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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Never seen a thai staying on his own side of the road in a bend, so nothing out of the ordinary. I also wonder, despite the Isuzu having a signal that goes off if you don't have them on, whether they were wearing their seatbelts.
  2. Congratulations on your cleaning the house of those vermin but you must have stirred up some comments again because oh,oh, how pathetic that is, and how mean you were to have unceremoniously unleashed the murder weapon on it. But I'm cut from the same cloth, I don't want them in the house either and if I see them they're going to die, you're talking about your washing machine but they can also get into an electrical socket with all its consequences. Or, which is also possible, in your computer, in the CD drive, and so on. So, now come on with your comments, and I don't care, it is an item that comes back regularly. P.S. What I did notice, if you live high up in a condominium, you are considerably less bothered by them, apparently they are afraid of heights.
  3. I see many motobikes while driving only look on the phone. No matter what time it was or whether the person had been drinking perhaps it was one of those
  4. That is only relative, incidentally, my understanding was that Malaria was dying out in Thailand and Dengue was much more prevalent.
  5. Concerning taxing the foreigner in Thailand. Is it true if you purchase property in Thailand worth more than 4 million Thb, you have to pay 35% tax on it as well?
  6. They call that in Europea transformation, they don't want that in Thailand either. Thailand for the Thais, we just hang around.
  7. But did they check the bank book then or did you not have that with you and it sufficed to say you had a letter from the embassy.
  8. That is worrisome, I always use an agent, and after getting a retirement extension, I withdraw the money from my account.
  9. How secretive the driver's age is, between 40 and 45 years old, that is suspicious. Could it sometimes be an acquaintance? But a very big crook to drive on after the first and subsequent collisions. Is he still worthy of a driving licence for the rest of his life, or is it, because of a well-known person, covered with the cloak of love.
  10. Severe turbulence occurred in late May.... Was the plane only found now?
  11. They have a temporary amnesia regarding that. Perhaps the temporal will be replaced by the eternal, it is also possible, TIT.
  12. Another example you give, ridiculous prices for ham and bacon, but I found the sulution, in Hua-Hin is a special shop for all types of pork. There I now buy for little money 2 kinds of pork to make ham, or bacon. Plenty of methods on YT how to prepare it, have been doing it for over half a year and never have to buy this from the shop again. Highly recommended, you just need an oven that you can set to 90º C, and a temperature gauge to measure the meat during cooking in the oven.
  13. It is what I mentioned yesterday and many times before, there is no competitor, the entire Thai market is run by three or four stone-rich individuals in Thailand. They call the shots, and they make the prices
  14. The building in Phuket where I used to live did not have a thirteenth floor either. When I asked my then-girlfriend why not, she replied 'that the thirteenth was left out because of the falang, who are superstitious in that.' So apparently it was done to protect the foreigner.
  15. I think with all the turmoil there, it's better to stay away from Kenya.
  16. I was speaking in general, not specifically about bald, bolt belt and bult.
  17. Thanks for the improvement, but you didn't answer my question.
  18. With my own experience I have different results. The idea was that I would no longer be dependent on the mains, so then there would always be batteries, and with a larger amount of solar panels, you also pay significantly more for the inverters.
  19. There is nothing new under the sun, 25 years ago these phenomena were already there on Phuket. But it is bound to get worse when you look at all this clearcutting on the mountains resulting in water getting free rein everywhere. But Thais and solutions.....pppffff.
  20. They generally always talk about how the prices of solar panels have dropped significantly in recent years, but that is not the biggest cost, which is the batteries first and inverters second.
  21. If he is not home for once, the fire in it, or should I not say.
  22. The issue is not whether spelling police are in play but many people forget that there are plenty of non-native speakers who apart from reasonable English often do not understand slang and abbreviations....including myself.
  23. You also see it with the Makro, Lotus, Carrefour, all taken over by the same companies, competition is eliminated, the same high prices everywhere.
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