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Posts posted by Skorz

  1. Everyone has good days and bad days in Thailand. Greenhorn expats who have yet to realise that their core values as humans are both utterly worthless and incomprehensible to ALL Thais they will meet, generally have lots of good days and enjoy poncing around in their orange clown pants telling everyone how great things are going, how great the local thais who play football on the beach are and how everybody is bending over backwards to help them out. What they don;t realise is that all this help they are getting comes with a price. The day of reckoning is never far away for a green horn in Thailand.

    However, if you can remain ignorant and unconcerned about your surroundings and just get on with loving the climate, food, wenches and beer then you'll probably have lots of good days to follow (as long as you keep it in moderation!), but as soon as you try to impose any sort of control over your fellow thais (business/finances/wench/home) you'll come unstuck unless you are absolutely minted and mingle with the high soc.

    Thai Apologists generally behave as such because they're either clever enough not to blow cash on anything other than rent and consumables, or because they've yet to be ripped off.

    In answer, no, I have never met a serious apologist, at least not one I would give the time of day to.

  2. I don't get it. You're single, straight (assuming) and you're turning the opportunity of an almost certain easy lay down by the wayside.

    Christ sake man, it must be awful for you.

    Why are you even in Thailand if you're not going to take advantage of the local talent?

  3. I have just successfully divorced my Thai wife of 8 years (in the British courts) whom which I have three children with, and been awarded joint residency of the children. She has a British Passport for the record. In July she lied, made accusations of violence and alcoholism and told the Court I was a danger to the children.

    This was in July 2013. Yesterday upon the receipt of various police reports, alcohol hair strand tests and social services reports, the court dropped all accusations against me and threw the case out, awarding without delay a final order giving me unfettered contact 3 nights a week with Christmas and birthdays split down the middle. The court also recognized she was trying to play the system by making accusations that were simply untrue, and issued a very stern warning that if she breaks the order without genuine reasons she will be forced to do unpaid community service AND reimburse me for any costs involved in serving the enforcing order (a C79 form).

    Obviously she is furious and within a couple of hours of getting out of court phoned me and tried to bully me into withdrawing the order. The usual tactics, 'you have big problem if you make problem for me etc'. Hilariously she said if I don;t do what she wants she'll stop me seeing the kids!

    My solicitor laughed and we're going to serve the C79 tomorrow morning, which will cost the ex around £1500 and 40 hours of community service as it is a forgone conclusion that the court will not accept her reasoning that she is protesting because I am excercising my parental responsibility (yes I am on the childrens birth certificate) of wishing to attend a parents evening at their school.

    So, for the sake of 1 week of not seeing my children, the b*tch will be legally burnt at the stake and it is highly likely that she will never breach the order again because I'm hitting her where it hurts, in her wallet.

    There is justice after all and after 8 years of hell and bullying and violence I'm finally getting some retribution.

  4. Anyone of the readers of these forums would not hesitate to take a cut of the action if they felt they could get away with it. How many houses have been knowingly thrown up on forest land in Samui, Phuket blah blah? How many of these houses are proportionally 'owned' by westerners? Most of them.

    Rule of play in Siam is if you can get away with it, go for it. Applies to all nationalities. Plenty of hippies knowingly buy cheap PBT forest land, build crap on it and then wine like b*tches when the upgrade never materialises.

    Don't tar everyone with the same brush - I've never taken anything in my 50 years that doesn't belong to me; nor would it. The principle of honesty for some if far more important than money.

    Define 'Belong to me' in Thailand from a foreign perspective. You may have paid for it, but it doesn't make it yours, even if it was your money you spent.

    Reminds me of a young German I used to know who paid a farmer for some land, build a house on it and then spent the next six months under seige from the original (and legally current) land owner and his family who upon completion of the house decided that they wanted it back.

    Haters, get off you high horse and read between the lines. it's not all about you and your ivory tower.

  5. Anyone of the readers of these forums would not hesitate to take a cut of the action if they felt they could get away with it.

    errr . . . no . . . speak for yourself, not me. I leave all the illegal stuff to the Thai's.

    Most foreigners pay the Thais to do the illegal stuff on their behalf. Except any Thai judge will ignore the middle men (assuming they happen to be Thai) and drill into the chain of events until they strike gold in the form of a foreigner.

    If you 'own' a house you're breaking the law, if your wife/GF is a nominated business partner to allow you to effectively own and control a business, property, car, hire purchase goods etc then you're acting illegally.

  6. Anyone of the readers of these forums would not hesitate to take a cut of the action if they felt they could get away with it. How many houses have been knowingly thrown up on forest land in Samui, Phuket blah blah? How many of these houses are proportionally 'owned' by westerners? Most of them.

