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Posts posted by paulian

  1. Photography, shooting the image, Photoshopping and processing, fishing (once I find a good place to fish) Motorbike local trips to attractions like Nong Nooch and local Wats where I take many Photos, working and helping out in local kickboxing camps for kids in the area, Volunteering at Pattaya orphanage (maybe that's not a hobby) and one of my favorites, computers playing and tweaking mine until it no longer boots and then getting mad and find something or someone to blame it on. There just seems to be a cornucopia of things to do here, so many, I sometimes just sleep all day.

  2. Snow every year starts around the middle of November in the mountains, especially up around Chang Mai. Also, Further North, Siberia I hear is nice this time of year. It may be a lot cheaper just to show your girlfriend photos of snow. Think she will buy that ?%$#

  3. I’ve been visiting Thailand since I was a Pilot during the Vietnam war. Somewhere along the way and many trips I made here during my career, I decided to retire here, as I did a couple of years ago. I can remember when I was working a high stress City job in Los Angeles how I looked so forward with excitement to my yearly trips here. and ... when I was injured on the job, like the time I accidentally got shot and then shot again ..... I spent over a year here. Guess that’s when I decided to retire here during one of many of my “recuperation's” from my job.

    Now that I’m here, things are not the same. The allure seems to be gone, I am not as happy as I was when I used to visit, I do not travel around the country as much as I did when I was a tourist and generally am not as happy as I was in Los Angeles. I find myself increasingly going into semi isolation and have far fewer friends than I had in LA. At times, I get so burnt out on the place I just have to leave so I return to LA for a month or vacation in Europe for a few weeks. When I return, I normally feel much better about the place and myself. I sometimes think it might be the lack of money, as I have access to much less now, or the culture itself as I sometimes feel uncomfortable by the unknown looks of the people surrounding me and even the unfamiliar climate and food. You would think after so much time spent here I would be used to all this, but I find much of it drags me down emotionally.

    My question is does this happen to any one else or are most of you just thrilled to be here and have no desire to ever leave and maybe I need a psychologist instead of a forum ?

  4. Yea, your health is the most important thing. Without that you'll never return. This place isn't going anywhere soon and hasn't really changed in the 40 years I've known it. It will be here we you ready to return. Hopefully, when your ready it won't cost more then it does to live the the States as it's headed for.

    Guess I don't care about it as much as many on this forum do, as after a year or two, sometimes sooner, I get totally burnt out on this place and have to fly back to LA for a while or take a vacation in Europe for a month or so to get away from it.Which sounds like a good topic for a post

  5. Thanks for the comments. I am glad to say this is the exception as opposed to the norm. And sure this happens everywhere in the world. Because I wasn't expecting it here I was caught a bit flat flooted. What would my position have been had I put down 300b and walked out?

    In the real world, like Los Angeles, that's referred to in legal terms as "Defrauding an innkeeper". Believe we got that law from the British about 400 years ago. Anyways, my point is that is the last thing you ever want do in this country. Gives them a perfect excuse to call the Police, puts you immediately on the defensive and then see how much the bill goes up to after that fiasco ! Gee all this over US $6. Make sure you don't rent any jet skis, you'll really be upset.

  6. Yea, it would have been nice if you mentioned in the post why you think you were overcharged ? Like are the prices posted on the wall on a board or was there a menu or what ? Anyways, I agree with every other post, food was no good, supposedly overcharged and bad service, just don't go back. After all, what else are you going to do, File Suit ? If no prices were posted or you did not ask before ordering, well, that's on you. I am sure you know how many street venders take advantage of every Westerner every chance they get. That hasn't change in 40 years. Not worth your time or grief over a few baht. Get over it and move on.

  7. Bill Gates once said, " I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act.". Bringing up a kid anywhere, especially at that age, is a hard task for anyone. I am against physical abuse as it has been proven hundreds of times it is a worthless method of child rearing. Perhaps, if you constantly keep telling him the benefits and rewards to himself and society of doing something the right way eventually you will probably change some of his bad habits and make him a better person for the future.

  8. I find it difficult to feel sorry for the girl after reading the entire "story"

    Yep, I agree 100%. "Stupid is what stupid does". Maybe it's true, however, I find the whole story hard to believe. Their saying this has been repeated a number of times ? Wives are putting the entire welfare and security of their families on the line to strangers. What's missing in this picture ?

  9. Thanks Ian for the compliments. Just say I could beat you about butterflies, but your pictures on Thailand (and Canada) are simply amazing.

    Say that, being almost alone in this thread, I'll go to post a bunch of new pics, thinking to please the Thaivisa members :)


    The Plain Tiger


    The Painted Lady - Underside




    Psilocybe or Panaeolus (magic)


    Heliocypha biforata


    The Tawny Coster


    The Long Banded Silverline


    Rice bug


    Crimson Dropwing


    The Gram Blue


    A Blue


    Tiger beetle


    The blue Pansy Male blue form

    Excellent job, Great photos !

  10. Watch out for the Thai Volunteer Tourist Police in Pattaya.


    Hate to be rude, because I think the world of all Volunteers. However, that particular one is probably upset after spending 27 years on the force in his country and barely making Sergeant. Maybe he's trying to get a decent promotion here ?

    I hate officials anywhere that hassle people over photography when there's so many other more serious issues that they ignore.

  11. http://www.thaivisa....g-Images-Forum/

    This topic may help you.

    Read it through, then come back if you still have questions.

    No, it doesn't help many I think ...."This is a guide to posting images on the forum that you find elsewhere on the web." , It appears, Most photos are being uploaded directly from the member's hard Drive and sometimes they upload properly, most of the time NOT. and this from someone who uploads photos to 9 different sights with no problems other then this sight.

    Not rocket science, you locate a file attach it to the post or whatever you are attaching it to and hit upload. But, on TV, sometimes it works most of the time NOT.


    More bad info in this post ....

    But why do you ignore the way I have written about at least three times in this forum?

    The way that is available through Thaivisa's own software:

    Using Add This Attachment (look at the bottom of the edit window - scroll if necessary - below the Post Icon Smilies).

    1. Click on the Browse...button to select the image on you hard drive

    2. Click on Add This Attachment

    3. When the edit page has reloaded, place your curser where you want the picture to appear, click on Add into Post

    The picture appears reduced in size (but expandable on clicking), thus saving even more bandwidth and the need to involve a third company.

    Nowhere on the Edit page are the words "ADD INTO POST"

    It's too bad such a highly organized sight has such a problem with uploading photos. and Yes, I am sure you guys blame it all on the stupid posters and not the sight's code. .


  12. Composition is fine on both Images. As someone suggested I believe, maybe you should lock your focus point in the menu of the camera and only use one focus point (The one in the middle) . This way when you want to shoot a single object in a scene, like the monk or the beggar, you can just lock the one focus point on the person's eyes, recompose and then press the shutter the rest of the way down to shoot it. Both shots are soft probably due to camera shake.

  13. Kids in Kickboxing matches and at training camps. A hobby of mine to shoot and process and distribute the images to the kids for free which seems to always bring a smile to their faces.

    Oh well, I tried. Attaching Images same way I have to 20 other sights, just add the file from my Hdd. But .... No luck.

  14. But you will be required to take a full motorbike driving test if your current UK driving license does not include motorbikes.

    And if this is the case, you will need double papers of everything.

    You need double copies of everything. However, you do not need two separate Certificates of residency, as some say is required. They accept a copy of the original if you are getting both your car and Motorcycle license on the same day.

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