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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. If I have to tap in the window I will stand on the other side, not the driver's side....
  2. It is not so strange that tourists have no notion of this, above all, it is understandable that they rely on the guide, there is nothing wrong with that. It is the guide who is not worthy of the profession, but yes TIT anyone can call themselves a guide, there are not many professions in Thailand that are protected and knowledge based, unfortunately. Actually, it is not worth the mention, after all anyone who has been here longer knows how things can get, but for the tourist it is a different story, another non-positive experience with LOS.
  3. Only in this case, in all other cases they like to send the army on this group.
  4. By the way, everyone knows where the problem lies, there is only one person calling the shots here, and that is not going to change for the time being.
  5. Those elites do that everywhere, it is also the multinatials who call the shots, not surprisingly because they are part of the elites again.
  6. Here another one. Married though, but not to a Thai. You have a Mia luang and a Mia noi.
  7. Isn't that the same woman who tore up that amendment, behind Trump's back? A witch it is.
  8. Strange, the same happens with an airplane from Ryanair this week, and also in Doha with an airplane from Qutar airlines.
  9. 99.9999999% is not married to a Thai, next question please.
  10. That's a bit of a silly question, there won't be more room for a Chihuahua, then the pick-up will really be full anyway.
  11. Have watched that series more than once but it has not applied to me so far.
  12. Making drugs in Thailand, then you don't have them all lined up, and then I also wonder if you got so old for that, 63 years old, stupid. I know in the Netherlands it is almost daily practice...but in LOS? Then we have to be patient for a few more years.
  13. So what kind of solution do you expect, the island is overcrowded and more is still allowed to be added, it will stop sometime. Incidentally, this is a development that will cause a problem in more places in the world, take Venice, for example, where they initially wanted to charge an entrance fee, or Mallorca, where people are also getting tired of the tourist crowds, and there are many other examples, everyone wants to go on holiday nowadays and all want to go to the same 'beautiful' place, but that is no longer possible.
  14. And what may be the reason for that, if the mechanic did not do his job properly that he also gets killed? After all, if something goes wrong during the flight, there is nothing he too can do. Strange rule.
  15. In my opinion, Thais also sometimes have difficulty understanding or comprehending each other.
  16. Ah why would you want to become a policeman or woman these days, serving the government, which when it comes down to it also drops you like a brick? Or serving the public, for whom in many cases the same applies? Incidentally, you have to have a certain mindset to choose this.
  17. There are a lot of Yanks in Thailand when I read all the reactions that come to posts from usa, zoals dit, en de reacties op Trump, they come out of their holes again and go at it.
  18. There are a lot of Yanks in Thailand when I read all the reactions that come to posts from usa, like this and the responses to Trump, they come out of their holes again and go at it.
  19. That is for sure, and getting worse, we could see it again last weekend in GB, where the so-called right-wing extremists are blamed but Muslims are the cause.
  20. That is correct, many foreigners with Dutch passports have the same appearance, and are generally referred to as 'youths', to exclude racism.
  21. Yes, what do you expect from that people of a certain religion.
  22. By the looks of it, there are far too many there. Where I live, there is not only one and people have to burn it themselves with all the environmental drawbacks, or throw it somewhere. Very bad it is part of the basics after all but also bad that a municipality does not institute that as a prerequisite, or make funds available for that purpose.
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