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Posts posted by RandomSand

  1. I always end up buying a pen in the DM airport. I always try and grab a Bangkok Post and do the Sudoku and crossword on my flight back to Malaysia

    Every time I buy a pen the women serving keep telling me its" 69 Baht" and then looking at me as if to say , surely your not going to pay that for a pen , which apparently they think ts outrageously expensive. Im normally told "69 Baht" several times by different members of staff before I part with the money

    Is 69 Baht expensive then ?

    If the pen normally retails for B 35, then YES. However, an international flight for B 69 would be considered a bargain.

    Expratt, say hi to infinity11, he's also new to planet earth.

    If you have any other questions, such as;

    "is Thai shampoo safe for Falangs?" or...

    "Does Friday always occur before Tuesday or can Friday sometimes occur after Tuesday?"..

    Please open a new thread and a helpful earthling will surely quench your curiosity.

  2. Almost any place in the world deals with crime against tourists.


    Nice post. Cheers. Considering the visa situation all those condos simply aren't saying "buy me".

    I like Thailand and Thai people, especially in the North, but if the Thai government/Junta seek to restrict visitor's freedom, and treat non-thai as 2nd class "citizens", it's hardly surprising some people (like myself) will not feel welcome.

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  3. I've previously spent a total of several years in the Kingdom and have considered buying a condo to visit every winter.

    However; when reading Thailand's news headlines, about all the crime and injustice, I feel apprehensive about ever returning to Thailand.

    For me "Thainess" is now too much and I doubt I'll ever return.

    Anyone feel the same ?

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  4. Deep freeze (minus 20) keeps meat for years. We put raw meat in and don't even worry about dates. Never sick ....but this is in the UK with a stable power supply!

    I disagree, have you ever heard of freezer burn ,Caused by storing meat, fish to long. it actually dries it out.

    Oh. Perhaps that's why someone got sick from a previously frozen Chico roll ???

    Slightly dried-out chicken caused them serious bacterial complications. coffee1.gif

  5. Dear Thai readership, all 4 of you, I'm English and will tell you the truth of all these ideas of falang...

    Farting aloud in public ,even if it’s not suitable, is not considered as an embarrassment at all.

    Men can fart around close friends and within their household but anything else is an embarrassment.
    Burp after a meal is unacceptable.

    If burping is not noisy and covered with napkin, or hands, then it's accepted.

    Clipping nails in a toilet is polite

    Yes we 're not picking our nose, clipping our nails or scratching our bum in public. Crazy, huh?

    If western parents have daughters, they will be pleased if their daughter bring a guy home. Her mom will take care of food for him too.


    if a Farang girl get pregnant without knowing who the father is. it is not considered to be a bad thing and nobody will blame on her.

    We do think 2 parent families are better. However; if a girl is pregnant then we support her with government aid and free housing.

    if they get street harassment they will ignore them completely.

    True. If someone is drunk and shouting then we know to ignore them is better.

    During sex ,making noise out loud is very normal

    True although some would be shy if neighbours can hear noises.

    99% of them like using a flush toilet more than a squat toilet even if it’s a public one (never mind to sit on them)

    In restaurant, they’d like to share bills instead of paying it all by someone
    For Farang guy and gal if they are friends, there’s no sex involved
    True. If they have sex then they are "lovers".
    Western prostitutes are legal if they are registered to pay tax.(some countries)
    True in some countries. We don't have any prostitutes employed in beer-bar so not same situation.
    Most Farang of all ages like playing cards as a hobby, as far as I know they play it without gambling.

    True. Family and children play without money just for happy.

    Farang better when working as a team, imho.Both Farang and Thai are equally well when working alone. but for Farang they are also good at work as a team.
    Farand work better as team than alone.

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