    Rule of play in Siam is if you can get away with it, go for it. Applies to all nationalities. Plenty of hippies knowingly buy cheap PBT forest land, build crap on it and then wine like b*tches when the upgrade never materialises.

  7. my thoughts: he had promised to supply somebody with narcs, got money and cheated them. so they took his bike

    how many white boys do you know are going to start a fight in broad daylight with a strapping young black man? Unless of course they were highly motivated, angry and tooled up gangsters who could afford a 4 door vigo (to get the stiff bodies in and out faster - lol)

    • Like 2
  8. All these taxi/tuktuk problems are simply a consequence and a bubbling over the surface of a deep seated resentment and hatred towards the farang. The working men of Thailand have the least to lose as they live hand to mouth, day to day. They are the people whose veneer is thin and clearly transparent if you will pardon the pun. These are the ones who carry a bloody samurai sword under their drivers seat and will quite happily chop of the head of some foreigner who doesn't play by the rules. I have written this whilst drunk. Apologies.

    I'd agree but amend the following to include anyone better off than them, well off Thais and non farang foreigners included. You can work slaves to death, and many will feel that it's their place to live as such... as long as you give them those droplets of respect that they deserve. I've seen a lot of these situations get ignited by nothing more than a middle finger or some minor swearing.

    They don't use the ol' 'sticks and stones' saying here... well, at least not the whole saying anyway. Also, while there are SOME of those playful 'shoving matches' that some westerners would call 'fights,' I'd say that the defacto local definition is 'to the death.' It's the more natural definition.

    I think It's hardly an alien concept... how many of you guys would mouth off in the bad part of town back home?


    I really like your response. I don't say this very often but I think you've nailed it mate.

    So I guess the attitude of this samuri taxi guy is different from the famous taxi guy in Bangkok that has a sign saying something like " I love farang. Without farang I not have have money and cannot eat" . Regarding turning a street conflict into a fight to the death, that is an interesting concept for tourists to be aware of. So in any conflict with a Thai, be prepared to fight to the death, and come into the fight with that attitude. The Thais certainly seem to, so if you want to win you will have to be the same.....

    You've turned this on it's head which is good.

    • Thai hate foreigner.
    • Foreigner feed Thai.
    • Foreigner free to leave at any time.
    • Foreigner gts cheap sex, beer, housing, nice weather etc in return for tolerating xenophobia.
    • Like 1
  9. All these taxi/tuktuk problems are simply a consequence and a bubbling over the surface of a deep seated resentment and hatred towards the farang. The working men of Thailand have the least to lose as they live hand to mouth, day to day. They are the people whose veneer is thin and clearly transparent if you will pardon the pun. These are the ones who carry a bloody samurai sword under their drivers seat and will quite happily chop of the head of some foreigner who doesn't play by the rules. I have written this whilst drunk. Apologies.

    I'd agree but amend the following to include anyone better off than them, well off Thais and non farang foreigners included. You can work slaves to death, and many will feel that it's their place to live as such... as long as you give them those droplets of respect that they deserve. I've seen a lot of these situations get ignited by nothing more than a middle finger or some minor swearing.

    They don't use the ol' 'sticks and stones' saying here... well, at least not the whole saying anyway. Also, while there are SOME of those playful 'shoving matches' that some westerners would call 'fights,' I'd say that the defacto local definition is 'to the death.' It's the more natural definition.

    I think It's hardly an alien concept... how many of you guys would mouth off in the bad part of town back home?


    I really like your response. I don't say this very often but I think you've nailed it mate.

  10. All these taxi/tuktuk problems are simply a consequence and a bubbling over the surface of a deep seated resentment and hatred towards the farang. The working men of Thailand have the least to lose as they live hand to mouth, day to day. They are the people whose veneer is thin and clearly transparent if you will pardon the pun. These are the ones who carry a bloody samurai sword under their drivers seat and will quite happily chop of the head of some foreigner who doesn't play by the rules. I have written this whilst drunk. Apologies.

    • Like 2
  11. Koh Sami is a flithy <deleted> hole. If your GF wants some luxury then fly to Samui and catch ferry to Koh Phangan and spend two week on Thong Nai Pan Noi. Remember, Samui is nothing like the description in the Alex Garland novel that I'm assuming you have read.

    All tigers in Thailand are kept in appalling conditions, elephants spend all their days lugging logs around to appease spoilt little trustafarians. Bangkok is excellent fun but by the sounds of it your GF will hate it as it's 'smelly' and has 'too many people'

    Alternatively fly to Phuket and catch a boat to Koh Phi Phi.

