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Posts posted by paulian

  1. I can't tell if this is serious or a joke.

    It HAS to be a joke. Who eats at KFC in Thailand? :blink:

    C'mon Ian, I'm sure you have seen theFarangs in Pattaya and Chang Mai and BKK stuffing their pie holes with lashings of KFC washed down with Pepsi or coke or whatever it is, I have.

    KFC is the farangs natural food.


  2. Well, it's too bad the guy lost his money. It appears he's not too bright to put his life savings in the cargo hold of a bus ! Transporting that type money I wouldn't let it out of my sight. I once transported a little over US $120,000 from Los Angeles to Thailand for the purpose of buying a condo. After checking in at the LA airport and filling out an 105 form, it never left my person, even when I went to the restroom on the flight. Although, it was equipped with an electronic tracker, I wasn't about to lose what I had saved for, for many years. Stupid is what stupid does. Sorry .......

  3. Yea, I kind of get that feeling from Westerners I've never met. Not looking to make friends, better than thou attitude. However, as someone posted it may be a good thing as so many try to be something they are not and are phoney, especially in an environment as this. If their like that, so what, you probably don't want to know them anyways. Westerner friends are few and far between in a place like this and probably just as well. .

  4. I've dealt with lawyers my whole career. Try 0867 EAT SHIT. that sometimes works. Lots of Luck.

    "a new client had just come in to see a famous lawyer.

    "Can you tell me how much you charge?", said the client.

    "Of course", the lawyer replied, "I charge $200 to answer three questions!"

    "Well that's a bit steep, isn't it?"

    "Yes it is", said the lawyer, "And what's your third question?"

  5. Once, I also found that water was leaking into my toilet from the ceiling, in the shower. However, I wasn't so lucky as to find any good Porn or gold. I opened the ceiling and found water leaking through the roof from the condo above me as the guys grout was all rotted through. I had to pay for the repairs to my ceiling with no gold or porn to help ! Let's see if we can keep this interesting subject going for a few months ...... any other water in the toilet stories ?

  6. I answer Yes to just about all your questions. My first visit to Pattaya was when I was 24 during the Vietnam war. It hasn't changed in 40 years why would you think it would change in the next 20 ? I'm more concerned about my health in the next 15-20 years and if I can keep up with all the fun. If not ...... I can't think of a better way to go.

  7. There are people that complain about almost everything in life. I just went through a gigantic post a few weeks ago how I was burnt out on the place. My post was more of a social problem pertaining to my past life and a bit of social culture. Thailand has many faults as many other countries and people. My country also has faults that I was directly involved with in my profession almost everyday. The truth is, many people who have retired here, including myself, are a little burnt out on the myriad of laws and regulations in there home country. The truth is Thailand is so much less restrictive than many people here are used to and many retirees find that refreshing. I know , I do. However, it's not unusual, at times, for ex-pats to vent their frustrations about the country comparing it to where they come from. Even though there are complaints from many at times, these same people are still here and enjoying their life as much and in most cases more then their home country. So ..... you probably shouldn't judge all the people who live here by a few complaints. I too have had problems here, maybe more then others, but I'm still here and can leave when I choose.

  8. Oh .... I thought I had to make a trip to the Transport Office ? My Government Insurance is not up till 28 April 2012, however, my Reg is up 15 Jan 2012. however that happened and my 3rd party is good till Sept, 2012. I purchase the bike as a demo, so guess I'll just go back to the dealer and let them handle it. I don't suppose you know if I need a Certificate of residency as I needed when I originally registered it ? Thanks, for the info and help. Paul

  9. Had dealer register my bike when I purchased it a few months ago. Lost folder on my highly unorganized computer, with what I provided to them for registration and to receive the Green book . Can anybody refresh my memory ?

    As I recall it was:

    A certificate of Residency from immigration.

    Passport & Copy

    Visa copy

    I assume the current sticker.

    Can anyone provide a complete list of what I will need in Pattaya at Land Transport ? Like do I need to provide a photo of the VIN or a photo of me ?

  10. Like many Governments, like mine in the US, they 'sometimes" get their priorities mixed up. We like to start lots of wars because the only thing we manufacture anymore is bombs and other weapons. Everythng else we get from China who we owe a million, billion dollars to. I did my part today and donated a case of water to the BIB for the flood victims.

  11. The Boxing Stadium in Pattaya not only doesn't give a discount to seniors, and also charges 5 times the price Thai's pay to view boxing unless you want "VIP" seats, than it's 8 times what the Thai's pay.

    Major cinema in Pattaya charges seniors 80 Bt for most movies and discounts the special ones, like the 3d's.

  12. Sure I do. Everyone must, if only to get home from time to time.

    But I will intentionally set out in rain if it's not heavy, with rain gear. But for local drives only, and depending on mood. Weekends with it raining and likelihood of more = no.

    So ...... what kind of rain Gear ? and where did you buy it. I just started riding here a few months ago and the only rain gear I could find are the cheap plastic rain jackets, I found at big C. I got the largest "fit all" size and it's still too small and useless for me and I am not a big person. Any recommendations ? I live in Pattaya and tried a few dealers, they have nothing.

    look on Mocyc. com a company called 320. they have some decent rain gear for 800b. if your not to big then the XL will do. I'm fairly large so 2Xl.

    Thanks for the info, good sight !

  13. Sure I do. Everyone must, if only to get home from time to time.

    But I will intentionally set out in rain if it's not heavy, with rain gear. But for local drives only, and depending on mood. Weekends with it raining and likelihood of more = no.

    So ...... what kind of rain Gear ? and where did you buy it. I just started riding here a few months ago and the only rain gear I could find are the cheap plastic rain jackets, I found at big C. I got the largest "fit all" size and it's still too small and useless for me and I am not a big person. Any recommendations ? I live in Pattaya and tried a few dealers, they have nothing.

