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Jimmy in Bangkok

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Posts posted by Jimmy in Bangkok

  1. Thanks Jimmy! That is good to know - for $5/year it must be said to be pretty good value then! Did you notice any fees when/if pulling cash?

    If you have it; what exchange rate did you get? (if you can give me a date with it and I can check out at www.oanda.com how much commission was build into the exchange rate). Cheers!

    Sorry Firefan,

    I seem to have forgotten this thread my appologies. In answer to your question there is no info on the receipt except for the amount withdrawn (in Aus$), card number etc. Nothing on fees or exchange rate mate and as it doesn't give an account balance after withdrawal I can't even work it out for you that way either. When the statement comes in I'll let you know though. Cheers :o

  2. My gf literally got caught between them, with a small squeal. I looked back to find her stuck and looking a little helpless...frequently tease her about it.

    Guards will be more than happy to let your wife through the gate, Im sure.

    Very true OxfordWill,

    Every time my wife and I went on the BTS the guards led her through the other gate off to the side and passed her ticket through the turnstile for her. They always seem to be on the lookout for pregnant woman or people in wheel chairs etc. A pregnant woman shouldn't have to go through the turnstile at all.

  3. I will be arriving in Bangkok Christmas Eve and as we have not had a Christmas Dinner for a few years I would like to find a place somewhere in Bangkok.

    I imagine the International Hotels would have something but would appreciate any input the board members can give.

    Cost is also a factor as there will be myself, my wife and daughter and of cause I will have to pay for a few of my wifes family, sisters nieces nephews etc.

    I am Australian so looking for traditional British / Australian Christmas Dinner.

    Any recommendations on restuarants would be appreciated.



    i thought australians had BBQ for x-mas . I guess if cost is a factor you could start saving now. maybe put some money in equities or to be on the safe side a fixed term deposit . :o

    Yep the good old kangaroo on a spit mate Hmmmmm tasty :D

  4. 1 New Years resolution. I MUST LEARN MORE THAI! And stop being so fukcing lazy.  Happy New year everyone for when it comes

    I agree with you Jockstar. I must try to learn before the New Year but it is not easy as I am working out of Country and people want me to speak Urdu so I reply in Thai.

    Yeah you'd better add me to that resolution too guys but I have the same problem as build766 although people want me to speak in Hindi not Urdu. Working out of the country does make it extremely difficult to pick it up although there is nothing to sto me from getting lessons when I'm home though (except for sheer laziness) :o

  5. Thanks Abdul,

    I will upgrade anyway from my BKK bank card (only) to the B1st visa electron (if they let me) as the price difference is only 100B/year. I will then test out the card in shop/for cash Etc. and post a new thread with my results here. Many shops here wants to charge extra for using credit or debut cards - no matter WHERE they are from. CHeers!


    I have the B1st electron visa myself and have had no problems using it anywhere as yet. I recently went to Aus and also used it there with no dramas either both in shop and for cash. It seems to be a pretty good card. :o

  6. Well a2936,

    I agree with, it is totally up to your disscresion. My wife and I have joint accounts and my wife is phenomenal at saving (a ###### sight better than myself actualy). I have helped out my M & F in law only a couple of times and they don't treat me as an ATM either. I brought my F in law a motorcycle and he started doing MC taxi-ing and still does to this day. I paid for my M in law to have a full medical check up and that's about it. I did start to help pay for my brother in laws schooling but he started to cut school and hang out with his mates instead. My wife found out and went ballistic, a family meeting was called and he was told straight out (by my wife not myself) that the money was cut off and he would have to make his own arrangements and the whole family agreed.

    It is clearly understood that if any of my Thai family have any urgent medical need that both my wife and I will do all that we can to help.

    I guess reading some of these other posts that I must be really lucky. My wife could empty the bank accounts any time she wanted to although they would remain that way as well but as I trust her implicitly and she has done nothing at any stage of our relationship to break that trust I am quite happy for things to continue just as they are.

    Even buying something small for my in laws gets an admonishment from my M in law about unecessary spending. It's not that I wouldn't give them money it's that they don't want it unless it's an emergency.

    My wife tells me where every baht has gone not because I ask but because she wants me to know. Since meeting my wife I've never had so much money in the bank and it's a ###### sight more than what I had in the bank in Aus with an Aussie wife and with no explanation of where it was going.

    Jimmy :o

    P.S My F in law repiad all the money we gave him for the original outlay of the M/C and was never late with a payment nor did he miss any.

