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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. Both links are not working.
  2. This is an exaggeration; even in western countries, the punishment is not that high.
  3. The intention is good, but that's about it. It is and remains ‘Mai Pen Rai’
  4. If so, that must have been the reason they were arrested. At the end of the day, it has to stay pretty.
  5. Your observation is correct and I myself feel that it is indeed too much. But it is the I.O. in HH what is pocketing that money. As already mentioned, I don't want to have 800k in my account due to various reasons. But you talk about ‘Thai Visa Centre’, does it do the transactions throughout the country, or only in BKK.
  6. ....and they are now doing so in many countries. It's an extremely defiant culture.
  7. I myself have also been using an agent for 3 years now because I don't want to have 800k in my bank account. 1 week before I visit the agent, I deposit 800k in my. bank account. The total amount I spend annually for this is 25,000 thb including the commission to the agent. (5000 thb)
  8. Do you mean food made from Thai dogs?
  9. My neighbour, a Belgian, buys fried chicken from the cafeteria every day for his street dog. Time after time, the owner of the shop is highly surprised that someone spends so much money on a street dog, incidentally, so am I.
  10. Thais are unique in the world, but it is not something to be proud of, every day your mouth drops over in amazement.
  11. To be honest, I would like to mention precisely that I drink a lot of water and then also with the addition of 2 slices of lemon, it is even so that I also take the water to bed with me and when I have gone to pee, always take a sip before going back to sleep.
  12. It is striking what you say there, because of austerity I started drinking Hong tong/cola every other day, the other day I drink 2 glasses of wine. The remarkable thing is that last night, as happens more often, I had trouble falling asleep, it took 1.5 hours before I slept also I perspired more than usual. That can't be from the coffee, I only drink that in the morning, so it could well be because of the cola. I always drink those two glasses before dinner, but because of your comment and last night's experience, I am considering quitting that mix, and stick to wine again. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
  13. Yes that too takes place, if I consume more than 2 glasses of alcohol I start sweating heavily at night. Edit: Just now I stopped after my second mix of Hon-Tong/cola
  14. It is always nice to see a photo of a new road but is it always too much trouble to show a situation sketch of the surroundings? That's more helpful than a picture of the road.
  15. I never look before I sit down, but then we have a closed system
  16. It is nice to read your experiences. Like many elderly people, I too have the same prostate problems and that means I have to get out on average 3 times a night to pee. But what concerns me and I therefore wonder: do you drink alcohol? I drink 2 glasses a day, but I think it affects the number of times you have to get out of bed at night.
  17. That's all Thai-style, you can't expect much in Thailand when it comes to aftercare, unfortunately.
  18. The officials never see the movie 'Braeking Bad'?
  19. Not to mention because of poor driving instruction, not being sufficiently aware of rear-wheel-drive cars.
  20. Would she have learned her lesson?
  21. They only post those instructions for us so we get the impression they are doing a good job and have everything under control. Perhaps the signs are placed by order of the government.
  22. So people are still wondering how it happened. It used to be Ital-Thai, well, big disasters happen in Italy with construction too, but I think the Italians are a bit more careful and meticulous about building these monstrosities, so better start working together again soon.
  23. He used to be, but that did not bring in enough, hence he changed his profession.
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