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Posts posted by aarn

  1. I think Mrjlh's post on the mark. OK, what you need to do is send a smaller file than that which the scanner prepares for.

    R-click on your scanned file, check 'Properties'. How big is the file - 40kb should be good enough.

    Your computer scanning program should have some options for reducing the size/quality of the scanned image.

    Otherwise, If for example you are using windows, save the scan, open it with the Paint program, then reduce the image size.

    These are just a few options. AA

  2. A common reason, that many of these animals (and animal parts) are used in so-called 'medicines',

    is that the animals have trace elements in their body, which are not found in certain areas.

    For example, seahorses are a 'source' iodine. Inland, mountainous areas often have iodine-deficient soil.

    So any old warrior who had never seen the sea, might eat some seahorse and start feeling good - particularly a boost in libido.

    I wouldn't pretend to know what is in rhino horn or tiger penis,

    but of course 'feeling' good is partly in the mind, and items with phallic connotations.

    And yes, providing better education and health services to poorer people can reduce such trade. AA

  3. I had similar experience, SWIFT/IMT transfer from CommBankAustr to KBank (Chumphon) last year.

    CommBank hit me for $AUD22 to send $AUD.

    KBank gave me reasonable Xrate ie. 3% better than changing to baht in Austr, then transferring.

    Kbank fees were not unreasonable.

    Three months later, 500B fee pops up in my KBank account. Code was same as for SWIFT/IMT.

    Enquired in bank - staff had no idea (other than to suggest I forgot an ATM transaction).

    Thus, moral is anticipate ongoing charges... plus, NEVER use an ATM that is not outside a bank. AA

  4. Easier still, if you already have a portable exHDD inside a casing, just open it up, take out the drive that is is there, then (try to) put the drive from your dead computer into the casing.

    Some casings require a small Philips-head screw driver, some just finger pressure, to separate.

    Then removing the actual drive from the casing/connection is a simple matter of (gently) pulling them apart. No need to cut anything etc.

    If uncertain about this, you could google for youtubes, but it is easier than changing a lightbulb. Good luck, AA

  5. I had no problem renewing 'retirement extension' on 26 March, on the (partial) basis of an affidavit concerning income obtained from the (Australian) embassy on 27 February.

    That seems to be reasonable, as it is a massive hassle to go to your embassy for the statement, then go home (in my case, Chumphon) to Immi the next day. AA

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