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Posts posted by Manbing

  1. Forget the Indians and the "reward", this guy did the right thing and his reward is that good feeling you get when you know you have done the right thing. Great for him, I hope he enjoys his moment

    Well said, this is a good will story.

    Not an opportunity for a bit of off the cuff racism.

    Well done for the taxi driver, I hope if I lose something in a taxi I am so lucky. He said he didn't want to keep another's belongings so he returned the items. Not for a reward. That's a nice bonus.

    Well done Indian guy for giving a reward. Happy smiley faces all around

    Well done TV posting racists for demonstrating your ability to despoil even the basic story of good will amongst men.

    Karma is a B!tch.

  2. US should explain its harsh rights report on Thailand, govt says

    Which part on this list does the government not understand? smile.png

    "The military overthrew a democratically elected government, repealed the constitution, and severely limited civil liberties," Kerry said. "Subsequent efforts by the military government to rewrite the country's constitution and recast its political intuitions raised concerns about lack of inclusivity in the process."

    The report also stated that Thais no longer had the ability to change the government in a free and fair election, while noting that the junta had stifled academic freedom, ordered scholars not to speak to the press and cancelled academic seminars.

    The junta had also restricted press content deemed critical, leading to widespread self-censorship.

    The US also mentioned what it described as abuses by government security forces and local defence volunteers in the deep South.

    Other rights problems included arbitrary arrests and detentions, overcrowded and unsanitary prisons and detention facilities, and insufficient protection for vulnerable populations, including refugees.

    I am confused, The USA assisted Iraq and Afghanistan and their own citizens with the self same list of freedoms but denies other countries the same privilege?

    Puppet governments, humans rights abuses, civilian deaths and casualties, and lack of freedom of speech abound in the countries that the USA 'freed'.

    What about black sites and renditions? is this not the same thing, lifting citizens without charge, right to legal representation or charges, deporting them and torturing them to confess to crimes.(water-boarding is not torture- I know)

    I am confused about the claims, other than that fewer people are being killed in Thailand.

    -' What's the difference between an Iraqi kindergarten and a terrorist hideout?'

    -'I don't know man, I just fly the drones.'

  3. Try visiting the home for Bangkok's discarded dogs and cats. Its a literal house of horrors. The ugliest dog in the world wouldn't even rate a space in that particular haven for unfortunates.

    Despite the excellent work the the staff do at that shelter, there are a number of animals who have a very poor quality of life.

    A friend took me along on my birthday, as a way to make merit and give a donation, I fed every animal there. It was truly heart breaking.

  4. The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

    Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

    Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.

    I don't think she soiled herself. We could see her sitting on the side of the road. I think this the reason why her pants are dirty

    A valuable contribution to this debate.

  5. The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

    Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

    Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.

    Of course if S

    HE had shown more respect for the law and driven properly then the accident may not even have happened.

    Of course if Y

    OU used the word accident, you acknowledge it's unplanned right?

  6. Great news,

    Garbage and disposal is big business waiting to happen in Thailand.

    Lots of jobs from independent collectors, to collection depots, to recycling plants.

    This initiative will do a lot for Thailand and will hopefully educate the country too about the value of recycling, although don't expect this will be an overnight change, It took western developed nations 20 years to educate their populace.

  7. Unfortunately the civil service is deemed a job for life.

    People might not actually be guilty of corruption but guilty of lack of oversight or unable to be proved guilty as there is a lack of evidence but plenty of smoke to cause concerns.

    Then it would be prudent to say nothing and transfer, avoiding the opportunity for the wrong people to claw their way back to the same or other like position to continue on.

    Sure it would be great to go around following due process every time, but often life isn't so black and white.

    I mean common who's gonna admit their corruption in public.

  8. I suspect that his dance card is gonna be full for the foreseeable, what with all the deals to be made with Russia and China.

    Especially after last years appalling, big pout by the USA ambassador.

    Obviously a woman who had heard of diplomacy but didn't actually understand he concept was intended to define her job. Being the US ambassador to Thailand seemed to go to her head and she forgot she wasn't actually running Thailand, merely representing a country who thought they were also running Thailand.

    A common delusion which many seem to share. Including ex prime ministers who mistake their face not being in the news for a power vacuum.

  9. 'The source disclosed that the North American Arms .22-calbre gun was a gift from one of Camronwit's friends.'

    This is exactly what i said on day one, only to be shouted down as a fantasist.

    I suspect the story(ies) that resulted claimed the gun was already owned by Ca'moron'wit and was taken out of Thailand, was to protect the person who gave it to him or avoid some tax or some such idiocy.

    These criminals are all the same. When will they learn to come up with a single story and stick to it.


  10. Its a sad day when you can't rely on kiddy fiddlers to earn your crust.

    Pop an add in the UK press for 70's celebs to go and hide out in Cambodia and Bob's your uncle.

    More cash than you can spend in a lifetime.

    I strongly object to your use of the term kiddy fiddler. That is sanitizing what these low lifes are doing to children.

    Interesting you object to my pejorative terminology, but not to the previous poster 'jobsworth', who claims that the NGO's a setting up the paedophiles. As the victims are street prostitutes and therefore to some extent fair game.

    Well done Circusman, you priorities are ridiculous. Kiddy fiddled isn't a term of endearment.

  11. The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

    Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

    Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.

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