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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. Same as Nignoy, spent some time at Leong Nok Tha, on PCF, with the REME, prior to which I had also spent a while with the Royal Signals Detachment assigned to SEATO HQ in Bankok.

    No pics I'm afraid. Somehow had other things on my mind. Forgotten now, whatever it was! :o

  2. Attended the funeral of my last sister-in-law only last Sunday.

    You make a donation, in an envolope with your name on, and the level of donation is entirely up to you, bearing in mind what you can afford, your 'position' within the family, and the circumstances of the family itself.

    I wore a white T-shirt and off white chinos, and was told that a plain red shirt would have been acceptable, black is fairly uncommon, though closer family are taking it up. Most poorer families do not have special or 'best' clothes, so, generally speaking, clean and tidy is the by word.

    As to what to do, the ceremonies appear to vary a great deal around the country, so keep your lady close to hand and follow her guidance.

    And, strange as this may sound, I found the whole thing to be a moving but enjoyable experience, a fine way to say farewell.

  3. Does anyone have experience with these Epsons? the C45 + external cartridges is  about 3600, and the C65 is 5300

    I know that the Epson has its print heads in the machine rather than in the cartridge as the others do. But I found Epson to be perfectly reliable in the past when I had one of their dot matrix printers.

    I do not really use the printer that much, mostly for personal stuff.

    I have not found that refilling cartridges of other makes is terribly successful.

    I use Epson all the time, swear by them. Good prints, pics and text, wide range of programs through the computer and as a stand alone facility, only crib has been the price of their ink cartridges, but cheaper compatible cartridges can be found for mail order via the web. :o

  4. So many posts on lying being a Thai female trait, what a narrow view! :D

    Lying is a female thing, and on an international scale, world wide at that! :D

    Every female I have ever met has done it, and done so from an extremely young age.

    I think it is part of being a female, because they all learn it from Mum, and make sure their daughters are well versed too! :D

    Why else would they start by painting their faces? and then adjusting everything that they were blessed with in the first place? :o

    I feel the Thai girls just make it more fun. They know you know they do it, so enjoy it, and reap the rewards when they find someone gullible enough to believe them. :D

    I think the whole shebang must be something to do with hormones, cos it aint just real live girly girls, but various shades between the sexes! :D

  5. I have no problem with mixed farang/Thai marriages, have done it twice and have enjoyed all the benefits previously listed, not to mention a few of the problems.

    What I have found is the problems increase with the greater age diference, the greater the diference in ages, the greater the problems. Different ages want different lifestyles and have varying expectations of life. :o

  6. Hi,

    My wife will be flying BKK to London in January next year.  I'm in the UK and want to pay for her ticket by credit card.  I don't want to book through a UK agency as it may complicate things.

    So I'm looking for an agency in Bangkok she can book through, and I can then give my c.c. details to.  Any suggestions?


    Eastender, I do not see how things 'may get complicated' booking through a UK agency, I booked and paid for my wife to travel from Khon Kaen to London through a high street agency using my card, was all done painlessly, in fact quite pleasantly face to face with a nice young lady, a computer and a cup of coffe to boot. Wife (& son) here in UK within 4 days. I see the possibility of complications more in your proposed path. Good luck, whatever you do.

  7. Patient Observer,

    aside from posing your question, which is a good one, how much have you investigated the phylosophy behind your young lady's belief? Have you read anything on Buddhism? or are you just totally against religion and saviours per se?

    I think a little light reading on the subject would greatly enhance your comprehension of your girl friend's beliefs, and may soften your stance a little.

  8. ChrisP you beat me to the button - agree about the deterioration, Gay, Straight, Boy, Girl the fact of the matter is:

    Although Thailand has a huge sex industry, public attitudes toward nudity remain fairly conservative, reflecting society's Buddhist roots.


    well ... maybe TH gays (people) just ashame to be nuded in public

    What are the Thai words for modesty, immodesty, or even exhibitionism?

    Being just a few that come to mind! :o

  9. No I agree with the Doctor :D

    so many people come here with the idea that the country is open to abuse of all kinds. maybee 20 years ago, but DEFINATLEY not so today.

    BEHAVE, show some RESPECT and you will be fine, MISSBEHAVE and you will find yourself in very deep shit. (if you get caught :o )

    Not even Forty years ago, beleive me, the faces may change, but the rules remain the same! :D

  10. With much bias as a pig some would point their finger at another not even considering

    that wrestling with pigs in a mud hole (TV Forum) noting you get plenty dirty and the pig

    likes it.

    Seen this sentiment on the boards somewhere as someones nick!

    Could well be wrong, most likely am, but.........cannot help but wonder! :o

    It seems the guy was inspired by my signature...

    Camerata, I AM grovelling! You would be my last suspect.

    Pity the waste of space could not be inspired by some of your other sayings!

  11. With much bias as a pig some would point their finger at another not even considering

    that wrestling with pigs in a mud hole (TV Forum) noting you get plenty dirty and the pig

    likes it.

    Seen this sentiment on the boards somewhere as someones nick!

    Could well be wrong, most likely am, but.........cannot help but wonder! :o

  12. A little late in the day for my two pennorth really, but better late than never!

    I appreciate where 'plus' is comming from, and I am not out to pick arguements with anyone, but, like the OP, I initially found these laws mind boggling, and soon came close to giving up on it all, finding just too many words, too many opinions, and far too many thesis.

    I prefer to envision life as an ocean. I am the ship that passes over it. Everything that passes either over or through that ocean is going to cause a wake, or make some kind of disturbance within that ocean.

    The wake is my karma, and turmoil may well follow, and I cannot pass without causing any disturbance, so the amount of disturbance is directly related to the manner in which I travel the ocean, or life.

    Moving quietly and considerately, only minor disturbance is caused, while barging ahead at full tilt will make a wake that will turn life upside down for myself and others well out of sight. Add to this the fact that sooner or later, you will have to slow down or stop, you have the problem of the following turmoil overtaking you.

    This, to my mind, is karma. Forget 'previous lives', it is now too late to do anything about them! Concentrate on what you are doing now, what you plan on doing in a moment or two, how will it affect yourself? those near you, dear to you, or just simply those living the same life!

    Over simplified? Quite probably is, and is very incomplete, but we all have to start somewhere.


  13. This whole thread is excellent! However it does bring to mind a chap I saw a few years ago at Don Muang, saying farewell to his tirak.

    I have always tended to dress on the conservative side, having come to Thailand as military many years ago, and since having had a couple of Thai wives the habits become ingrained. Thus it was I was carrying a jacket in preparation for the UK, and was, as I have said, dressed pretty conservatively, but I had nothing on this old fellow.

    Fully suited in heavyweight grey flannel, tie, cardigan, neck scarf, cheese-cutter and a full length tweed top coat, all worn fully buttoned and belted, and carrying a brolly!

    I think everyone there were like me and felt they were melting at his appearance. :o

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