    Paulin.... I have a Goretex shell I brought from the USA and I put that on over my riding jacket on longer runs, or just wear the shell around town. Had to do a lot of rain riding in the past few months in CM and at least the top of me stayed dry. Put some diving anti-fog drops on your visor, both sides as well to keep it from fogging up.

    And I agree that riding in the rain does not clean your bike! Just one short run and the slime coat takes over.

    ok, Thanks for the info. Seems the Bic C plastic, made in China, rain coat is the favorite of the Thai's. I'll have to keep looking for some better stuff or wait until my next trip to the States to get some quality stuff.

  14. Sure I do. Everyone must, if only to get home from time to time.

    But I will intentionally set out in rain if it's not heavy, with rain gear. But for local drives only, and depending on mood. Weekends with it raining and likelihood of more = no.

    So ...... what kind of rain Gear ? and where did you buy it. I just started riding here a few months ago and the only rain gear I could find are the cheap plastic rain jackets, I found at big C. I got the largest "fit all" size and it's still too small and useless for me and I am not a big person. Any recommendations ? I live in Pattaya and tried a few dealers, they have nothing.

  15. The UK is (or was?) very different - you used to have to attend a job centre every two weeks for an interview and to sign that you had not had any paid work in the interim.

    You also had to be available for work so anything other than a standard couple of weeks holiday and you would be unllikely to be paid.

    Yea, I had a teacher friend out of work in the US a couple of years ago and he had to do the same thing, weekly, go down and fill out a form where he applied and other stupid things. However, all that changed when they figured out half the population didn't have a job ! and .... it's not getting any better.

  16. It's beyond me why anyone would want to cancel their medicare or any part of it? If I read the post right you will have no insurance whatsoever and pay for your meds here because they are cheaper ? Anyways, if nobodies told you medicare is actually a good value at $96 a month and to cancel and then get back in will raise your monthly payment depending on how long your out of it. I live here like you and would never cancel it in case of a major illness.

    He's looking to cancel MediCAID, not MediCARE, which is FREE.


    Medicaid is for those under certain income limits and administered by the States, While Medicare is for those on social Secuirty retirement or disability benefits. Part A is free while Part B and D is not.

    Seems to me that Medicare is for just about everyone, U.S. that is, once you hit 65, I'm on it, the free Part A, and I am NOT on SocSec retirement of disability benefits.

    The guy who started this thread is not canceling his Part A, just looking at canceling Part B, which does have some financial considerations if one wants to sign up again.


    You guys are getting your PARTS mixed up ! I think you haven't a clue what he's cancelling. I have an idea because I know what each plan costs. If you get a chance send me the form or tell me how to sign up for the free part ?%$#. I must have mixed that during my 3 visits to Social Security about this same subject. At $115 a month, as he stated, it appears he's cancelling everything. Good By, last post on this thread.

  17. It's beyond me why anyone would want to cancel their medicare or any part of it? If I read the post right you will have no insurance whatsoever and pay for your meds here because they are cheaper ? Anyways, if nobodies told you medicare is actually a good value at $96 a month and to cancel and then get back in will raise your monthly payment depending on how long your out of it. I live here like you and would never cancel it in case of a major illness.



    I can explain it easily.

    1. You can not use your medicare/medicaid UNLESS you are residing in the U.S. or if you are a U.S. citizen traveling in the U.S. That includes Part B.

    2. For that reason it is practically useless to a U.S. citizen retired and living in Thailand.

    3. They will deduct $115.65 monthly from your Social Security as your payment for Part B (that's the minimum amount).

    4. When you turn 65 they will start deducting that money...unless you fill out the form mentioned previously.

    5. And you can NOT get or fill out that form on line.

    In addition, even when contacting the Social Security by phone they refused to mail me the form via certified mail from the U.S. to my Thai address (which they have on record as my valid address, and haved used to mail me other Social Security forms).

    When I did a quick calculation of how much it would cost me to return to the U.S. just to fill out that

    da---ed form I realised I would spend less just to let them to just keep taking the money out of my Social Security pension than to travel there, schedule an interview, and fill out the form.

    I will have to return there in May 2012 anyhow for other reasons, and if I can't get it sorted out by that time I will do it then.

    It may be possible to do it in the Manilla...that's the nearest Social Security office.

    I'm trying to find that out, now.

    But as of 1 October 2011 I am paying $115.65 each month for Medicare Part B that I can not use, did NOT sign up for, and DO NOT want.

    (Your U.S. government at work)


    P.S. I would rather use that (approximately) 3600 Baht monthly to help pay my Thai family's expenses. And before you presume, I don't drink or smoke, and at age 65 my Thai bargirl chasing days are now done.

    I understand your frustration, however, every friend I've had that has cancelled their medicare (medicaid, which I believe is almost free anyways) because they were not living in the US has had serious problems sometimes 3-4 years later when they had a serious Medical emergency. In one case, Cancer, and no way to be treated, in another a heart attack and no money for an operation. You can get back in, however, it cost you quite a bit more and takes a while. I was just saying if you have no other insurance here as medical premiums go it's not that much money. If you have a supplemental policy here it's a different story. I notice your age you stated your age was 65. IN MY OPINION ONLY anyone who cancels any type medical insurance at that age is just asking for trouble. Also, there's NO SENSE GETTING ANGRY at me or anyone else who takes the time to answer a post and gives their opinion, Why would you get angry with someone trying to help you ? I could be watching TV or having a beer with friends instead of trying to help you or give you my opinion ? That's just stupid ! and ..... can lead to a stroke.

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