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  1. Isn't she looking more and more like a guy? I had it she was one of the things Russia had on Donald. On the other hand, that would be a BIG thing 555555
  2. So know we know, US is run by an Russian asset. The world will never be the same again.
  3. I don't think he is an Russian agent, but it now seams like hi is a Russian asset. Or a total idiot. Very troubled times ahead.
  4. How would you know?
  5. A lot of countries constitutions wont allow elections during war, and that is the case in Ukraine. Anyone suggesting stuff that is against the constitution of a country doesn't really want to find a solution.
  6. Interesting to see that 21 % of all voted here i Russian trolls or bots. And quite scary. I guess this will make me spend less time here from now on.
  7. So why are you using this social media site then? What kind of privacy do you think I give up by posting here? And for the record, I started using Thaivisa when it was mostly helpful posts about traveling and visa and so on. It was all better before. There is still some helpful members answering posts, that's why I still come here.
  8. Quite sure that there was a private settlement, but who got the money...
  9. The fact that people still use social media is mind boggling to me. Why would you give up any kind of privacy so the platforms can make a lot of money? But privacy doesn't seams to part of the deal now
  10. Lucky politicians never is corrupt here then.
  11. So then you won't see them on your phone either right?
  12. So if you ignore on the laptop, is that ignore gone on your phone then? Might be worth a try.
  13. The "French" Arabs at it again I guess.
  14. Cut of parts that shouldn't be on a female with a VERY blunt knife
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