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Posts posted by virtualtraveller

  1. It all comes down to the existence of a law that is outdated, and though well intentioned is being abused by all and sundry as an excuse to curb freedom of other expression, specifically political criticism. Of course, when you've routinely got important people saying silly things like 'coup', what can you expect. Everyone involved is being childish and ignorant of technology vis-a-vis 21st century freedom of speech.

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  2. Peua Thai is so fixated on a single-minded goal of returning Thaksin and his lost money (even if it means creating new corruption opportunities) that they're digging themselves a big hole to fall in to. They listen to no advice except Thaksin's, that's dangerous. I'm guessing the establishment are sitting back letting this desperate guy create increasingly bad will for himself, then they will haul it all out with perfect timing when the pressure against Yingluck has reached tipping point. I wouldn't be surprised if they put Peua THai and her on trial for being a proxy govt, the mounting evidence (e.g. last week's taped conversation) is pretty damning. Expect her to be 'disbanded' before the next election.

  3. Moody's is a rating agency, it has no place suggesting to a govt on economic policy, it should ask for facts clarification before making a cold hard rating decision, end of story. If can come out with comments that the present policy direction might lead to a change in credit rating but that's about it. Kittirat meeting with them to 're-assure' is nonsense, it affects the impartiality of its decisions, and by extension its entire credibility.

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