Hi Guys, hope you are good.
We are in the process of laying a lawn of about 150 m2 at our newly built house. I want to put a watering system down first, then lay the lawn on top of the pipes. We have one Hitachi pump for all our watering needs in the garden. This pump is not strong enough to water 150 m2 all at once, so i have put some valves in, and we should be able to water about a quarter at a time, then switch to the next section.
At the minute i am laying the pipes, and trying out a few sprinklers. I am finding though, that i can only get about 5 sprinklers per set of pipes, and each of these sprinklers will only cover a distance of about 2 metres each (ie will water a circle of diameter about 4 metres).
This means i am using a lot of pipe, plus the watering process will take take a long time, as i need to switch to the 4 different stages of the garden (plus we have the front garden to do).
I have been using various types of screw on sprinklers from Thai Watsadu. They are only about 10 baht each, but as i say, seem to only cover a small area.
Can any recommend the best type of sprinklers to use. We did try the rotating arm ones, with the spring, that spike into the ground, but these are quite big, and easy to break, and dont look too great due to the size.
Any recommendations guys?