

    Easy - peasy. In 30 min my comp. is fresh as a daisy.

    Future document edits - well, linux can handle .pdf files and .doc files sent from anywhere

    (using abiword program, amongst others).

    Thus linux has solutions for document manipulation AND cross O/S (windoze/Maclinux) sharing.

    Don't be afraid, test the water using zorin - looks like 'doze.

    Later, enjoy an Ubuntu derivative Lubuntu and Xubuntu highly recommended.

    Enough ranting for today, AA


    Sorry, was gonna post this yesterday, but couldn't find the link...

    OK, just start the youtube, R-click on it, then click on 'Pop out' in the dialogue box.

    Then a smaller version of the youtube opens. R-click and click 'Save As'. Easy-peasy.

    Well, this works with Chrome in Linux. No need to download from softpedia etc.

    Cheers, AA

    • Like 1
  8. I recently (last week) returned $AUD, from a Kasikorn account, to the same account that transferred the funds to Thailand (last year).

    Even though the KBank passport has a ......TRR (or somesuch) code appended to IMTs,

    I was asked to provide a receipt from the bank of origin.

    Fortunately I had saved this (electronically), but it was not dated - a source of further hassle.

    The funds were converted to $AUD before being transferred,

    I think about 0.5% of the total amount thereby disappeared into KBank.

    Three fees were imposed, 800 + 400 + 100 = 1,300B.

    I got the impression that the transfer would not have been approved without the (dodgy) receipt.

    Good luck, AA

  9. Great Stuff. I did my second retirement annual extension late March in Tesco building, Chumphon

    (officials from Ranong Immi attend every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month).

    Only difference - I was asked for a second visa-type photograph.

    Last year, I was asked to provide a mud-map of the location of my residence.

    I guess you gotta take duplicates of everything (and smile) to make things flow.

    Cheers, AA

  10. there are express buses that run phuket to pattaya. you can get one of these from the bus stop on highway 4, about 10 km from the business centre of chumphon. you would have to book a few days in advance, and of course pay the whole price phuket - pattaya.

    if you are now on koh tao, you could get an agent to organise it. in chumphon, fame guest house could organise it, i guess.

    sorry reduced functionality today, typing one-handed. aa

  11. You know, you can post all that gear (not your passport) by registered mail (costs 18 baht) and include a 3 baht (yes, 3B not 10B) stamped return-addressed envelope (in which the office will place the notification receipt). Save you a trip.

    You can search www.TV for the postal address of the office.

    Some Immi offices are refusing to accept registered mail, but I can't recall anything re. NSawan. AA

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