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Posts posted by bungalowbob

  1. If it was priced as 300 baht and you paid 450 baht then you have been over charged. If as I think the case may be you just thought it was going to cost around 300 baht when in fact they charge for the fish by the kilo or that is plainly the price then you simply went to the wrong restaurant in Chumphon. I lived there for a while and it has some of the best restaurants I have eaten in and have never been overcharged there before.

  2. There may indeed be a set of laws governing behaviour on the Thai roads but as NOBODY has either read them or if they have bothers to abide by them you reading them wouldn't do much good.

    Expect the unexpected, drive with the finger on the horn button and ride / drive slow enough to react to anything and never be in a hurry to get anywhere.

    Apart from those driving here is great.

    Been all around Thailand and done thousands of clicks and never had an accident.

    I actually feel safer riding my bikes here than back home as at least here they expect lots of bikes about unlike the UK where they simply " I Didn't see you " crap

  3. I had a Worldtech unit fitted to my Yaris. A 7 inch touch screen unit that has TV / DVD / Radio / Sat nav / internet / Bluetooth hands free / reversing camera etc etc. A very nice unit that uses the Papago GPS system. Very impressed with it and the one query I had I emailed them and had a customer service person called me to answer my question within a couple of hours of sending the email. Again very impressed wit their customer relations department.

    So an all singing and dancing unit was 28,000 baht fitted and that is here on Samui which is an expensive place to get anything so elsewhere probably a few k cheaper.

    I did look at the Technics and Kenwood units but they were more expensive and didn't have a s many features as well.

  4. Is your email bungalowbob@[yahoo/gmail/freeemail.com/hotmail.com]?

    Some creative spammers have been know to automatically scrap username from forums and append the popular free email providers. Just a thought

    Nope nothing close to my posting name for that very reason.

  5. I do not believe for one minute you have never given your address to anyone else. Never filled out an Immigration form, purchased a phone, got members cards to any stores?

    So I'm a liar now ?

    I havegiven out my address to loads of people but not the one the spam was sent to

    Whenever I open an account on a forum or website I don't know a lot about I always use a throw away email address as I did here for that very reason. I opened this account with a fresh email address. The only mail it gets is from TV. I have other addresses which I use but this has only ever been used here on TV so nobody else has this address that I know so it couldn't have come from a friends compromised account either.

    I thought that brining it to your attention may been to your benefit. Now I just seem to get flak for mentioning it.

    I'll keep my mouth shut from now on.

  6. The email address it was sent to was the one attached solely to Thai visa and no other site.

    The only way it could have come was through this forum.

    Saying that my details could have been purchased from any source worldwide also doesn't hold water.

    A Thai security firm mailing me after joining a Thai forum mad.gif

    Anybody heard of them ?


  7. Has anybody else been spammed by this company. The only Samui based website I belong to is this one so Why is my email being given out to companies ?

    Can you tell XXXXXXXXX I don't want any <deleted> 24 security

    Not impressed


  8. I have a couple of waterproof housings for the coolpix. Not sure which model but the cameras are long gone. I will see if I can dig them out and check. You are better off with a housing as the bags tend to blur the pictures.

    Here on Samui I can get a 12 megapixel camera with a housing rated to 40 metres for around the 7000 baht mark. not a brand name but takes cracking pictures for the price. I just picked up the latest Panasonic Lumix. Waterproof to 12 metres without a housing, has a depth gauge and altimeter and has GPS as well. It also takes full HD movies as well. All for 12,500 baht up in BKK

  9. And you honestly believe that

    A The director will read it or even reads English ?

    B Has the faintest idea of what Thai Visa or any other Farang forum is ?

    C You think they understand " it sucks " which is an Americanism any way ? or any of the other slang words you have used ?

    To be honest even if you were writing to an English company after reading the first few lines it would simply get binned. I struggled to follow it and I'm English.

    If you really wanted to complain then get a Thai to write in Thai. Even then it isn't going to make the least bit of difference to the director of TOT who couldn't give a monkeys if you never have internet ever again.

    Just hope it made you feel better after having your rant ?

  10. So you get some dodgy emails and now we are all to be on the lookout for some type of virus ?

    And when you said brief warning you were right as I for one haven't the faintest idea what you are going on about ?

  11. <Snip>

    As for the LM laws here it is quite simple. Don't slag off the royal family and you have no worries.

    Can you imagine the Thai's letting the kings car be attacked by rioting students as happened to the future king and his wife in London.

    If there is no respect for the royal family you will end up with the way it is back in the UK.

    Long may it last here in my opinion

  12. Just where do you draw the line about racism ? Is it just between different colours ? religions ? countries ?

    WHERE ?

    I'm British. In the UK we have different regions / counties etc. We have a habit of giving them names.

    Come from Ireland you are a " thick Mick / paddy "

    From Scotland you are a " sweaty sock, Jock, Jockanese, jimmy "

    From Liverpool you are " a Scouse or theiving scouse git "

    From Newcastle you are a Geordie

    Hartlepool a monkey hanger

    from Wales a sheep shagger / leek muncher

    London a Cockney or a Soft southern shandy drinking nancy

    Do you get the point ?

    When I worked in London, which was often I was called a Northern monkey and told to &lt;deleted&gt; off back ooop north

    These are all between the same coloured people from the same country.

    My mother told me when I started school

    " Sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you "

    And she was right. Dead right

    I have worked all over the world and have been called every name under the sun and it hasn't bothered me a bit.

    These politically correct days, especially in the UK we have become a nation of poor defenceless victims.

    people need to

    1 grow some thicker skin

    2 ignore the bigots as they are the sad ones

    3 Get on with your life

    Just my 2 satangs worth

  13. Just like the ski slope will never be built neither will they build another airport here on Samui. It just isn't ever going to happen. And as said what is going to be the difference between one private airport and another ? You may be able to get more people onto the island but it is never going to be way cheaper at one.

    When the can sort out the taxi's and songthows on the island then they can sort out the airport.

    Just don't hold your breath

  14. My mate takes care of a 5 bed villa up in the mountains here on Samui. no neighbours for miles and he couldn't give a toss whether the customers want to run around naked make loads of noise or are gay. I have said to him he wants to try the naturist market. The gay naturist market is an even better niche whistling.gif if you have the customers he has the villa wink.gif

    Drop me a PM if you want the villa details.

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