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Posts posted by DualSportBiker

  1. Regardless of the mode of transport, you should get more familiar with how traffic flows here before you get behind the wheel or on a bike. I'm not suggesting months, but more than a couple of days... Having a GPS a and a planned route will address some, if not most navigation issues correctly brought up above, however layouts change, u-turns are not open 24*7, some bridges are OK to use, some are not...

    IMHO a up-country is more dangerous than Bkk, space means speed for you and the cages that might hit you.

    Never ride at night outside a big city. Avoid market times. Avoid closing times. Wear all the gear all the time. Enjoy.

    • Like 1
  2. This is a thread about e-bikes, but... Thorium is also real...

    I'm not sure about cold fusion (snicker, snicker) but liquid floride thorium reactors seem a no-brainer.

    The physics behind LFTR is well understood.

    Cold fusion, not at all. whistling.gif

    Politics of vested interests is the snag.

    Hey, is that Thor depicted in your avitar?

    Prophetic!! clap2.gif

    Some people read... Others piss in the wind.... coffee1.gif

    Cold fusion reactor verified by third-party researchers, seems to have 1 million times the energy density of gasoline


  3. Now then, here's your viewing list...coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

    The positive reviews:

    E-Superbike - Mission RS

    Jay Leno's review - Mission RS

    End of gas powered...?

    The negative:

    The shocking truth (N.B. May 2012 - outdated)

    And there's the rub - a 2012 e-bike is no longer relevant because the batteries are half the performance of 2014 batteries. So when you buy an e-bike in 2015, when will its batteries be outdated? Modular is key, and it looks like most manufacturers are aware. As there are few parts to replace (tires cost more than power for Tesla) they need to lock in future revenue from customers; designing for obsolescence with easily replaceable batteries is almost all they can do.

    Whatever you ride - enjoy!

  4. I can appreciate people being too entrenched to give e-bikes a serious thought, but they will replace combustion bikes and that process will start soon. Most bike trips are short, and although they might be scooters, what is learned over the first years e-scooters are rolled out will apply to bigger bikes.

    Charging times and capacities are both dropping at significant rates - one company in Singapore is committed to a e-car battery that will charge in 3 minutes, and their prototype is ahead of performance targets so far... New chemistries are going to change power to weight ratios, and hitting 150 mile-range will very quickly be a non-issue.

    RBS - what's with the need for a gearbox? Are you focused on engine braking? because if yes, these new e-bikes like the Lightening have pretty decent regenerative braking performance and slow up well when you roll off the power. I'll look for some vids I found on YouTube two weeks back when I get on a real computer and off this iPad... The rider, a track trainer, was very impressed with the performance and feel.

    One final note - 20 seconds faster over a 10-minute run is a significant win 3% if my maths is right. Where's the toy in that?

  5. Can't help you on strips of LED, although slightly larger LED are easily available here. I use VisionX LED on my bike and my Landys. 0.75 amps per bulb at 900 lumens output. USD105 each plus shipping from VisionX wholesale website. You could also check out Clearwater who make a pair of 6,000 lumen lights if you need your own personal sun.

    The strips you found look pretty nifty, let me know if you find the locally please.

  6. Checked quite a few bike rental shops in VTE - would not take one of their bikes across town let alone out of it.

    Must leave passport - and pay full replacement price if it gets ripped off. No matter how old it is.

    This ended it for me.

    Sorry this took me a while, but I've been busy. Did you contact RemoteAsia? James Barbush took 4 of my mates around Laos two years back and they had a super time. Bikes in good condition, and great guiding.

  7. Gents, I can't make it. Although my clutch is fixed and awaiting collection, I have been booked on a flight south for a wedding.

    FYI, there is a Thai Adventure Bikers trip to Tee Lor Su that weekend, so had the weeding been another time I would have been traumatised by deciding to retake the hills I lost last weekend, or ride with people I don't know and might also enjoy company thereof.