  7. I think it would be foolish to get involved in a Thai domestic. Unless it is your own family.

    An example ...mother-in-law was trying to lame claim  to the my wife's house( her grandmother left it to my wife , all documented) bicht-in law goes crazy and slaps my wife and trys to yank the roots out of her hair . It might sound corny, but i got out the hose and turned it on the catfight . All this with a two year old watching  :o

    Funny the next day, everything went back to normal  :D

    Yeah 350Torana it was the same with the family next door. The next day it was if it never happened. I'm not sure which part scared me the most, the knife or the casual indifference after the fact.

    My wife did try calling the cops but they obviously did'nt want anything to do with it as no-one turned up.

    My biggest worry is not someone perpetrating something against me directly but indirectly getting caught up in someone elses fight/argument and not being able to get out of the way.

  8. Chubby cheeks=cute kid, & your girls got 'em.

    Congrats Jimmy! :o

    Cheers mate,

    Everyone has said she looks like me so far (much to my wife's disgust) and I reckon she must be off to a good start if that's so :D

    That's what everyone said about my daughter, now she looks nothing like me. All mama there, thank god! :D

    I can only hope she will grow out of it later on. There's still hope :D

  9. Congrats mate.

      I just worry in 15 years u will be standing outside your door with a baseball bat beating off guys  :D

      They grow up so quick, our first born is on the cusp of two and are trying for number two  . Wifey wants 3 more girls  :o

    You're not the only one who's worrying mate :D and they do grow up so quick. I have a daughter in Aus who will be 14 y/o in Aug and her sister is 12 y/o and a son to another marriage who is 9 y/o and it seems like yesterday they were all just coming home from the hospital themselves.

    It certainly sounds like you're going to be a busy fella as well there 350Torana :D Good luck. Maybe we can buy baseball bats in bulk and get some sort of discount.

    By the way, love the nick and the avatar, about the only thing I miss here is the good old Aussie muscle car :D

  10. (the doctor has left this my own decretion as we have a long relationship).

    He's obviously not your friend or totally incompetent.

    Good doctors do not give Xanax for extended periods for stress-related illnesses, especially to people who go on drinking bouts. Are you telling us the truth, Jeffery?

    Give them up and quit drinking, the best way to combat stress.

    Don't go to Pattaya too, it sounds like a nightmare for yourself.

    thanks for info,

    I am expecting the outcome of an important litigation case with the US army due to a nasty head wound i received while overseas. I was advised by my attorney that it would have a huge impact on the case if i could prove I had a dependancy on certain types of medication so I will need medical records from the hospital.. I am currently on extended medical leave but my attorney said things may move quicker than expected. I will unwind in Pattaya in the meantime. I heard there are many nice bars there to relax and get myself sorted :o

    No offence meant here Jeffery but I would be more worried about the huge impact it would have on yourself becoming dependant on a drug like that (or any other for that matter) rather than the impact it would have on the case.

    Anyone who would suggest that becoming dependant on medication is a good idea for their clients case really shouldn't be giving any sort of advice let alone legal advice.

    Unless I've read your post wrong and what he is saying is have the records but don't necessarily take the drugs? If so I appologize for the mistake.

  11. Thailand mulls import of Vietnamase, Filipino workers 

    BANGKOK: --  To ease skilled labour shortage in the textile sector, the Labour Ministry will consider importing workers from Vietnam and the Philippines, said Labour Minister Sora-at Klinpratoom.

    An executive committee on migrant labour administration will meet in September to decide on the issue and how to make it possible to legally bring in workers from these countries.

    Mr. Sora-at said the Textile Industries Association has made an appeal to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Somkid Jatusripitak for urgent consideration.

    Mr Sora-at said he believed the proposal by the textile operators possible, even though in practice, the law on migrant labour will need to be amended.

    Currently the Thai law allows for import of migrant labour from three countries namely Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. However, the textile sector said workers from these countries are unskilled and in order to compete in the export market, they need to hire up to 60,000 skilled workers from Vietnam and the Philippines.

    --TNA 2005-07-21

    This is most ridiculous thing i have ever heard .

    Absolutely no argument there Jrincon17. I'll bet the average unemployed Thai would be wrapped to hear about that proposed decision :o

  12. Yes I would say a complete clean up needed to be done urgently. Talk about stating the obvious. Thanks Mr Yukol for pointing that out. This thing just gets bigger and bigger despite the government saying how they've got it all under control. (I just re-read that last part and don't believe I actualy said it) :o

  13. Nice Shooting Brits!



    Yeah I'll put in a well done from the Aussies. These ba##ards don't deserve any mercy at all. :o and I also agree with Boo and Pattaya Fox Who the <deleted> would run from a bunch of heavily armed police no matter where you are especially after the recent sh#t that's gone down over there?

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