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Posts posted by monsieurhappy

  1. This has to be a wind up.....a Spanish troll? (makes a change from the usual Spanish Doll) :D

    I think you've got it in one Foxy!

    This sounds like the same guy who posted on here a few weeks ago, the one who was going to shoot himself.

    To the poster-you sound like you are halfway through your school holidays and have nothing better to do than troll internet sights. Go back to school and wait until you're old enough to join the big boys!


  2. What's wrong with Gregs sausages ?

    I don't know, but the same can be said for the Pig and Whistle!

    I know they do their own butchery but the size of the sausages is only half what they used to be and the taste is not so good! :D

    In fact, the food overall has gone down both in quality and quantity over the last few months!

    And the beer prices have gone up!! :D:D

    I've used the Pig & Whistle often over the last 4 years, but the Butchers Arms is now getting my trade.

    Come on Bob, get things sorted!! :o:D

  3. Tango, as Astral has said, you are missing something. Your D70s is a DSLR and as such you will not be able to look through the LCD screen to compose your shots. You must do this through the viewfinder. The LCD is for viewing shots already taken. Why don't you just use AUTO for a while and see what settings the camera has used, then you will have more idea of what settings to use when you try one of the other modes.

    The fact that some of your shots are not in focus may be due to the auto focus system. If for instance you are taking a shot of a person and they are not in the centre of the shot you must first focus on that person, then holding the shutter release button halfway down move the camera until you have the shot you want and continue pressing the button. This will ensure the focus you had on the person will be the same when you move the camera. You could also switch off the a/focus and manual focus by turning the lens yourself. After you have taken a shot you can look at it through the LCD screen.

    Keep things simple at first, don't try to use all the settings until you understand what they do and as I said before, read the instructions! :o:D




  4. There is probably a thread about this but just in case there isn't, does anyone know of any photography clubs going on ?

    I am a complete novice but have just shelved out for a new Nikon D70s and would like to learn how to use it and take good pics with it as well as get some ideas about lenses, filters etc.

    If anyone knows of any clubs, would you mind posting the details here and I'll keep checking back.

    Many thanks in advance.


    Hi Tango,

    The problem you may find with photography clubs is that the members don't want to share with others the ways they take their pics. They just want to show off what they can do or where they have been and hope that everyone else thinks they are marvellous! I only went to a club once and was completely bored by a guy who showed a pic he'd taken on holiday in some obscure place. He talked for ages about how good this pic was but never mentioned the lens or settings he'd used let alone why he'd taken it in the first place.

    IMO one of the ways to learn photography is first of all know your camera, know how it works, how to change settings etc. etc. In other words read and digest the instruction book and always take it with you in case you need to look up something.

    You could then go on to take simple photos of anything around the house. Take multiple pics of the same thing using different speeds and f/stops. This will give you an idea of what a different setting will achieve. Don't worry at first about different lenses, remember most of the time your feet can zoom in or out easier than changing a lens.

    When you've got a reasonable idea of how the basics work try looking at the many photo forums you can find on the net. These will give you many ideas for what to photograph and you'll also see what settings other people have used to make a particular shot.

    Don't worry too much at first about buying new lenses etc. If you've got the kit lens and a computer to view your pics on that's all you need for a while. Try not to be too adventureous at first, just aim for good exposed shots. Take the same shot from different angles and settings and compare them later. At least with a digital you're not wasting film so if you see something you like just move around and cover all the angles as well as exposures.

    Once you've done your ground work and got to know your camera you'll soon be taking decent pics.

    As for starting a photography club, I personally wouldn't be interested but I would be interested if anyone would like to get together as a group and go somewhere to take photographs.

  5. Mobi, I never thought you were one of those people who wanted to drive around with your car vibrating to the sounds of jungle drums! Maybe you should have bought a pickup then you could have had those giant speakers fitted in the back! Seems to me that half the population are deaf and the other half are going that way because of this stupid base "music!" Oh for the days when you could actually listen to music and enjoy it without it making your whole body vibrate and causing you to be physically sick! :o:D

  6. The Blind Beggar (aka Winchester Bar... the Winnie.. the Gun Club...) in Soi Wat Boon used to be pretty popular...


    Yes but the bikes were provided by the establishment, you didn't have to take your own! :o:D

  7. I tried it today.

    Land line to mobile, mobile to land line ( no change ) and mobile to mobile all work with the new 08

    prefix right now.

