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Posts posted by Manbing

  1. Robbery you idiots!!!! That's the motive!!!

    How do you know? Maybe he went there to collect his protection money and the shop refused so he decided to collect it in gold. When they resisted his gun went off accidentally shooting that lady. Since he was owed that bribe money for protection he was not actually robbing the place. Just getting what was due him in a different currency.

    In the scheme if things in thailand my story is more logical than just a stupid robbery.

    Does this make him innocent?

    that's actually more serious - extortion with menaces.

    Its kind of serial robbery.

    He shot someone.

    The gun didn't accidentally go off.

    It was loaded, in his hand, he was pointing it, in a situation where he is demanding gold.

    I am going suggest that the interpretation of it "Just going off" is not reasonable mitigation.

    I fail to see any part of this story where he is not to blame.

    Including his injury. Which wouldn't have occurred without his precipitation.

  2. They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

    However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

    As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

    Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

    When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

    They broke the law.....whose law ?

    Sadly, they broke the law of uncertainty. sad.png

    I am not sure they are allowed a cat in prison?, or are they???

  3. This is Buddha's divine retribution for Bangkok having discovered prostitution exists in Thailand.

    This is the start of a collapse in which Bangkok will be eaten by the earth, in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah scenario that will not end until we all become good buddhists.

    Although I feel sure some christian fundamentalists are gonna blame the gays for this.

    OK, this just combines ignorance with offensiveness to a degree I can't stand.

    The Buddha is not divine. The Buddha was a man who gained wisdom. Some people treat him as a deity to be worshipped, but he was a man who taught and died at 83 years of age from food poisoning. I'm not going to argue with the people who perform rituals in front of statues of him. The Buddha does not inflict punishment. Suffering is inherent in living. The way to end suffering is to stop being reborn. We know this can be done because the Buddha was a man who did it. We do not have to depend on a capricious god to do it for us. In another sense, suffering comes from ignorance, hatred, and delusion. The way to end suffering is to learn the truth of what is. It's complicated, which is why the easiest way to do it is to live as a buddhist monk. A lot of superstition has become attached to the whole thing, but the Buddha is not a god and he does not punish.

    Sodom and Gomorrah were mythological cities in the area we know as Palestine, or Israel. They may have existed and been destroyed by an earthquake. Their story was incorporated in the myth of a thunder god who commanded his followers to massacre the previous inhabitants except for young girls who were to be kept as sex slaves.

    I particularly detest fundamentalist christians, and in this lifetime I have been lucky enough to have met maybe a dozen people who actually are Christians,and many dozens more who at least were not fundamentalists.

    Sorry if I come across as pompous. Obviously I'm still not very good at practicing the Path.

    I am pleased you recognise pomposity. Sarcasm on the other hand is clearly a step to far.

  4. They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

    However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

    As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

    Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

    When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

    What are you talking about , they voiced their opinion peacefully and are now in Prison. Maybe they will do it to your kids one day , what an idiotic thing to say

    Please read my post before commenting. I am not talking about the justification of their incarceration or the merits of the their prosecution.

    Just the futility of insisting on anything one you are inside the penal system in Thailand.

    You can take the 'ex' of your username too. It's unwarranted.

  5. Should be solved in the near future. I suspect the police are 36.32% done with their investigation into this issue.

    Only 22 suspects to quiz, 23 if we include the thin brown line.

    22 possible suspects in a murder inquiry- Are you kidding?.

    Which normal honest person has 22 potential murders on the horizon?

    There are terrorists in this country with fewer enemies.

  6. Military government, economic crisis looming...

    Solution - Spend 36 Billion BHT on stuff the country doesn't need.

    Is this the rational decision of a responsible government - is there an underwater war looming we haven't heard about?

  7. Unbelievable - corruption in N/E Thailand, not the corruption mind you the limited number of complaints.

    Apart from the wide scale corruption at every level,the cases cited include a couple of judges being accused of rigging the lottery prizes and some dodgy teaching quals.

    Lets avoid any commentary on the undeserving student quals being issued and focus on the key point in this story.

    The NACC want to speed up investigations into the other cases of corruption.

    These being bribery, embezzlement, dereliction of duty and building contract graft.

    Issues seemingly much more serious than a lottery scam and some dodgy teaching certificates.

    Its an interesting approach.

