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    Khon Kaen

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  1. Where do you get 6 years of unpaid rent from? "Their luxurious Thai villa between 2018 and 2019"
  2. Well they failed miserably when they tried that in 1997.
  3. So refusing to issue extensions where funds have been in all year but the bank book was updated the day before the application, rather than on the same day is complete bs on the part of the io then?
  4. I think that may well have been the motorcyclist that they mentioned had also crashed.
  5. That's an awful lot of hair hanging out of his helmet for him to be a monk.
  6. You're getting a good deal if you can buy 20 of the same number at that price.
  7. They were not in a military jail. "Suan Phlu immigration detention center"
  8. So you don't think that you should actually have to prove in a court of law that they are terrorists?
  9. So why hasn't the US government charged the people in Guantanamo with being involved in the biggest terrorist attack in human history?
  10. Covert storage sites? Two days ago I watched a Youtube video about a vlogger who was going to a health shop in Chiang Mai, along the way, he videoed a shop that had a large sign above the entrance that proudly advertised that the shop was a vape shop. How long do you think if will take the Chiang Mai RTP to locate this "covert" operation?
  11. Not just 900 baht, that was 900 baht for four seperate offences!
  12. So how long did it take her to leave?
  13. She couldn't speak more than one sentence without referring to the teleprompter.
  14. Can Boonsong explain why employees of a government agency need to fly first class?
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