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Posts posted by dansan

  1. I did the same once in Phnom Penh back in 2000.

    Riding home pissed on my Vespa and hit a pothole, next thing I know I am on the floor with the 1960's Vespa laying on top of me.

    Tried to get the bike off then noticed that I couldn't because the brake lever had become impaled in my calf muscle.

    Still got the scar on my leg as the doctor that did the stitches in PP was hard of sight and had to get the nurse in to finish the stitches that he had totally ballsed up.


  2. Can anyone answer this one? It's been bugging me for a while...

    When this was first spoken about and also subsequently there is normally a HUGE figure touted that foreigners "farang" are costing them on a yearly basis through no insurance and clogging their health care system up.

    How much if any of that amount are Khmer, Burmese or Laotian?

    I can't ever recall reading that those people are NOT included in these government quoted figures.

  3. None of what he says makes any sense seeing as we all know Yingluck met him and sat down for talks.

    Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, however, held a dialogue with Mr Suthep in the presence of the country's top military brass on Sunday. Mr Surapong did not mention the Sunday talk.

    Smoke but unfortunately no fire.

  4. For me it's Roboform all the way.

    Worth it's weight in gold and the app for Android or iPhone is a doozy. Plus it integrates with browsers on Android devices.

    Been using it for years and you would have to tear it from my cold dead hands ;)

    I'd be lost without it. But thankfully they also have a cloud Sync option so nothing is ever lost.

  5. government is blocking datacenters to censor media about current situation.

    Wish it was as simple as that mate.

    This smacks of a simple regular maintenance period that know one care to inform the poor support staff of.

  6. You see it's days like this that always take me back to a time in 2006 / 2007 when I had moved to Koh Phangan.

    When I got there it was still pretty much dial up. I asked a few people and had seen a sign or two that said high-speed, not your normal dodgy satellite high-speed that we can all remember but proper broadband.

    I found the shop in Tong Sala and managed to order it. They had to go to Koh Samui to get it and it took about a week. We got it under the womans name who owned the bungalows.

    It all worked really well... Until...

    We had an outage. I called in to support and they asked the normal questions like your name and number etc... I gave it to them and then I got the obligatory silence on the line for a while.

    Once the young lady came back she asked me to repeat where it was that I was at that time.

    I said "Koh Phangan". She asked for the details again and another long silence ensued.

    When she finally came back she said that she could not help as it was impossible that I could have high-speed on Phangan and that was I sure that I actually had broadband.

    That was the last time I ever called support for internet in this country ever again.

  7. No change here but no doubt it will eventually come back.

    Just boggles the mind how much is lost each year here through outages like this, how on earth they expect to ever gain any ground in the area of online commerce is totally beyond me.

  8. Mid November?! So that's potentially a week without access to some of these sites? Anyone got a recommendation for a cheap VPN in that case?

    Yeah, anyone that is using a VPN that's working fine and of a reasonable price I would be grateful to hear about it.

  9. Well, some sites that weren't working this morning for me are connecting again all of a sudden. Amazon is still unavailable, but maybe this is a sign they're working on it?

    Yeap, WIkipedia seems to have started to load up for me again.

    All I want is access to my VPS then I can rest easy...

  10. Use 3BB in Hua Hin and noticed this morning that I can't access http://www.raspberrypi.org/ - maybe that this is blocked as well......

    I don't think any of this has been deliberately blocked - the sites affected are too broad and varied. Someone has just screwed up somewhere.

    I agree, it's just too random.

    I can access http://gawker.com but cannot access their shortened URL http://gaw.kr/5AipSNR

    Maybe time to go out and see the world whilst we all wait for this to rectify itself :)

  11. Yep, BBC and other some sites mentioned won't load for me with True on my desktop but will load on my phone. Last time I saw this happen was when True instead of blocking one site simply blocked everything on that server including a range of sites that were just regular sites, nothing malicious.

    Was it resolved fairly quickly?

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