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  1. If her widows pension income exceeds the personal allowance currently £12570 pa she will pay income tax, that is what HMRC have told me. They also told me she will have to claim the personal allowance each year at the end of each year by completing form K43 and then receive a lump sum refund.
  2. Yes indeed i got exactly the same treatment. I also have received a letter from the DWP confirming the frozen amount but i have'nt as yet passed it on to HMRC as i can't quite believe its necessary due to my many phone calls but............................. The incompetence of both these UK government departments is imo quite amazing, after researching back the last 6 years including the next tax year i have found 4 years where i have been credited with receiving the state pension increases and taxed accordingly.
  3. Great result and TFP, lets hope they actually do what they say, ime that is not always the case. I look forward to receiving the same good news.
  4. Now i've been told after spending much time on the phone to HMRC that mine has been corrected but i can't find any evidence of the correction, i have my doubts.
  5. This is how my SP is shown on my 2024-2025 income, the figure of £135 is incorrect as i have pointed out to them many times as i don't receive the triple lock increases. Now if the guy who agreed to amend the figure to the correct amount has actually done what he said surely i will now see the correct amended figure of £124 ? Now that has not happened despite the fact that i contacted him on 12th Feb. I wonder if he has done but for whatever reason its not showing on this info page. Now i have tried to ''update'' the figure as indicated but it will not allow me to do so to the correct figure.
  6. Thanks for that, your guy has clearly done what he said he was going to do. You mention evidencing by seeing your revised tax code and SP estimated taxable income, well my PAYE Income Tax Summary actually quotes my SP figure at the bottom of the page, does yours not ?
  7. Yes indeed but why should i have to ? I'm going to lodge a complaint too.
  8. Now i've been checking every working day since last wednesday and no corrected figures have appeared 😒
  9. Yes i have the ''Update estimated income'' but it only referring to INCOME i receive from my company pension scheme and does'nt include my State Pension which is shown separatly, thats how i can establish that the figures quoted are incorrect cos they include the UK triple lock increases that i don't receive. Now i can try to update these incorrect SP figures but its not proving successful, their system is not allowing it for some inexplicable reason ?????? thats why i'm on the phone to them. I have many years ago got them to correct these figures and received substantial tax refunds for many years of overpayment but this problem is continually present each and every year. Their system is basically F***** and they don't seem capable of correcting it once and for all or they could'nt GAF. Now WHERE or WHO is supplying this info to HMRC or do they just come up with the figure assuming i receive the SP increases despite them having my Thailand address so not being eligible, that is the question, the plot thickens lol
  10. Sorry i missed this part of your post, could you update once you have made the application, TIA
  11. So exactly where did you find the changes evidenced ? I'm using my UK Government Gateway Account to access ''Your PAYE Income Tax summary for 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025'' and '' Income Tax comparison : current tax year and next tax year'' which clearly show the amount of weekly state pension, in my case £135 pw for 2024 - 2025 and 140 pw for 2025 - 2026, these amounts include the triple lock pension increases which i'm obviously not receiving.
  12. Very interesting, thanks for your post. So confusion reigns, i think we need someone who has experience of actually claiming the widows pension on behalf of a friends widow. Is there anyone out there who can help ? i'll make a few enquiries with friends i have here in Korat and report back.
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