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Everything posted by UKJASE

  1. yes, in HH price 10 k
  2. not all land offices will give one tho i believe...... i paid tea money for my usurfruct, but it wasnt too much, and was worth it for peace of mind. my name was put onto the back of the chanote you and your wife should speak to the land office and see what they will do
  3. they are brand new already, so i am not sure replacing the battery would help too much. as much as i hate throwing stuff out to landfill, i may just have to let these limp on and add a couple of brighter ones to the garden
  4. Thanks very Much Billd... they look great and a good price i have just ordered 2 on lazada.... thanks again buddy :)
  5. might have to start queueing again for semi final tickets now Will!!! with big Josh up front :) hope you are well mate - UTB
  6. there must have been some beer flowing when these lassies got chosen!!
  7. can you receommend a good one mate? i had great luck with our solars bought a year or two ago, but bought some more recently, and these ones fade out after about 4 hours, which is much earlier than the older lights start to fade.... you got any links and i think we will purchase some more?
  8. i hope you're a boro supporter, and not a makkum or a leeds fan!! ;)
  9. amsterdam has always complained they have a problem with riff raff and anti social behaviour etc i wonder if they legalisation of ganja here will have that same effect in some of the cities?
  10. nowt wrong with middlesbrough ;)
  11. grab are ok in hua hin, the last time i used them the songthaew are ok, but seem to run very infrequently for some reason. tuk tuk have always been expensive, but i have seen more thais using them now, so maybe they have started to drop their prices
  12. 91 and 95 are priced very similarly at two of my local gas stations...... maybe 50 satang price difference, so i always get 95
  13. just an update guys - i emailed the embassy and they replied quickly, and this was their answer regarding my upcoming appt "We can confirm that the Affirmation of marital status, and certification of a copy of your passport, can be done during the one appointment Furthermore, please bring the original Thai divorce document (there is no need for a covering letter). As you have used your Thai address on the affirmation application you need to provide us with a document from our list of acceptable documents for proof of address. Please see the list within our Notarial and Document Services page for Thailand on GOV.UK. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/notarial-and-documentary-services-guide-for-thailand#what-supporting-documents-you-need-to-provide (after reading - driving licence UK is enough) However, as you do not have a Tabien Baan (Yellow Book) or pink ID card, please check with the district office to ensure they will accept the affirmation with a Thai address. Alternatively, you can bring proof of address outside of Thailand and it can be changed on the application during your appointment." we went to our local amphur in hua hin and they dont require i bring pink card / yellow book so, pretty standard paperwork required, and not as complex as i read when looking at the embassy website
  14. Hi Guys, I hope you can help me please. I am from UK, my fiance is Thai I have an appointment at the UK Embassy Bangkok next week, for an Affirmation To Marry, and Passport Certification The online application process has instructed me to bring the following documents, and i am not sure i have exactly what they need. The application asked for these 2 documents "1 - Original decree absolute or PDF and covering letter or email from the court. For all divorces registered outside the UK, you will need to provide evidence that you or your former spouse were resident or a national of the country where the divorce took place 2 - (if stating a Thai address on your affirmation) Original yellow book or pink ID card" So, I have my decree absolute (thai divorce certificate), but i dont have a covering letter from a court (we didnt go to court to divorce) or an email. Will my divorce certificate be enough? Also what is "evidence that you or your former spouse were resident or a national of the country"? Is a Thai Divorce certificate evidence enough that we (she) was a Thai resident (or do i need a copy of ex wife ID card)? Also, regarding point 2, i dont have a yellow book, or pink ID card, but i do live in thailand. Will this cause a problem? is there anything else i could use for proof of address? Maybe something from my local immigration office? Not even married yet and things are hard work 🐵 hoping someone can advise..... khop kuhn khrap
  15. do the members of the group face prosecution too? i hope so.....
  16. i love japan - i have been twice this year with the mrs and we both loved it. after 12 years in thailand it is somewhere i would seriously consider living. please answer the question re visa GG as i am interested too......
  17. to stop mine flowering in the shorter days, i installed some solar lights above the plant. they would kick in when it got dark and would normally fade out by midnight or something. these stopped the plants flowering before i wanted them to i dont think it takes much artificial light to stop them flowering. there is a shop selling plants near me, and his plants grow huge and never flower, becuase he has street lamps outside his store ????
  18. yea, we had to land at Don Meuang (due to land at 7.15pm) with lightening flashing all around us. all the thais (who can sleep on mini vans without a seat belt quite easily) hardly blinked..... i was cakking it ????
  19. good reviews Big Nok...... not sure on how accurate all of them are, but you have certainly covered a lot of ground!! have you not decided yet where to lay your hat, or do you just move on to somewhere where you dont have a bar bill yet? ???? good travel guide buddy
  20. it must have been heavy rain in bangkok last night, as our flight from tokyo got diverted from swampy and had to land at don meuang, due to too much rain. we then sat on the runway for 30 minutes, and took off again and landed in swampy!! added three hours to our journey time
  21. i got a great one with films, series, live sports, 15000 channels, plus catch up from 7 days of about 60 main channels hardly buffers and not hard to set up guy works out of UK / pattaya.... only about 3,500 B a year
  22. lock up the scammers for a long time!! A scourge on society ????
  23. we should all dedicate a bit of time to winding these scammers up - waste as much of their time as you can ????
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