    Hope y'aal have fun and return safe. Cheers.

  8. As for the return ride, Pai to CM is a morning ride so you can push on to Lumphun and Lampang and down the 11 to home. To be honest, I'd go back the way I came because there are more curves to enjoy!

    If time was not an obstacle, ride east to Nan and the 1026 to the Sirikit reservoir that borders Uttaradit province. Finding your way home from there would be easy.

    • Like 1
  9. Good route selection. Point 16 is where my clutch died - be sure to wai.gif your bikes as you go by for a good omen, or not...

    October 5 is just around the corner, and the torx keys have only touched my bike's clutch assembly as I type... unlikely, but I'll try. See if I can borrow my mates spare KTM 1290?? would be nice.

    I rode the 3282 in error returning from somewhere last year in the rain. My fuel light came on when still near the pond and it was dark under the storm clouds, the rain was so heavy that the run-off from the fields on the east side of the road was 40cm deep. If I had slowed down much more I don't think I would have had enough weight on the front wheel to hold against the force of water. They were pretty shocked when I pulled into the fuel station at the Ban Suan resort!! I was a tad wet.

    Some of my favourite parts of Thailand up there... Enjoy!

    • Like 2
  10. Same here on both counts. Ironically the furthest I have ridden my bike outside Thai borders is at the crossing specific to this thread... Two planned trips to Laos failed due to lost passports!

    My error was in inverting his description of the policy which was to clamp down on visa runs of tourist visas. In doing so I omitted the other types you listed.

    No problem, I'm glad to be corrected whenever I'm wrong. Beside, I would love to do some international bike touring someday.

  11. My error was in inverting his description of the policy which was to clamp down on visa runs of tourist visas. In doing so I omitted the other types you listed.

    It was my understanding that changes were pervasive and would drive the need to get a visa for the neighbouring country regardless of where the border was to be crossed.

    There have been no changes on that. Myanmar require a visa only at certain posts, while at others a daily border pass is enough, as you reported.

    I think that the officer you quoted was trying to convey that he would have not let someone without a thailand visa valid to re-entry, to just leave and come back visa exempt.

    He would have required such subject to have a myanmar visa, and to stay there.

  12. Dutchissan - any chance you can dig out the hotel info? I am always looking for options... try Google Street View to locate it wai2.gif

    I stayed in Li at the IngFa resort at these coords 17.804403, 98.947042. We ate across the street in a fun little venue where I ratcheted up my spice tolerance a couple of notches with this beef salad! Apparently the people of Li like to turn on the heat.

    Whichever way you go, enjoy the ride...


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  13. Check your post #123 in this thread. You and tomtomtom69, post #124. Were you two correct, my visa run yesterday would have been a failure. Or am I reading you wrong?

    Looks like my mate at immigration was right, but if you believe the nay-sayers like paz, Mae Sot is actually cut off from national policy and operating in a vacuum until someone with brain turns up and corrects them and we are all forced to get a visa for Burma.

    Not sure why you are mentioning me but if you can please show me where I ever said one needs a Myanmar visa for Mae Sot border hop.

  14. Not sure if this has been addressed in other threads, but I just completed my visa run without a hitch. I went to Mae Sot with no Burmese visa in my passport. It all went down like every time prior; stamped out, walk over, pay 500 Baht, walk back, stamped in with 90 days. I am on a Non-Imm 'O' issued in Singapore (FWTW).

    Looks like my mate at immigration was right, but if you believe the nay-sayers like paz, Mae Sot is actually cut off from national policy and operating in a vacuum until someone with brain turns up and corrects them and we are all forced to get a visa for Burma.

    • Like 1
  15. I've heard some, if not several of the instructors have sufficient English to be functional. There is a limited vocabulary for riding a bike, it is not a date! Riding in groups is preferable as you see multiple examples of how to and how not to implement each incremental instruction.

    It is my understanding that the schools you refer to are conducting only group lessons in Thai language...

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