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Posts posted by virtualtraveller

  1. Understand this, the government is desperate to get their hands on this money and start dishing it out before the next election, since their rice scheme and others are starting to backfire. The economic indicators are increasingly looking shady, the warnings have come from several financial journalists, growth rate is flagging, exports are down, state coffers are getting empty to buy rice, they really need this money otherwise they are going to lose the next election. It's becoming critical timing, which is why suthep is going in for the kill to get them out before they have a chance to spend.

    I think they should give this govt 3-6 months to really screw up, it will take that long to start the money train moving anyhow, we haven't seen the worst yet of the Yingluck policy making.

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  2. He's a dreadful individual, totally unsuitable to be directing national policy, seems like most the people present were against this, rather than take that message away and listen to THE PEOPLE he gives them the forefinger and threatens to persist unilaterally. This is Peua Thai's idea of governing for the people, even here in the heartland of their supporters.

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  3. Actually it's not so clear cut. Not all of the disputed territory has been awarded to Cambodia as I understand it; from the 'other' news source

    However, the court rejected Cambodia's claim that it was also awarded a nearby hill, called Phnum Trap or Phu Makheu in Thailand, by the 1962 ICJ ruling that was being interpreted in Monday's judgment.

    Pheu Makheu is in the disputed 4.6 square kilometre area.

    Not a complete victory, the international press saw it as Thailand disputing the ownership of the promontory but actually Thailand disputed the 4.6kms of land, and some of it has now been included in Cambodia's territory.

    A lose-lose really, since the Nationalists will interpret this as 'losing some land' and take advantage of it against the Shinawatra govt.

    The Cambodian govt still won't manage to open it since Thailand controls the hill adjacent, though they've been ordered to pull back troops.

  4. Yingluck's plea to the Senate is irrelevant, it's full of people who listen to Thaksin, and he gives orders irrespective of how it might destabilise things. This incident demonstrates amply why it's so important to maintain a Senate that is immune to partisan influence. Should this recur next year, with a fully Isarn elected Senate, they would likely pass the amnesty bill for the benefit of Thaksin and the country be damned.

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  5. With Nikom making comments like that he's wholly unsuitable to be speaker of the senate, too biased, Senate is supposed to keep an eye on the government's parliamentary activity, not try and facilitate it. Sad that someone in charge of such an important body believes this bill will lead to reconciliation when we are seeing quite the opposition in reaction, even from govt's own supporters.

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