    No need to give out 2 sets of numbers.

    I tried calling my mobile number (1-2-call) from a landline and another mobile, as well as having someone call it from the USA. Right now, only the old format works (07-xxx-xxx). The new format (087-xxx-xxxx) gives a recording "the number is not assigned".

    Perhaps they are still implementing and it will be working on Sept 1.

    Mine is half and half. I can call my mobile or my wifes mobile from the TT&T landline and it works using both 9 or 10 digit number. But if we call mobile to mobile we get "number not assigned" :o:D

  8. My One-2-call number already works for the new numbering.

    If your old number was 07-1234567

    your new number will be


    I used my landline ( TT&T ) to call my mobile using the new 10 digit number and it worked!

    When I tried calling my wifes mobile from my mobile and vise versa using the 10 digit number ( both 1 2 call ) I got the message there was no such number. :o:D

  9. I haven't seen it but I'll take a look tomorrow.

    BTW where is Buterfly Bar. I live off Siam Country Club.


    When you're heading towards Maprachan from Suk. Rd. after passing the driving range on your left you'll come to a X rd. with warning light. Go straight over and Butterfly Bar is approx. 100 metres on right. There's a large butterfly sign. The land with the airship and hanger is another 50 metres further on.

    If you've got the gf/wife with you, make sure you don't take her to see the butterflys. They're not the insect variety but they do like to settle on you! :o

  10. Came past said building today, on right hand side, just past Butterfly Bar on way to Maprachan and low and behold there's something outside that looks very much like an airship! :D

    Bit like that thing they have flying over golf championships etc.

    So I thought, maybe the BiB are setting up another breathaliser check for all them low flying microlites we get over the res. :o

    Anyone else see it?? :D

  11. :D can anyone help me ,i have just booked the said hotel(a-one royal cruise hotel) for 3 weeks 22/12to 11/01 ,me ,wife and two teenagers 18/16 (the wife has always wanted to go to thailand)i would be gratefull any info good or bad about this hotel ie position /food/rooms/etc ,we are open minded and will have a good holiday in pattaya whatever /trales9


    Glad you have chosen to holiday in Pattaya and I hope you have a wonderful time here. I only know this hotel from the outside as I have passed it many times. Don't be put off by bad reports as they can always be misleading. A hotel I regular stay at in Bangkok got a real slating by some but I find the place excelent. Also remember that Thailand gets visiters from all around the world so you will be rubbing shoulders with people who don't speak English and whose customs may be different to those we are used to in the West.

    The A1 hotel is IMO in a good location. Being towards the north end of Beach road it tends to be a little quieter yet only a 5 ( 10 ) baht ride from the main shopping area and Walking Street. You'll find the local taxis ( song taews/baht buses ) are so frequent, you'll only have to wait seconds for the next one. On Beach Rd. the buses /taxis run north to south so when you return you'll have to catch one on 2nd. Rd. which runs parallel with Beach Rd. and is joined by side roads/sois. These are one way, odd nos. run away from the beach, even nos. towards the beach. Some drivers have difficulty with this one way system, so always look both ways :o

    The beach is right across the road from the hotel and is OK if you only want to sit and relax. If you want a better day at the beach then go and get the ferry from the pier at the south end of Walking St. and go to Koh Larn, the island you can see across the bay. There you will find baht buses to take you to several beaches, the one I like most is Samae. Food, drink, showers and changing facilities are all there and the sand and sea are much cleaner. Check the times of the ferry so you can get back before they stop running. You can also take a speedboat to the island from Pattaya but beware of the cost and the fact they only usually take you to one particular beach on the island.

    Your hotel is also a short walk from 2nd.rd. where you'll find the Festival Centre with a shopping and cinema complex. There's also 10 pin bowling and lots of bars and restaurants close by.

    Well, that's just a bit about Pattaya, if you need any more info feel free to ask. Have a great time.

  12. Quite a few years ago I remember seeing a program where you could handwrite each individual letter and make your own font up. When you typed using this font it looked like you were actually writing by hand. Unfortunately, it was so long ago that I don't remember the name of the program. :o:D

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