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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. I am 78 years old and living in the UK.

    Monthly council tax £105, (discounted)

    I own the flat I live in, but I do have to pay £170 pm service charge and a £30 quarterly ground rent.

    My grocery bill is usually around £100 pm (varies acording to how much beer included!)

    Bus passes must be applied for from the county by the council tax payer.

    Free tv licence also must be applied for with proof of age.

    I hope this answers some of his questions.

    One thing I will add, if he qualifies for NI Pension, get it up rated by the tax office on his return.

    • Like 1
  2. I have just one trick I use with Q jumpers.

    A good long attempt at clearing my throat!

    There is not one nationality that I have found wants to be in front of you if you succeed! :D:o

  3. I know I asked in another thread for the sight of a little laterite mate, but don't you think this is a bit much?

    Good on yer, as they say!Unfortunatly did not take any photos of my own while up there, which is strange considering I did of everywhere else.

    Nice to see the old place again, really must try to get over there again when I get back to LOS at the end of the month.

    All the best, Peter.

  4. Illegal? Yes! Morally wrong? Yes!

    But how about the £500,000 the British government steals every year from the retirees that have worked all their lives, paid their dues every week but choose to enjoy a sunnier life and move to a foreign country like Thailand?

    Isnt it closer to 5 billion i am sure pensioners can afford 500k between them.

    You are right of course, and I do apologize. My only excuse is it was late and I was tired.

    The amount is just under the half billion, with that every UK expat would receive annual increases which they are now denied.

    Does that make it any less immoral?

  5. Illegal? Yes! Morally wrong? Yes!

    But how about the £500,000 the British government steals every year from the retirees that have worked all their lives, paid their dues every week but choose to enjoy a sunnier life and move to a foriegn country like Thailand?

    Because 'they' are the government and what 'they' do is legal, does that make it morally right? Is it any less robbery than this bloke above?

    I do not think so!

  6. Hi PeaceBlondie, had this myself a few years back, in the UK should add, pinkie becoming useless and whole hand weak and wasting.

    Doctor insisted on surgery otherwise faced the possible loss of the whole hand.

    Was a simple op., done under local anaesthetic, involved moving the nerve at the elbow. I believe other joints may cause the problem, but am told it is just as simple to rectify.

    The worst part was the electric shocks they applied to my arm to find which point was causing the problem.

    Have been as right as rain since!

    I do not know if this would be available to you, but worth looking into as anything is better than constant pain killers that will only become less effective over time.

  7. Just need to buy new keyboard. Has english as main characters but also Thai characters next to english ones. Now, if for some reasonm I wanted to type in Thai how do I swith to the Thai characters ? I have Thai fonts installed on Office. AM using Windows XP

    #1 with the language tab down on your toolbar, NR. clock.

    #2 alt + shift or ctrl + shift

    or #3 grave (before 1 on your keyboard.

    Up to you really, just set your preference through 'Control Panel' - 'Date Time & language options.

  8. I first came to Thailand back in the sixties. Not stopped since!

    Two Thai wives and forty years later my father decided to ask what was it I so loved about Thailand?

    My answer was to bring him along.

    Three weeks later had to drag him back to the airport, he never did stop talking about it thereafter!

  9. I have no LAN connection on my computer and cannot connect to the internet. In my network connection folder the LAN connection has disappeared. Under device manager no network adapter shows up but if I look under hidden devices it shows up. The strange thing is it happened once and I restarted (after disconnecting and reconnecting everything) and it was found and worked OK, then a day later the same thing but after a couple of restarts disconnecting and reconnecting everything it still does not show up or work. I haven't installed anything new or done anything on my computer but the problem seems to have started after an automatic windows update. Any ideas pleeeease! I think the sequence was - windows auto update - used OK then switched off computer. Switched on computer and no LAN etc Ordinary restart still no LAN Restart with disconnecting cables and power line and then it worked fine for a whole day. Switched off computer. Restart and no LAN. Restart with disconnecting everything twice and still no LAN.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Have you tried a 'System Restore' back to a date prior to the problem?

  10. Have been up, down and around Intanon many times and cannot really say I saw many opportunities for off roading, but that does not mean to say they are not there.

    I usually stay in Doilo and my favourite drive is to go Hot, Ob Luang, Tha Rua & Om Khud to Kong Khaek Nua, turning right just before Mae Chaem to climb Intanon, and this is where the driving gets to be fun!

    This route also avoids the tolls, and, up to now, has proved to be fairly traffic free, probably not no more! :o

  11. Do not beleive in taking life on any pretext, however I do feel that the deprivation of liberty, espescially for a very long, time could amount to a greater punishment, an execution providing a welcome escape!

  12. A few weeks ago, I was going through my old certs and documents because of another topic on TV.Found many to be in seriously bad shape from years in thr tropics. Problems at the folded seams, edges, water marks, faded ink, etc...

    Some of these documents, I really would like to restore as much as possible and others make backup copies as they are only gonna get in worse shape.

    Can you suggets a method ( not just a scan ) to save these documents for ruins?

    Thanks for any input.


    To preserve the originals laminating them in plastic sheaths probably the best answer, I have done this at home quite cheaply with my own Rexel laminator, but whether this is an option in LOS or not I cannot say. Others may have answers to that one.

    A walk around the office suppliers or services may come up with a solution.

  13. Not exactly on the same topic, but loosely related.....

    What I find iniquitous is the fact that government pensions are frozen if one moves to live in certain other parts of the world...Thailand being one of them....

    I have paid full dues and taxes all my life,yet my pension can never be increased, unless I return to live in the UK.

    Not being in the UK,I am not a burden on the infrastructure,thereby saving costs for the government.

    There must be many thousands of us who are in the same situation....can anyone suggest a method of contacting them , so that they may form a group which could finance some good lawyers to take this matter, as a class action,to The Court of human Rights?

    I realise that it would be a long and rocky road, especially as the defendant is a Government.

    Already formed and very much in action, easy way is to do a search for 'BEP' (British Expat Pensioners) or 'BAPA'. The former based in Oz, the latter in Canada.

    Already have actions awaiting the Court of Human Rights' hearing in Europe.

    Suspect I am not the only member on TV!

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