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Posts posted by dcsw53

  1. He was having an argument with a teenager and manages to shoot him in the back. More likely to think that a bolshy teenager confronts him, he draws his gun and bolshiness turns to terror. Either way typical OTT reaction.

    Don't the police know they can earn more money from drivers with guns than drivers without passports ?

  2. If any of this group had bothered to read hotel review sites, they would not have gone within a mile of the place, the reviews are appalling. The "fragrent smell" probably had nothing to do with knock out gas, and everything to do with covering up the smell from the drains.

    This has hit the local news boards in Taipei, and continued police indifference will make a lot of Taiwanese reassess their holiday bookings.

  3. I have to take issue with the word "accident".

    Groups of young lads nightly race on a sparcely used dual carriageway near us, keeping hundreds of residents awake with the screams of high revving engines. There have been numerous CRASHES due to driver error / intoxication / inexperience, and most disturbingly due to one or two instances of locals taking to vigilante actions.

    Many of the crashed are self inflicted and I have no sympathy, just like the police. When we phoned to complain again last night the boys in green said they had had many calls and would we please go away, they knew about it. Job done then by Thailand's finest.

    Confiscate the bikes and fine the parents if underage, or lock the adults up until they pay a realistic fine, not a pittance by bank transfer.

  4. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Tony Fernandez only comes out of his anonymity and hiding to put out fires...

    other than that, you try to get a hold of him to put any concerns or graveness,

    the man is a ghost and unreachable.....


    On what basis do you make that accusation. I sent him a mail once and got a very speedy reply when he passed it on to the appropiate person for action.


    A COE does not have the luxury of more hours in his/her day. If they are good they have an empowered team who handle things. 


    From what I have read about this chain of events he and his team have done all they could to make things right. Dealing with people like this woman is a no win situation.


  5. “A lot of divers and swimmers have been hit by boat propellers in this area between Phang Nga and Phuket. Officials have attempted to solve the issue, but they have not yet found a way of preventing it,” he added.


    There is an international blue and white crossed flag denoting "diver down". Any dive boats should fly these prominently and any divers should have their own banana buoys, which many do. Any boat coming within 100m should then be reported and fined. Simples

  6. Mother should have been suspicious that the salary was exceedingly generous. But she has redeemed herself by bringing it into the public domain. If this happened more often Police Captain and his ilk would find it hard to sweep under the carpet in future. It would be nice to hear his side of things, but I suspect he will be going to a 6 month training seminar in Chang Rai later today, and therefore regrettably unavailable for comment.

  7. No wonder she attacked him she was severely provoked. The sight of a policeman arresting someone for multiple crimes, not accepting a kick back, then defending himself in a very restrained way, must be very unnerving to many Thais.


    He should be removed from his traffic duties immediately and punished.


    Promotion, a senior position as a training officer for police cadets, and hefty pay increase would be appropriate.

  8. The article sums the situation up well. Only criticism is the title, it not a forgotten war, it is a swept-under-the-carpet war. Relegate it to page 9, reduce the font size, and carry on ignoring it.


    How many more have to die / get injured before the government does something incisive ? Not holding my breath, even with the change of venue for the explosive events. Then the next escalation will be drive by shootings in tourist areas, if the terrorists model themselves on groups in other countries.

  9. Interesting idea.

    If you are from the UK ( maybe other countries as well ) and you have bought your mobile on a contract it is physically impossible for you to use another SIM card than the one supplied with the phone.

    That will be another incentive for Brits to look at other attractive holiday destinations like Cambodia, Vietnam or Malaysia. What have TAT to say about it ? We know the answer.

  10. Presumably the photo is the leftovers from 20 people. THB 5000 does seem disproportionate for that.

    We go to a buffet where they have a sign up warning of THB 100 for leftovers. If she had done this I am sure 20 grown men could easily have polished everything off and avoided any unpleasantness. If not she should have asked for a token amount, seeing the noodles and sauce THB 500 - 750 should suffice.

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