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Posts posted by dcsw53

  1. Is said man Thai or farang? Can't help but wonder how desperate the parents were.

    Doesn't matter where they come from, this is illegal and immoral. Both parents and the man should face charges as a deterrent to others.

    Feel so sorry for the girl to have parents like that, is the whole family bad ? Hopefully there is some family memeber who can protect her.

  2. Thai Airways became the 13th international airline to admit to engaging in cartel conduct.

    What is a cartel ?

    Those nice oil producing countries who fix the international selling price of the thing that keeps these greedy airlines flying, would never get invloved in that sort of activity ? cheesy.gif

    I feel sorry for Thai Airways, even with this they only managed to make USD 10m after tax. They should put a levy on people coming from OPEC countries, they can afford it.

  3. All he has to is the same as Alan Bond . claim some kind of mental problem and say he cant remember anything and just get a few easy years at minimum security . an absolute joke that bondy got away with it when you saw him smile through his bs .

    But Bond does not hold the record. Some years ago Ernest Saunders who was chairman of Guiness was convicted in the UK of insider dealing of shares. Found guilty and sent to prison he then got early realease as he had developed Alzheimer's disease.

    After release he became the only person in history to overcome Alzheimer's and went on to carve out a nice career on business lecture tours. Presumably speaking on "How to beat the system". Dunn ought to read his notes quick !

    • Like 2
  4. At least the law works in Thailand.

    I had my wallet stolen in Philippines and grabbed the girl who did it. After 6 hours at the police station was told I could only press charges if I was available for the court hearing in 4-6 weeks.

    As I couldn't she was released without charge. To complete my perfect, wasted day as she walked out the station she gave me the biggest kick I ever had in my life, and I have played serious rugby.

    Again I had the opportunity to press charges as most of Makati's finest were watching. Bear that in mind all of you who love to knock Thailand.

  5. The original article is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever read in Thailand. "Disorientated 65 year old's walking around in a daze" who is kidding who.

    Ever heard of irony ? Methinks this was an attempt at humour, it works for me ( as an American )

  6. Did anyone ever try phoning the hotline ?

    I did several months ago when I got into a taxi on Sukhumvit for the airport. The driver refused to put on the meter saying it was broken. When we got on the expressway he then pulled over and told me to get out. I refused and called the number, to be told I had to go to a police station with him and give a statement.

    At least my my vocabulary improved when we got to the airport as I refused to give him the legitimate fare of THB 1000 ( farang special discount ).

    Nice sound bite, like most things completely unenforcable.

  7. "Designed by Helmut Jahn of Murphy/Jahn Architects of Chicago, the airport was in trouble the day it opened,"

    Somehow I don't think the original designs called for substandard materials. Nor was there a section in the designs titled: "Shortcuts no one should notice".

    But it is up to the architect to scrutinise the project management, as it will be them that get the bad press as in this case.

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