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Posts posted by virtualtraveller

  1. If this isn't proof enough that Thaksin, as a convicted felon, is meddling in Thai government affairs, then I don't know what else would.

    TRT was disbanded for less. Why hasn't action been initiated to start the disbandment of Pheu Thai?

    Amazing Thailand.

    exactly! listening to this it does sound like Thaksin, and realistic enough that actors would have to be very skilled to pull this off convincingly. It sounds like telephone conversation in any case. But the fact that Yuttisak offered to resign is a sure sign he knows this is explosive stuff.

    I'm guessing the establishment are just sitting back letting Thaksin and 'his govt' create as much damning evidence as possible, closer to the election when they've created negative goodwill from all this nonsense and their popularity diminished they will put Yingluck and PT on trial, without the risk of a backlash at the subsequent election.

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  2. The first charges should go to trial so the court can utterly embarrass the DSI for connecting the dots so vaguely, and while they are about indict the entire CRES, which of course includes Tarit. All sorts of realistic but derogatory adjectives come to mind for this chap, though moderators here would baulk at allowing them published.

  3. Good thing the BoT resisted govt intervention, this proved it would have been useless and wasteful, and it's out of our hands, only thing you can do is make Thailand a less attractive place for money, but then your economy takes flak. Double edged sword, money had been pouring in for months, I always knew it would leave a lot quicker, in weeks, that's speculators for you. We moaned for ages about the baht too strong, now it's weakening it will benefit many, fundamentals are still strong, it's slide will likely stop at an equilibrium well below 35 to the dollar.

  4. Should have limited the pledge to the same quantity per farmer as previous years, now they are all growing second crops which blows out the budget, fills the silos, brings down the market price further and makes it easy for rice not grown in Thailand to surreptitiously enter the scheme. But who cares when it's actually a scheme for their cronies to make money, the more rice the better. They're not financing it.

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  5. Sue away, it's exactly as her opponents want it, set her up to look like some authoritarian, silencing all critics, even parodies. The thing will be laughed out of court but along the way will drag on and leave a publicity trail of slime behind it. With the heat cranking up, and her opponents increasingly putting her on the spot over Thaksin, she needs this like a hole in the head.

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  6. Well ,Takky, that's precisely the point. Let the economy spin out of control, ruin the reputation of the govt and confine business-guru THaksin to the trash heap of history where he belongs. If you hadn't embarked on suicidal populist spending to buy even more popularity the baht might not be overcooking itself. Only when the poor feel the backlask in their pockets will this country finally wake up to the 'Shinawatra' nightmare of this era. Let there be a crisis, harsh medicine to cure a sick country of Peau Thai disease.

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  7. Next to Mr 'CY', he's one of the two most embarrassing and odious character written into the political farce. Just follow his string of controversial projects, actions, and faux paux. Years ago the Night Safari had to quickly ditch plans to serve exotic meats in their restaurant after this guy announced to the world that you could order, giraffe, zebra, lion, and other meats off the menu. Such a pity people like this end up in such important positions spending so much money.

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  8. Designed, as always, for maximum inconvenience to all those anti-red elitist people of central Bangkok. I mean, honestly, once a year does our capital have to come to standstill so this lot can drive around the city, all 100,000 of them to lay a wreath at every location of a fallen martyr. Protest professionally, and maybe you'll get a little respect.

  9. This should all be irrelevant as the Democrats have the proof according to the other thread on here. And as per a lot of what the Dems say when they have proof, we are still waiting.......and waiting..........and waiting.....................

    Yeah, just like waiting for the evidence Jatuporn always claims he has (on many occasions), and nothing whatever appears.

    What has Jatuporn got to do with this? The Dems said they have evidence of wrong doing, so produce it. Easy and clear cut. However they have form for saying they have evidence and not be able to provide it. ]

    They published an email in which a representative from United Media instructed another staffer to immediately cancel Abhisit's interview because Suranand had threatened 'we can no longer support you' if they went ahead. It was all there in the email. Basically it was a screw up by the guy at United Media Group, accidentally hitting 'reply all' and revealing it to Abhisit's secretary. The interview was cancelled an hour later. Suranand is back-tracking, but United Media have been suspiciously quiet for their ethical misstep.

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  10. It's fairly obvious who was most likely responsible, just like it was fairly obvious who was most likely bankrolling him (not the same people btw), and like it was fairly obvious who told the UDD to turn down the offer from Abhisit and stand and fight, just like it is fairly obvious who was behind forming the govt at the time, and fairly obvious who now runs this country, though none will ever stand in a dock, for fairly obvious reasons.

    But more pertinently, he was a renegade army officer turning against the state, armed, dangerous and in a war zone when told (by law) to leave. Of course you're going to get shot.

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  11. You can't stop anyone speaking to anyone else if both parties do so willingly. Whether he is a fugitive, and they MPs is irrelevant. But you can haul all the cabinet before judges and cross-question them and build a convincing case to show that this govt is being run from someone who is unelected. Nothing new there in Thailand, but it would be reasonable for the CC to rule that it's not in the spirit of the law and to disband the party for being a clear and obvious proxy, specifically to someone who is on the run from justice. Arguing his guilt or not thereof, is a matter for the courts in a retrial, focusing not on whether the judges are legitimate to rule (being appointed by a coup) but on the facts of the case and the evidence. It's not the court's responsibility to order someone to stop skyping.

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