  8. A clear cut case of the shop owner obstructing justice.

    I am guessing the police guy was taking the gold into custody.

    I think this matter can be easily cleared up with a small payment by the owners of the shop to the police pension fund, and the whole matter can be forgotten. No need to bother the courts.

    After all the headline makes it clear the police guy didn't didn't rob the place.

    The headline also didn't read 'Police Guy Shoots the Owner of a Gold Shop in Attempted Robbery'

    So that definitely didn't happen.

    Great use of the passive voice to avoid blaming anyone for shooting.

    The gun went off and someone was shot, but no-one was holding the gun, pointing it and pulling the trigger at the time.

    It just went off.

    You might think my cynicism is unwarranted, but where is all the accusatory language usually used in armed robbery stories - not involving the police.

    Lets just hope the police guy doesn't press charges for his injuries.

  9. They can ask for ice cream, a TV in their cells and a bedtime story too, for all the good its gonna do.

    However much we might think their crime is not so bad, they broke the law.

    As we all know, acting like Prima Donnas does not go down well with Thai authorities.

    Even Win and Zaw worked that one out.

    When you're in pokey, you take your lumps

  10. If his trousers are on the table, what's he wearing under the table?

    By the look of abject fear on his face I would suggest not so much.

    Which is as it should be, as a murderer in this fairly open and shut case, I think he should enjoy all that Thai prisons have to offer.

    All because he lost a crappy supermarket job?

    Why cant the police do the pointing when they arrest a guy?

  11. 'Borwonsak states constitution to ensure the press should be free from foreign shareholders'

    Does this include Mr T and Shins?

    On one hand, its about time Thailand educated its populace with a press that represents world views, not views of the world from the perspective of purely Thai commercial interests. So its a no to Pure Thai from me then.

    I think its the lack of information which has resulted in the current situation.

    On the other hand, another haven for Rupert Murdoch is not an appropriate response either. God this is one of the few places in the world we aren't cursed with his agenda. Bl00dy Americans.

  12. This is Buddha's divine retribution for Bangkok having discovered prostitution exists in Thailand.

    This is the start of a collapse in which Bangkok will be eaten by the earth, in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah scenario that will not end until we all become good buddhists.

    Although I feel sure some christian fundamentalists are gonna blame the gays for this.

    You are one sick puppy.

    Are you my doctor?

    George is that you?

    What have you been holding back?

    Is it an STD diagnosis?

  13. This is Buddha's divine retribution for Bangkok having discovered prostitution exists in Thailand.

    This is the start of a collapse in which Bangkok will be eaten by the earth, in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah scenario that will not end until we all become good buddhists.

    Although I feel sure some christian fundamentalists are gonna blame the gays for this.

  14. This is going to be interesting,

    Presumably he has money, and could therefore arrange to bribe his way out of prison. Who will the funds be going to?

    Is there going to be a competitive price war in this case, between corrupt Thai and Russian officials?

    Perhaps that's the reason or the quiet arrest?

  15. Barking up the wrong tree there.

    The scapegoating is not being arranged by those families or for the benefit of those families.

    May as well pray to Buddha

    The families, however, apparently supported the Thai police investigation's outcome; though based on what grounds heaven knows.

    But begging for their help is as useful as asking the TV posters for a whip round to stump up for their defenseman costs.

  16. So let's see if I understand this. These 240 people are charged with trying to unlawfully amend the constitution? Surely not? The current self-appointed PM and his loyal mates who have been given the plum jobs have destroyed that same constitution and are writing one of their own - how is that legal then? Being charged by the people who actually scrapped the constitution seems a bit of ironic and not at all politically motivated of course.

    There is a great deal of logical merit to this argument, however...

    The non-democratically, unelected military government are revising a previous constitution, written by another non-democratic, unelected military government.

    But, When the elected MP's were sworn in, they promised to abide and not screw around with the constitution. Whoever wrote it/under whatever circumstances, because it was ratified by the highest office.

    Therefore, the army are abiding by military government rules (previously under emergency powers) and are not in breach..

    The 248 MP's on the other hand, were being lead by the nose, like pigs to a trough, and despite swearing to follow the rules; they set about changing them. And are technically guilty of being very naughty little piggies indeed.

    Its not unlike treason - legally speaking.

    Good luck with the legal defense chaps.


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