    You're only there for a month, don't waste half of it chasing rainbows looking for 'the beach'. I've already told you where the best ones are.

    Most importantly, avoid cranky foreigners who describe everything as appalling and smelly. For them the glass is not only half empty, it's also cracked and leaving a stain on their Camel Active safari shorts.

    Keeping in mind the weather issues, you should include Chiang Mai in your plans. You can see elephants there, there's Doi Suthep and the Night Market is worth a visit and the city itself is interesting.





    And what sir is wrong with Camel shorts? I own several pairs and find their ample pockets extremely useful for items such as passports, johnnies and counterfeit 500THB notes!

  12. Remember, that you are only interested in the footprint (i.e. reduced) land size as this is what is shown on the title deed (the view of the perimeter if you were looking directly down on it from above). The land owner will undoubtedly have done a tape survey around the perimeter and applied some random maths to come up with the figure. In other words, the lengths of the boundary he measured with be the ground measurements along slopes (over boulders, around trees etc) with give a much longer reading than the reduced (or arial) view which is the proper and correct method for ascertaining the size of a land parcel in Thailand. Contact a surveyor with a theodolite for a precision perimeter survey that will give you both the reduced (correct) land size and the surface (actual) land size. Only pay for the reduced land size. Be prepared for a high degree of complaining and moaning from the incumbent land owner who will not be able to get his head around the maths.

    It really depends on the title. NSSG or Chanot. What you say is correct for NSSG as they are measured from aerial surveys. A Chanot is measured on the ground and takes into account slopes. This is why you often have more land showing after an upgrade of hillside land from NSSG to Chanot. If you think of an inverted right angle triangle, the top is the horizontal aerial measurement whilst the hypoteneuse is the measurement along the slope. The greater the difference in height between top and bottom, the greater the difference in area between the two.

    Getting the Land Office to determine the boundaries is essential both with regard to ownership and size.

    No this is not right. Chanote and NNS/NNSG are both measured on the ground, the survey drawing that goes onto the title deed is in both cases the reduced area. Chanotes do not take into consideration slope except in the process of converting the measurements from a surface to a reduced area, otherwise they would not be able to fit all the titles together onto a 2D map. I assure you this is true.

  13. Maybe he meant 22 Ngan not 22 Rai. 1 sq. Ngan = 400m2 , 4 Ngan = 1 Rai. From the map a rough calculation is Min 7.7 Rai max 9.2 Rai (if include 30m in undulations). On another note without land papers how can the farmer prove title. And is he allowed to sell the land. Be very careful there have been many cases of Foreigners being conned into buying land even with seemingly genuine Chanotes.

    I would get the land department to survey it and then you will have the correct boundaries and number of Rai. You can then pay the farmer and get a Nor Sor 3 Gaw paper with which you can register full title as a Chanote (Nor Sor 4). If she has not got a Chanote on her existing plot also combine it with the land you are purchasing. There have been cases where the Wife's family took over the land and kicked her and her Farang husband off the land. Having no Chanote she has no proof of ownership, whilst they have squatters rights.

    If the land was Chanote or even NNSG then the reduced area would be clearly shown on the title deed. This is likely BBT5 or SK1 in which case do not hang your hat on getting an upgrade so easily. It could take many years and a lot of back handers and even then the title you get would likely be fake, especially if a farang is bank rolling the entire process. Also consider 'neighbourly' disputes on boundaries. The locals have been farming coconuts on these parcels for generations and have their own set of 'rules and regulations' with regards to who owns what. If they smell money you'll likely get rinsed.

  14. There's always one smart arse. Of course you can and should racially profile divorce type. She is thai and is looking to harvest the farang money tree. Her parents are adding fuel to the fire. If she were an arab for instance it would be completely different in that she would have placed likey a greater emphasis on her husband and children. Rather than bling and her lazy mother who she believes she owes money to for giving birth to her.

    Sent from my GT-P3100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. I totally agree mate. I couldn't give two hoots about a crappy three bed end of terrace. I'd happily give it to her in exchange for the kids. She's even stolen gold from my mother under the pretence that it was a wedding gift, in which case surely we would have given it to her eight years ago when we married. Total scank. Her mother's the same. Shocked.

    Sent from my GT-P3100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  16. Sometimes marriages break up. Mine has. We live in the UK and she's out to rinse me good and proper. Taken our three kids, moved into new house witb eastern European bf. My current lawyer has no idea how to deal with a crafty thai who is driven solely by money and saving face. Does anybody know a uk based lawyer who is experienced in dealing with this sort of situation? She's making insane and untrue accusations, hiding assets in Thailand and i haven't been allowed to see my kids in over a month. Help.

    Sent from my GT-P3100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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